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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Sure, and so then you are suggesting that the user create a table based on temperature measurements for all possible ambient temperatures which may be encountered in the environment in question? If so, there are tables which are already prepared available on the net, I guess. But I thought that the question was "how to calculate"....
  2. I feels sad for the landlady. Most landladies are super nice and helpful. Just because I might have a ringer, makes no difference in my feeling of real empathy for this woman. I would never abuse anyone's trust, as has this tenant. What is the world coming to, anyway (not joking)?
  3. AS PROMISED: Here is 1.5 Kg Bread Loaf with NO SUGAR ADDED (all other variables were held constant) Conclusion: a. Smells like bread b. Tastes like bread c. Looks like....a what? Does it have one leg on it? Maybe a snail? Something. What I learned: I must use a minimum of 1 Tablespoon of Sugar in order to get the yeast producing CO2 faster, maybe... Still, I will eat it, for sure. And, I would also serve it to guests. This will be good added to chicken stew.
  4. Just use Physics.Stackexchange IF you don't believe me... https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/91792/realistic-calculation-of-heat-loss-for-pipe This is NOT an engineering problem, per se. This is a simple Physics problem. But, STILL, I already linked, previously, a very helpful link specifically focused on heat loss from a pipe, which will generalize to all environmental conditions. (INCLUDING the radiative heat loss due to infrared radiation from the pipe, and the color of the pipe, by taking into account blackbody radiation, which IS mentioned on this site, and which I DID mention before in one of my previous posts, too.) So then...what's the problem?
  5. This is my point. Do you not understand it? If you test in conditions where the ambient air around the pipe matches the temp inside the pipe, then there would be zero heat loss (except for the radiative heat loss from the steel pipe). Therefore, such a calculation based on the "approach" suggested earlier would be MEANINGLESS for practical purposes of calculating convective and radiative heat loss when the ambient air is at different temperatures, say zero degrees, 50 degrees, etc. (Do you not GET this simple concept?!!!) IF the OP had said that the AMBIENT AIR TEMP will ALWAYS remain the same, then, the approach mentioned earlier could give an APPROXIMATION, but ONLY based on measurement of outlet and inlet temps, and ONLY based on the accuracy of the temperature sensor. In addition, the radiative loss from the steel pipe would DEFINITELY depend upon the COLOR of the steel pipe, since we all know about BLACK BODY radiation, do we not? (I.E. a black pipe will radiate MORE HEAT than a SILVER PIPE. NOW...do you GOT IT????) Use the formulae in the Engineering Website that I linked... Simple!
  6. Sorry, but wrong, I think. Example: Inlet Temp = 170 Degrees C Ambient Temp (around pipe) = 170 Degrees C Outlet Temp = approx 170 Degrees C (maybe slightly lower due to radiated heat from pipe) So: You say you could calculate heat loss from the steel pipe in all ambient-air conditions using the approach you approve of? Simply WRONG. Because...You canNOT. Correct?
  7. Making that simple calculation would NOT generalize to all conditions if for example you tested when the ambient temp was high, one day, your determination would NOT apply to heat loss when ambient temp was colder. Please refer to the good site which I linked in my previous comment.
  8. You will find a very thorough discussion on this good site: https://engineerexcel.com/heat-losses-from-pipes/
  9. Concerning your worry that she may suffer from Asberger's Syndrome, and you from Paranoia... You don't sound like you are paranoid. And she doesn't sound as if she is on the Autism Spectrum. I would say that you haven't known each other long time. I am a high-functioning Assberger, and I would know. I am also paranoid at times, but for good reason. So here is my very best advice for you... What you need to do is begin attending her uni classes with her. See how she interacts with here classmates and profs. Eat with her at the uni cafeteria. If you follow my good advice, all shall become clear within a week. Then, you both can decide if you wish to pursue this romantic relationship further. No charge for this internet consultation, by the way.
  10. Is this PUN intentional? Do you mean that she is physically sore? Or do you mean she is sore (angry)? I may be fatigued, but still remain curious about this topic. Clarification is needed on the two points I have mentioned, the distance question, and now this sore question. Or, did you mean she said she had a sore throat???
  11. I beg to differ. This seems completely like me, to me. I think that I may have consumed too much Gary Larson when I was at the impressionable age. I often see the world through the lens of The Far Side. Perspective is crucial to our perceptions of Reality, I think.
  12. Your Topic makes NO SENSE: a. You have a Tiny Small condo b. You say she is distant c. HOW can she be DISTANT when your condo is so small? Totally Illogical Topic.
  13. To Those, Like Me, Who Wish They Were Inebriated: When I was younger, like about the age of 15, the parents of my chum would sometimes give parties for the execs working under my chum’s father at his Oil Company. For some reason, at that particular time in history, The STINGER was a very popular drink. After a few hours of partying, and when it was time to leave, the guests would get in their cars and drive off, not before backing over the shrubs and flowers on the way out. The next morning, the hung-over father of my chum would scream and curse his guests, a blue streak. The angrier he became, the more delicious for us, simply because it was he that controlled the booze, and therefore he was obviously partially culpable for the destruction of his bushes. But what we enjoyed most was to wait for the adults to get so drunk that they would no longer care if we, too, began drinking Stingers. When I was young, I recall that we could drink up to 10 Stingers per man, and the experience was amazing! Stingers are sweet and powerful, and the flavor is also extraordinarily good if you only drink the expensive stuff: I wish I could return to those days and drink like that. What about you? But these days, I wouldn’t know what to do with a Stinger, maybe… Because, expensive straight Cognac would be better, now, in my humble view. Regards, And not even a little bit tipsy, Gamma
  14. Dear Comrades: Do you love "Xi-Jin-Ping Thought" as much as I do? AND... Do you believe in and LOVE the The Marxist-Leninist China as much as XI? Or, have you decided to NOT return to China before Xi is finally a-moldering? Have ONLY good things happened to you under Xi, as a tourist or expat in China? Or, as the years of XI dragged on, did you become slightly less enamored with XI's Great Vision? Your thoughts, please, because I love China, especially the food and the girls dressed up in their Mao Jackets. I want to get back to China...as soon as possible. And get me some more of those Ants Climbing Trees! I MISS China, BIG TIME! No doubt, so do you. But...HOW MUCH? Your Ching-ching China Man, Gamma
  15. Several years ago, I lived closer to the mountain, and I would do winds sprints, 20 to 30, up and down a fairly long section of the steeper inclines. But then, I moved away from that more hilly terrain, and I miss that great free gym of mine. These days, I am thinking I might need to build my own hill of sand in my back garden. I would need only a few truckloads of sand, and then I would be good to go. How much might a 100 tons of sand cost in Chiang Mai? (Delivery Costs?) Here is what I am talking about, and this is about the most effective exercise I know: One thing though: I now have the "Front Yard" for this. All I need is a few truckloads of sand. And, no need to cut the glass! What do you guys think? Would this be a good money-maker for me, on the side? I could charge the locals for the privilege of climbing my neighborhood hill of sand.
  16. All you guys seem in great shape at ages between about 65 and 75. That's great. That's important, too, and not just for longevity considerations. I would like to get into better shape. But I find it too boring. I would find it far less boring if I could find a woman (40-yo) to exercise with me. How much would it cost to rent a housewife, or something; but only one physically fit and interested in exercise? Or, are there any female trainers in my area, I wonder? What would be the going rate? Twice a week, 50 minutes per session might be enough. If I do not begin exercising again, I shall surely reach a point of no return, fairly quickly, because I can already feel it in my bones.
  17. Yes. I wish I could go back. Way back. Back to before I was born. I would put an end to it before it began. Really, it all depends upon one's point of view, and whether or not one believes in an afterlife. If everything stops at the point of one's death, then it is exactly as if one had never existed. But now it's too late, once one is here, and the only option is to go forward... Forward, forward, into that good night...
  18. It says in the linked article that the Digital Nomads are polyamorous. Tourists have always reminded me of sewer rats scurrying around. And so, if these tourists and digital nomads are polyamorous, Then they probably are breeding like rats, too. Soon the world will be overrun with this vermin. This is why I never go out (or rarely). Concerning the nudity, I never wear clothes in my house. I find clothing too restricting while I am typing.... Usually I type with my hands, because hands are faster. But sometimes, I don't.
  19. Does he speak passa Thai, do you think? He seems to be suffering a devastating case of alienation. Maybe his topics are born out of culture shock and desperation.
  20. Well then: Both Chomsky and Pinker argue that language is the product of some encoded genetic component or mutation without which language would not be possible. The alternative hypothesis to this would be that there is no genetically encoded "language instinct" and that language acquisition is simply a product of culture, and that language acquisition occurs in children solely as a result of learning through trial and error. Do you have any thoughts concerning which hypothesis might be correct? And why?
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