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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I think you might be interested in a more accurate translation of Proverbs 21:20 from the New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha, which is what they use in academic courses at that slouch school, Yale: "¹⁸ The wicked is a ransom for the righteous, and the faithless for the upright. ¹⁹ It is better to live in a desert land than with a contentious and fretful wife. ²⁰ Precious treasure remainsb in the house of the wise, but the fool devours it. ²¹ Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will fi nd lifec and honor." You want I should send you a copy so you can check it? Because, "Be Curious in All Things", is my own personal motto to live by...one which I thought up, myself. I'll just attach the PDF version so that anyone can verify the above quote taken from this work of art, one which has been translated from the Greek, etc... Not as flowery as the KJV, and a far better and more accurate version, IMHO... New Oxford Annotated Bible With Apocrypha (NRSV) 4e, The - Bible.pdf
  2. No, as I said. Labor cost are increasing because nobody wants to cut grass these days, in the hot sun. Besides, if I save this money, I might buy a new and faster phone.
  3. Yes, please DO return to this topic. I know that innovative and creative solutions will be of much interest to both landlords, tenants, homeowners, and even hypothetical tenants. a. We need to work harder to conserve water b. We need a cooling groundcover around our homes to lower AC power costs. c. We all need lower stress which can be provided by a more natural environment surrounding our homes. d. We need low-maintenance solutions, knowing that wages for manual labor continue to rise. e. So many more justifications for creating better "microhabitats" in our neighborhoods... f. Etc., etc., etc. Thanks.
  4. AMAZING solution...I believe. I would never have thought of this! Thank you! I will definitely look into this...
  5. Yes, Roundup is one option for growing corn, I guess. But, I don't want to grow corn in my BIG front yard. Also, concerning Roundup, please refer to this image: https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/roundup-ready-crops/ Monsanto also produced AGENT Orange, as did eight other companies, back in the day. I would rather find a different solution. And, I don't want to produce a ground zero using an A-Bomb.
  6. Where to buy in Chiang Mai? How many? Have wall and gate, Sheep won't travel.
  7. How would you keep them from wandering off if the gate were left open? Or, are they like dogs that know enough to return home?
  8. It was not I who did the evil deed. I would never cut down beautiful trees.
  9. My Fellow Horticulturists: I need your HELPFUL and CREATIVE Suggestions, PLEASE… Here is my situation, a plot of land in front of my house, which could be either my pleasure or my curse during the next five years— This plot of land in front of my house (approx 100 meters by 150 meters) was once full of trees. Then, the trees were cut, and now there is nothing but glass. I don’t have a riding lawnmower, and I don’t like the noise of one, either. Therefore, what might be the best option for this piece of dirt? For example, if I were to plant apple trees, they would not bear fruit for many years, if ever, and so this option is out But what about papaya? Even that might take more than a few years to produce really BIG fruit, and I don’t want to wait that long. I don’t necessarily want to plant anything that bears fruit, actually. I just don’t want to cut grass, and I don’t want to spread stones over the land instead of grass, and I don’t like snakes, either. I like the idea of planting something, though. And, I don’t want to become a farmer in the hot sun. Therefore, I need a solution which will not be so time consuming. I like beauty, and so I would like to sit on my stoop and feel peaceful as I look at something that is aesthetically pleasing to me. What are my options? What can I do that will provide me a sense of accomplishment, and also provide me with pleasure each and every time I look out through my sliding glass doors? There must be tens of different solutions, I think. What would be best in my case? REALLY thanking you this time, Regards Gamma
  10. a. Shower drains that drain quickly and properly without needing to do any water wading while showering... b. AC that does not make a racket... c. Walls that are thick enough so I do not hear next-door neighbors doing it... d. Ceilings one foot thick of reinforced concrete so I don't hear elephants walking above me, and sometimes doing it... e. Warm White Panasonic light bulbs in every socket so that I can feel comfortable while reading a good book... f. Great room service with FIVE STAR Thai food g. Pretty girls who come in at odd hours without knocking... h. Chocolate (expensive), mint flavored, on pillow... i. Complimentary EVERYTHING... j. And, much more...
  11. The song that REALLY makes me cry buckets is this song...THE ONION SONG:
  12. Incompetence = ไร้ความสามารถ Incompetent = ไร้ความสามารถ So here, I think the important "prefix" is " ไร้ ", meaning 'without'. And, of course, ความสามารถ means the ability to do something, and สามารถ just means 'can' as in 'can do' My favorite time to use the noun incompetence or the adjective incompetent, is when I am talking about local electricians in my area. So please also remember ไร้, rai, which is, as I say, sort of like a prefix, and means without. You can see ไร้ used quite a bit if you do some reading in passa Thai. Passa Thai is lots of fun to read, and also more challenging than some other languages like Chinese, for example.
  13. เสียตัว = to lose one's virginity; or lost virginity This is my favorite phrase to use in Thailand, because... Some people like to greet others, or exchange a pleasantry by asking: "have you eaten yet?" = กินข้าวหรือยัง But not me. Instead, when I meet someone, I don't like to just say the same-old, same-old. So I ask them: เสียตัวไหม = "have you lost your virginity?" Anyway: In this case, เสีย means "broken", and ตัว means "body". Very logical: broken body = เสียตัว = which actually means, I think... broken hymen I think it's OK to use this with friends who like a joke. But, you probably best not use this with most people. I first learned เสียตัว in our first year passa Thai reading book. If anyone wants this book, maybe I can attach a pdf file, next time someone comments about this word. I have all my passa Thai reading books, and textbooks, scanned on a high-resolution flatbed scanner, which took me many hours. Most of these are still stored on my Google Drive cloud account. But not sure anyone might be interested if I were to attach a pdf format of this book.
  14. Work Permit for Retirees is an IMPORTANT Step forward because: There are probably a heck of a lot of retirees, people who have amassed much knowledge and expertise throughout their lives, who are now ready to do some "paying back" for what society has given them when they were young. The best way to stay young in mind, spirit, and body is to contribute toward helping the next generation, and the next-generation's next generation. Sometimes a work permit might be required for working here to help others, at least to be certain that one is within the local laws. Even if this type of work permit were restricted to doing charity work, etc., this would still meet the needs of many retirees, I feel. Hope that this type of work permit will soon come into effect.
  15. OK. I can agree with this suggestion, worth a try, maybe. SO: I need SUGGESTIONS for TOP-10-Best Kinds of Chocolate for RECALCITRANT Local Landladies....i.e.,... 1. Melissa Coppel BONBONS: The above is my pick, #1, due to "Whisper Thin Skins"!!! What might be your choice of best chocolate to HELP you GET your Rent DEPOSIT returned, when you... Cut your Losses, ...and Run? Maybe only 5 Top choices will be enough for our purposes. What is the best for Thai Landladies? Let's say that...this hypothetical tenant is NOT cheap.
  16. You mistakenly used the word, 'tedious', when the word you should have used is 'turgid'. This is my only objection to what you had written about me.
  17. We and those are pronouns, not persons.
  18. PPS: This is a post postscript. Can you do better with a post, post postscript?
  19. Much of the money comes from overseas workers sending their earnings home to finance children's education, new homes, motorbikes, and hamburgers purchased at the malls.
  20. Overpopulation. I love the the overpopulation in PI, because it's a good lesson for the rest of the world.
  21. Such a long way from home. What must it be like to die in a foreign country?... If one had not previously made the decision to do so....
  22. Only if your meaning is that some people here might act like 3-year-olds. And, I never name names.
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