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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Well, sure... We can talk about a different intelligent person if you wish. What about Steven Pinker? But then we might need to start a new Topic, because this topic is about Chomsky... (Please Note: I was at the University of McGill at the same time Pinker was there as an undergrad. But I never met the guy. Still, we can talk about him if you wish.)
  2. When people think of Chomsky and Linguistics, they often first think of his work, "Syntactic Structures" published in 1957... Since that time, Chomsky has said that he disagrees with "some" of what he wrote. I happen to have a full copy of Syntactic Structures on my SSD, and will post it here in case anyone is interested in seeing what it looks like. It starts out, simple as pie, but then quickly gets into the meat of the issue, and is far tougher going for those that choose to read the whole thing... Enjoy! Chomsky_Syntactic_Structures_2ed_2002.pdf
  3. If you spend time listening to Chomsky's views about the Origin of Language, he seems to be saying that language evolved FIRST from some "internal conversation" humans had, some form of language that humans had which was not actually vocalized, ie something like sub-vocalizations which then evolved into an "external" spoken language that could be used for communication. Who's to say if this might be farfetched. He gave a nice talk about this at Google one year, and here is another video where he talks about the origins of language: Please feel free to search Google Talks for a more thorough presentation by Noam..
  4. I will be sad, very sad, if I should outlive Chomsky. Why would I want to live in a world without Noam? I have heard people say that Chomsky has been wrong when he, according to these pundits, did not come out harshly enough against certain acts of terror, as well as voicing other similar criticisms. But these people are completely mistaken. Chomsky never condoned violence or terrorism, for example. This is an intentional twisting of what Chomsky stated. Many don't like Chomsky because he tries to use the same "yardstick" when analyzing US Gov behavior and when comparing this behavior to the behavior of other "states". It's fine for anyone to criticize Chomsky, as long as they do not intentionally warp his words, or misrepresent his arguments, which happens all too often. But then, when you REALLY go back to what he has stated, you see that there is very little to object to, and that he did not say what his detractors say he said. Some guys just like to spout nonsense about Chomsky. The reasons why are obvious.
  5. Or, the return of Don Rickles? Unfortunately, This world has seen the last of HIM. And, maybe a good thing too if he is not your cup of tea. Was there ever a remark too cutting for the likes of Rickles? Humor must now always be PC. Which, in fact, is no longer humorous. We are living in the age of the blahs...
  6. Even when I open the refrigerator... When I have ALL 10 speakers up to max... The refrigerator door is vibrating so that you can feel it with your hand. Love it. I don't know how many watts, total,
  7. I don't know how many DECIBELS I got, at the moment. When I put my hand on the walls, the desk, ANYTHING... I can feel the vibration of Beck... It's like he is still here.... (Very LOUD, now! Psycho Sam.)
  8. BENCHWORK BENCHWORK Will we never hear the end of your BENCHWORK?
  9. PSYCHO SAM... I am, at the moment... ABSOLUTELY BLASTING THIS.... The three mice on my desk are JUMPING.... BECK is so amazing....
  10. You are joking, right...? You are so old that you don't know NOTHING about genetics, nor how genes are turned on, or off. All you care about, these days, is your next pedicure. How can you even call yourself a scientist? Almost everything you say sticks in my craw.
  11. You know.... Sometimes, when I listen to Jeff Beck... I just wish I could go back to the days when... I could HUMP my GF, for two HOURS, Non-Stop... Up and Down. Up and Down... Nothing better than pussy.... For sure. Get it while you can. And.... As MUCH as you can... Fk Yourself Crazy while you are young... Youth lasts only so long.... Anytime you see a <deleted>, anywhere, then just shove it in... Feels so good. Do it while you are young!
  12. I worry. Chomsky is of my generation. If Chomsky loses his mind... Then.... What might this say about me? Noam is getting older... Same as you... Same as me... So sad....
  13. 1999 Beck was at the top of his game, in Tokyo... 2023 Not Here with us... Let this be a lesson to us all.... Life is fleeting. Beck was lucky enough to live his life so well....
  14. I got BECK in TOKYO cranked up so loud.... The mice on my desk are JUMPING up and down. I can feel BECK in my fingertips... Is BECK dead? I don't THINK so... Not hardly.
  15. Where is CAPTAIN MONDAY (from Princeton) when we need him? After 10 years here... I think The Captain is OK... Wow, Men! So much I could tell you... IF you would only listen to me.....
  16. You PUSSIES You post here... About STUPID topics... But you DONT KNOW good music. I am doing my best.... To help you get... UP TO SPEED.... WTF..... Are you FARMERS...?
  17. Right now... I got 10 speakers going.... My Desk is <deleted> SHAKING....with BECK. I feel so sorry for you guys who are not here with me.... TURN UP THE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF, MAN... What do you have to lose... ANYWAY!
  18. Anytime I listen to the OP,... I just make sure that I have my 10 speakers going... FULL BLAST....150 Decibels...Or...MORE! BUT, I really DO NOT CARE... What, YOU do... That's.... Ups to you, As the Pattaya girls say.... What TOTAL BS, Man... No Pattaya girl can come close to.... JEFF BECK... In TOKYO... I really, And.. Truly... Feel so sorry for you....
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