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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. "Him, Him fight me." "Him, Him push me to ground." "My shoe come off." "I give Him 2000 baht." NO WAY will this guy be able to attend Oxford until he receives grammar lessons from a Language Institute in Thailand. Also, there is NO WAY this guy is from the UK. Even Americans speak more grammatically correct English than HIM.
  2. This is actually one of the most effective solutions that I had never contemplated. I can still recall a course I last played 50 years ago. Will give it a try, but for amusement, and not as an aphrodisiac... And not as a soporific. Just for fun.
  3. Another thing... Just look at their sartorial choices and the lack of color coordination, not to mention those cargo shorts. If I were embarking on a nice evening out, I wouldn't dress like that. Dressing like that is just asking for trouble from the fashion police. I shudder to think what their home life was like when they were still pre-school. What must Life have dealt them to cause two human beings to end up in such a state? Truly, they are ALIENS in an Asia about which they know absolutely NOTHING. Their home country should confiscate their passports. I mean, that is what China does. And, this is the best policy in cases such as this.
  4. YES...Just Plain STUPID. This is what happens when one is just too stupid to be invited to the Oxford Union to present your thoughts, and be heckled and debated by the students and faculty.... If this fatso had gone to Oxford, this would NEVER have happened. https://oxford-union.org/ Also, in case anyone's interested, and has extra cash, The Oxford Union is now sending out an urgent appeal for donations to secure its future....
  5. The FATTER they are... The HARDER they fall. Nice one!!!!! If you are this type of dude... Just stay OUT of the bars. and.. Just STAY OUT of Thailand....TOO!
  6. The only meaning I know of for the term dogging is this: I have never tried it. And, never will attempt it. A very boring activity, IMHO.
  7. Concerning the 7-Color Printing process for things like maps which require more colors... Besides MAPS, I also am interested in the printing business, same as Franklin from Philly. The 7-color process is OK, but not the best: https://ccs-fabricframe.de/en/blogs/ccs-info/what-is-7-color-printing
  8. HERE is a MAP! I would dearly love to own this one!!! I want to buy it an hang it on my wall. OR...Does anybody know of a Map Printer in Chiang Mai? (SUPER High Resolution, and 7-Color printing shop might be able to do this map justice) There are great printing factories in China that could do it at fairly low cost. But, does anybody know how BIG this might be if I had it printed FULL SIZE? Just another issue that, undoubtedly, will keep me up this evening, if my scabies don't. And, YES, I LOVE map reading....TOO!!!!!! (correction: I just checked the file size on this map...NOT big enough for a large wall. What you need is a file size of about 250 MBytes....) This site, mapsland, looks good for maps. Still, there must be a better site out there, someplace... https://www.mapsland.com/asia/china
  9. What's the most stunning map, and the most expensive map, you have ever seen, and have ever owned. Do you have maps framed on your walls? These days, it's becoming more difficult to find large printed maps of high quality.
  10. Do you mean maps or nautical charts? This is just an example of the kind of "existential thoughts" that one might dwell upon before being unable to Nod Off...
  11. "THE PILLOW BOOKS" It's FREE to READ on GUTENBERG.org here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/47151/47151-h/47151-h.htm The Japanese believe their culture does not originate in China. Are they correct? The also believe that Strawberries are Japanese food, originating in Japan. Such an insular people. This is why I love the Japanese.
  12. You mean all the talk of 'boxes' in the comment?
  13. Some say that, even if you have a fantastic Podcast to listen to, this still will do no good...if you are experiencing a "break out" of itching due to scabies.
  14. So if you sleep during the day, (just an idle question), then when do you play golf...at night? I never thought I'd live to see the day. (I hope you are enjoying this play on words.) Oh, wait... Now we got two plays on words.. Now three! Will it never end? (Is this also an example of recursiveness....do you think?) Should be much cooler playing golf at night, though... (This course has some fantastic LIGHT BULBS, by the way. I wonder if they are made by Panasonic...?)
  15. My Dearest Fellow-Existential-Thinking Insomniacs, Most people, for whatever reason, and even though they may not have a sleeping disorder, occasionally experience a night or two when they fail to drift off rapidly and calmly into the Land of Nod. We know that medication is no solution. Nobody likes waking up hungover, especially in Thailand. Some of you may have tried other solutions, such as a pint of rum, or a soapy massage, just before bedtime. But have you considered the cost of a soapy massage every night? And, what of the potential health consequences if that waif in the tub is not as clean as all those bubbles might suggest? I am convinced that the best solution for almost anyone who fails to fall asleep within ten minutes or so is…Podcast Listening. You would be surprised just how calming this can be, just to lie (lay) there on your back, in bed, with nothing but the hum of the AC, the blinking green lights from your router, maybe a faint barking in the distance, and your favorite Podcast playing on the smartphone resting atop your bedside table. There are now thousands of podcasts to choose from, just as there are many apps for your phone to play them. So what is your favorite podcast app? And, what is your “go-to podcast” most effective for delivering you up to the Land of Nod? Of course we would not choose anything TOO exciting. And, we also would not choose a podcast without a VERY LONG list of episodes from the producers of the podcast. Personally, I like to use Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/ And, in most cases, I choose one of two podcasts: Darknet Diaries Stuff You Should Know Why these two? Together, just these two selections offer a total of over 2000 episodes. I don’t need to spend time at night searching for any other podcasts when I want to get to sleep fast. Neither podcast subjects the listener to annoying young women laughing and cackling, or uptalking. And neither are interesting enough to hold one’s attention for long. Both, though, are well produced. You might try THIS one, FIRST: You know,...I really worry about some members on this forum. Many of you are posting comments at ALL hours of the day and night. Extremely strange, IMHO. And…. I hope this helps at least one of you. Best regards, and, Nighty-Nighty… Gamma G. Note: I forgot to ask... Do you have bedbugs?
  16. I have two boxes made out of parts I buy from the local computer shops. I never buy new new computers. Anytime something breaks, I just replace the part that has stopped functioning. The steel computer case, if you buy a good one, will last forever. Mostly, you just need to buy motherboards when the capacitors die. A decent 500-watt power supply unit will last up to 10 years. Also, you gotta worry about sockets. When your motherboard dies...chances are...you will not be able to find a new motherboard that will have the correct SOCKET for your existing CPU. So then you gotta buy a motherboard AND a new CPU. Same with a wife that dies. You just gotta find a new GF having the same socket. Am I right?
  17. Why do dogs in heat feel excited at night but mornings lazy? Same question? Same answer?
  18. And what about the Inuit who float their toothless grandmothers out to sea on a slab of ice? That's certainly more civilized, in a way...
  19. Still, it seems odd when people disappear without a trace. In the real world, though not often enough in the virtual world, we at least have headstones and monuments, and wakes; and very often we have feasting, too...seems more civilized, in a way...
  20. The thing that I appreciate MOST about the Kinks...probably, Is the amazing song lyrics. I don't know of any that can top them on lyrics. I have listened to these songs, over and over, for years.
  21. Your comment is a bit depressing...at least to me. When I die, heaven forbid, (or if I were to be banned, even worse!), there'll be.... one child born on this forum to carry on. To carry on...Yeah, Yeah. Yee Haw! To carry on!
  22. If you didn't buy a TV... Then... How were you able to watch Mary Hartman? I haven't had a TV since that time. No good programming in Taiwan, especially during Martial Law. I am a minimalist. I only have what I need, plus just one backup for everything important, such as, two flatbed scanners, two desktops, two refrigerators, 3 microwaves, 2 water kettles, two socks (1 pair), 2 x 8000-watt water heaters for one shower, and the like. Anytime something breaks, I use the backups, and then replace the broken stuff when I have opportunity to visit the suppliers.
  23. When I think of the LITERAL meaning of this topic, and IN QUOTES, I am sorry but the only thing I can think of is vibrators... I love Mick with his Lilac-Orchid-colored, V-neck, striped, clingy-thingy he is wearing. Why not become a Rock Star, rather than a shop owner? The Sky is the Limit!....
  24. Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the ....? What thought does a fire hydrant conjure up?
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