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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Sorry. I should have stated 0.17 caliber. Anyway, you got this huge cartridge behind this teeny tiny projectile. And I stand behind my claim that this projectile exits the barrel at 5000fps. No need to look it up on the tables. Anyway, when that prairie dog sticks his head up, It's like BLAMMO! Game over. Anyway, the 0.17 magnum rifle is the fastest projectile I know of... Other than a rail gun. It's just a simple fact of Physics. Just remember 5000fps. That's tops.
  2. The more important question is.... WHY One reason golfing is good is that you get to mark your balls on the green. Also, the Canadian Geese during their migration. The beauty of the waterhole in autumn, with leaves turning. The silence when one is playing just before dusk. Watching other golphers dressed in clown suits. Being a MEMBER. The challenge of trying to get an Eagle on every single hole. Anyway, most of what I know about golphing, I learned from OddJob. In Thailand, golphing is super cheap. It's a poor man's game. In Hong Kong, if you want to play while watching the fairies go by, then you will need to pay millions, and wait for years. I have played golph, before. It was sort of like WhackaMole. Personally, I find it more pleasurable to hunt prairie dogs in the desert with a 0.15 magnum rifle with scope. I guess that you know, a 0.15 caliber rifle has an extremely flat trajectory. The muzzle velocity is about 5000fps. So, anyway, when that prarie dog sticks his head up out of the hole, then you just squeeze one off... And the projectile hits him between the eyes at over twice the speed of sound. It's like over and done before you even realize it. This is the power of the 0.15 magnum rifle. I never experienced quite the same rush, playing golf, even with a hole in one on a par three waterhole. Maybe it's just me.
  3. In my honest opinion, Sir, our days of silliness are surely drawing to a close. Even during the darkest of times, there is always room for humor. But, silliness, I am glad those days may be over. As George Patton once said, we are now facing the Golden BB, square between our eyes. I hope that you will maintain a stiff upper lip. There is no way to predict just how serious this situation may become.
  4. Sure! I can agree to that. But, will you also agree never, again, to mention the name of Charles Dodgson?
  5. Did it have to be a Sperm whale? And, this whale has giant gonads secreted internally. There must be a reason Melville chose to write about a Sperm whale. If you recall your Bible, there was much talk about spilling one's seed. Do you get my drift? Another nautical term. Years ago, I became quite good at dead reckoning. After harpooning the whale, then everybody in the boat takes a sleigh ride. If during the sleigh ride, the whale pulls the boat, far, far away... Then all hands lost in icey seas. I just hope that you read TYPHOON while you were a young lad. Typhoon is suitable for children. It's only The Heart of Darkness that kids might not understand. Some say that Marlon Brando was vastly overpaid. Still, what goes around comes around, and Tahiti was his jinx. As I recall, most of the coconut shoots rotted on the Bounty. Not a good place to retire.
  6. My replies, every one, are sincere and heartfelt. Also, since you, yourself, asked me the question, the answer is yes. I have been treated. And, if you really want to know, as Hauldon might have said, it cost me USD100.00 per hour on the MainLine. What's it like to be shrunk by a top notch Freudian shrink? Wouldn't you like to know. Part of the time, I spent mucking his stables and spreading manure on his pastures. This was where I achieved insight. Woody Allen also benefitted from psychoanalysis. The only difference between Woody and me is that, when I shoveled horse manure, I could smell it. I don't believe in psychoanalysis., not unless it goes hand in hand with shoveling horse manure. By the way, if you would not sidetrack me with your interesting questions, I would find it easier to stay on topic. Still, I am a result of my expensive treatments. My doctor always told me to hold nothing in. Have you ever listened to some guy from Ireland? Guys from Ireland would put me to shame. Also, guys from Ireland speak with far greater erudition, unlike most Americans, except for Bill Clinton. So, would I recommend psychoanalysis to you or other members here? It's a luxury. Maybe better that you buy a Cartier watch, same as Yul Brenner. You know the one. It has blue hands and a jewel in the middle. I have completely relinquished possessing luxury items. Mostly, around here, the farmers don't care about watches. A Cartier watch, to them, might be less useful than a pail of water.
  7. Verbs? And, prepositions. You might not realize it, but prepositions are the most difficult part of grammar to get right, even for one who has gradually mastered pronouns. Why is it that, anytime someone might look askance at our writing, they call it either verbiage or gibberish, or Gaelic. Long live the Chieftains! I have listened to thousands of hours of Gaelic music I think that I would be most suitable to retire in Ireland. The humor there is not even dry enough for me.
  8. Or, what I meant was for a Berkley coed to give me a massage, AND a probe. Technology is no replacement for hard science. It's all Weird Science, anyway.
  9. They don't know about them. They only know how to push buttons. If you asked them about a Josephson Connection, they would just check their Bible. The Josephson effect is what all of us should learn in high school. If you did not, then why did you pay tuition??? It's just like Richard Smolley predicted! Westerners will opt for the study of health sciences, even occupational therapy, while the Asians will continue to go... Hardcore into the natural sciences. I recall that Smalley said this about 20 years ago. I think that this might still be true at Berkeley. What I really need is to have a Berkeley grad give me a massage.
  10. One more thought concerning sea-level rise, and choosing your retirement destination. Most of the models used by the IPCC do NOT factor in the sea level rise attributable to melting ice. Why? One reason is that ice melt is a known unknown. If you read the IPCC reports, this is clearly stated. Therefore, the IPCC reports only consider global sea rise due to things like warming and resultant expansion of the sea water. So then, it's sort of like icing on your cake, concerning the additional sea rise to be expected from melting glaciers.
  11. Sorry. I just meant that Trump should have bought his estate in the Hamptons, rather than in Florida. In the Hamptons, everything is more private and low key. In Florida, places like Key Largo, it's mostly the new rich, and people talk. This is why I would prefer The Hamptons, for retirement, compared to that flat land, Florida. I have lived in Southern Florida, and it's mostly sand and scrub pine. Very soon, the Gulf will rise. And, who really knows what will happen, then. I would say, maybe sudden total collapse of the real estate market. That's why I say, Trump thinks with his gut. If Trump were a scientist, he would have bought property in The Hamptons. Even 3 more feet of sea-level rise is still OK for the next 30 years. After that, it will be 6 feet of sea-level rise. As you know, 6 feet of rise is already baked into the climate models, maybe before 2050. Therefore, I hope that you will keep this important scientific factoid in mind, as you choose your ideal retirement destination.
  12. I believe in Jimi Hendrix. There's a car crash up ahead. Crosstown! Traffic. The lights now, Are turning, From Green, To Red. It's not that I do not care. But, as Nim Chimpsky used to say... Meaningful change must occur from the bottom up... Just like at the Bottoms Up Club in Kowloon. So far, there is no indication that the grassroots are getting smarter by pigging out on UTUBE. Sure, there are smart guys on this forum. But, are we sufficient to sway the unwashed masses? So. Better to be 70 than 7, these days.
  13. Now, you sound like Trump. He thinks with his gut. But, what if you hungered for something you couldn't describe? Such as something never before seen? Like... Pineapple on pizza... Many decades ago, I saw it, but never hungered for it. I pine for NYC pizza, without the pineapple. This is not a real hunger, because my belly is full. It's more like I hunger for that New York State of mind. That's the difference between hunger, Hunger, and the Hunger Games.
  14. You are correct. Almost nothing can compare to each and every word of those Bronte girls. You are right.
  15. Those Bronte sisters... What do you think they might write next?
  16. You see, Sir. Daisy would shine a light from across the sound. Surely, you cannot have forgotten!
  17. No. But I have read F. Scott Fitzgerald, apparently unlike you.
  18. The Hamptons. I would willingly retire in the Hamptons. How much could it cost? In one case it cost a few lives. What about those crazy sisters on the Hamptons? Lovable dolls. Anyway, if I had the money, Hamptons for me... With plenty of clams waiting upon me.
  19. Surely you know the difference between Great Neck and Little Egg...
  20. Gamma's my name. Clamming my game. By the way, what have you read about Great Neck? One if by land Two if by sea I, on the opposite shore will be... Picking Daisy.
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