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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Your basic problem is that you are seeking to avoid LANGUOR...yet... You know not how! Therefore, I beg you to listen to Chaucer even if you refuse to read him. HERE is Chaucer. It UPS to you.
  2. Your view is quite misanthropic. I hope you realize this. If you do not engage, then you deny your own Humanity. You need to become more engaged. You need to work for change. Otherwise, your children, and the children of your children will be in the same predicament as you. Or, are you a misanthrope, like me? Logically, you SHOULD BE! Because, this is really the only logical position to take. ==== Be more misanthropic, and you will live in the REAL world.
  3. Very Funny, .... Really... Those who most HATE Chomsky reside INSIDE the USA..... Those who most love Chomsky live elsewhere. Therefore, logically speaking, .... This syllogism proves that MOST people living outside the USA are more logical. Everybody knows this, from the gut, anyway...
  4. By the way: Chomsky now looks like a rerun of TALES FROM THE CRYPT.... But....Chimpsky's brain is still fully intact. Some guys don't like Noam, just because they don't like to hear the truth. Or, just because they prefer to NOT BE WORRIED about anything. If you are like this, one who prefers to not be worried about the end of Humanity, then please do not watch the Chomsky video posted above. Who cares, anyway. Chomsky LOVES Humanity. Maybe...You do not.
  5. aa. First. Thank you for replying to my question. bb. Second. There are things beyond oneself that one might worry about. cc. Third. For example.... I think I am unable to name them here. dd. Fourth. Again, Mister Hummin, I am not just joking around here. You asked a good question concerning what I might be worried about. And, you deserve an answer. So.... Here is your answer about several things you might be worried about, even if you say you are not: Sorry to post this Old Man. But, you did ask the question concerning what you might need to be worried about. Bury your head in the sand, Mister, if you will.
  6. While I would love to agree with your point of view, yet I am unable to believe that you do not worry too much. I, in fact, believe that you worry....too much, ....just like the rest of us. What is it that helps you to not worry too much? What is your secret? Do you have a secret sauce?
  7. It is truly amazing. Although, NOT so amazing. That.... This forum is AGING FAST. In my opinion, won of the ONLY interesting people left on this forum is a GOLPHER. And, then.... So, really, what does this say about this forum? It's like.... Most guys here are just JAWBONING about the same old things; mostly the things which have been said before. In my opinion, I am probably the only member here who posts a really new topic. ======== But, still.... It is now not like the OLD DAYS... In the "old days", just a few years gone by, things here were more interesting, just because there were more intelligent people here. There were actually barbed comments. Those were the days. Those were the days when one could have a chuckle here, instead of barfing here. ========== Those were the days...... NEVER TO RETURN, NO DOUBT.....
  8. It did not begin as a joke. But, some comments are very sorry. Some old guys seem to be pouring out their hearts about their failing virility, for example. And, from their perspective, probably, not getting hard is no joke.
  9. Probably, Just guessing, THAI TINDER GIRLS are the most beautiful, and the most lacking in smarts. Just guessing. ===== How many TINDER THAI girls are photoshopped? But, they cannot Photoshop their Brains. This is why, although they look beautiful, yet, still, they are COMPLETELY VAPID.
  10. Yours is the BEST comment, absolutely. If she can, then she is worth your time. So, have you ever had squirrels for breakfast?
  11. aa. FIRST OF ALL... I am NOT dating. Let's get this straight. bb. SECOND, I might have a question for you, which is.... After your dating so many business women, then why have you not yet hooked onto one....FOR GOOD? So many PhD candidates, and yet you have not yet graduated even one to be your wife? cc. Also, when you say that "so many of your Thai female friends have "studied abroad", I find this circumstance quite suspect. As you know, there are many working girls who.... "study abroad", and make lots of money. dd. By the way, are you an Ivy League Guy who has much experience with Bryn Mawr Girls? Because, actually, without being too nosy, you just seem like the kind of guy that prefers girls who don't tax you too much, in the brain department. By this I mean... I suggest you watch, again, the film 5 EASY PIECES.... And, what do you make of my comment which I do believe is far more intuitive than you might imagine....
  12. There is a season for all kinds of girls. Maybe it's your season for Factory Girls? OK...then...FINE! I have met one or two girls here who were super-smart! But they were just out-of-college, and they were Thai-Chinese. The culture in their family was: ALWAYS Gung Ho for EVERYTHING related to academia, without the Macadamia Nuts. BUT, when you are young..... I can understand that you might prefer FACTORY GIRLS.... It UPS to you... IT "UPS" TO YOU!
  13. I suggest that you check yourself for mites. SCABIES is probably what you have. This is a curable ailment. Please check with your dermatologist, ASAP.
  14. Bryn Mawr College girls, of course, are more expensive, on dates. But, smart girls from Vassar and Bryn Mawr....They are WORTH IT! By comparison, Thai girls don't even know what you are talking about. Why should they? You gotta explain EVERY joke. You gotta explain EVERY allusion. Short Time is OK. But.... LONG TIME? You gotta be Joking, Man! Just too frustrating!
  15. One more thing: Smart girls are far more sexually creative. This is why I love smart girls, even the hairy ones. After the act, they can actually talk to you about interesting topics.
  16. Also, in my opinion, it might require ONE MILLION Thai girls to equal just one Bryn Mawr College girl. Years ago, as you know, Bryn Mawr College girls were FAMOUS for their hairy legs. But, then...who really cares...IF a Bryn Mawr girl is smart enough to knock your socks off with her smarts, on a date? Give me smart girls, any day. I love them.
  17. Well, anyway...I guess: If you want a good massage, then just don't go to Vassar. And, if you want a smart 43-year-old woman, then, MOSTLY, just don't come to Thailand. Vassar is not Thailand. And Pattaya is not Vassar.
  18. Dear Friends, I have never met a unicorn. I have never met a smart Thai woman over the age of 42..... Have you? The answer is... NO... Of course. But.... WHY? Maybe it is just due to the FLYNN EFFECT? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect In my opinion, Thai women have an emotional IQ. What is your guess what their emotional IQ might be? Some girls here have a very high emotional IQ, I guess. Really? In my opinion, girls over 43 have not much INTELLECTUAL IQ, just judging from what I have gathered from asking questions to assess their General Intelligence. So then, why are Thai Girls so POPULAR among the guys who flock to Thailand to partake? Seriously, though, if you were to ask your 43-year-old GF about anything you learned in grade school, she would just stare at you, DOE-EYED. ======== BUT, I once got to know a few smart girls who were not 43, a few years ago. They were not completely Thai. I think they were mostly just Thai-Chinese, and....SUPER-SMART. Sure... I am telling you the TRUTH. The Thai-Chinese girls, who come from a good family, and who have been PUSHED TO LEARN....are... SUPER SMART. Maybe you might prefer a smart girl. Or, maybe you might prefer a massage girl. I prefer smart, for sure. And, unfortunately, the 43-year-old girls, when they were growing up, they just did not have the same academic advantages...OBVIOUSLY. So, do you like it SMART? Or, do you like it DUMB? That is my question. Regards, Gamma Please Note: The FLYNN EFFECT is a REAL effect. And this is why kids, today, have more brain power, even if they do not have a good education. Note2: It is sad, really, just how far our present-day education system has let-down our present new generation. Still... How much book-learning do you need to give a massage? Or, to give anything else in this service sector?
  19. Funny. Because, you are not the type of person I might picture staring at your navel. More likely, you spend more time staring at your balls, and just pretending to stare at your navel. Same posture. Big diff. Most golphers love to stare at their balls, rather than their navels. This is a well-known fact. Just ask another golpher, like Trump.
  20. Yes. Deriberate, for sure. But, Wyman's reading list, for his Yale course, is no joke, as I mentioned. You are a reader, and a learner...and so... Have at it. Wyman's course is very engaging, and is intended for grad students. AND, as he states in the beginning....paraphrasing.... This course is NOT for everyone, since he trounces on Sacred Cows. (pretty interesting, for sure)
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