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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Danny was the guy who suddenly threw the basketball... Stage Left, without telling the rest of the cast. Danny also did Pulp Fiction, another classic. I am old enough to have read One Flew, years before the film. Danny's best role, IMHO, was his portrayal of the divorce attorney in War of the Roses. Thank you for asking. I once worked in a state Nuthouse. If you ever wish to doubt your own sanity, then mingle with nuts in a hospital.
  2. Oregon! Having no issue, illegitimate or otherwise, and no issue with money, either, I would retire to someplace where people care about me more than here. It rains a lot there, even more than it does here. Unfortunately, places of retirement such as this are sparse. I could be voluntary, there; not committed. I am voluntary, here, too, but it's not the same.
  3. Speaking of the high frequency escalator sound that you might recall hearing when you were young: Fortunately, when we go to the mall, we no longer need to be bothered by this. The high-frequency escalator sound used to freak me out when I was young. Nobody else could hear this high frequency, except, maybe, for the dogs standing outside the mall.
  4. Reason No. 9: When you get old, it matters less what headphones you use. Your ears are so old, you cannot really hear the sound of escalators, either. I have two pair of these: But would it matter if I had far less? These are only middle of the road in price. Yet, guys over 70 still waste money buying stuff they truly cannot hear. It's a JOKE, Man! It's like some old dodger buying a sports car....LAUGHABLE, really. When I was 55 years younger, I could have used just one pair of these. Now, I just use them to keep the roosters from disturbing me. Someday, hopefully soon, even the roosters I will not be able to hear, which will be REASON No. 10, why being over 70 has its advantages.
  5. Would you care to derive his equazions, here, for all to behold? Do it freehand, without reference, and from memory, if Ye shall be so bold.
  6. As old as you are, do you even know the highest audio frequency detectable by your old ears? My guess is that you top out at about 8k.
  7. What do 13-year-olds know about desalination? They are idiots.
  8. Nobody of importance will see your passport photo. Have you ever tried to date the immigration girl who checks your passport? If you really want to date an immigration officer, the girls in Hong Kong are stunning with their pale green shirts and dark epaulets. All those girls are tri-lingual!
  9. Putin worship? You mean his view on the expansion of NATO? Or, did you mean Putin astride a stallion, shirtless? Either way, still far from the truth.
  10. Somehow, I cannot imagine you ever being bored if you pursue some of the topics you have mentioned. Maxwell, and his freeze-dried coffee, for example.
  11. Concerning being almost 66, and mirrors... While you are still so young, if I were you, and knowing what I now know, I think I might put mirrors on my bedroom ceiling, and take a few videos. I think that age really doesn't matter, much, in life. I think people age 16 are less happy than people age 66. If you were 16 instead of 66, would you still have the energy to deal with all those hormones coursing through you? I thank my lucky stars that I will never, ever, again be made to feel like a dog in heat! Talk about pain. Talk about torture! The great Bard wrote so many words about the torture of love. I think the Doobie Brothers even sang songs about this torture. Blessedly, we are almost free, at last. We are never completely free. Two days ago, I saw a slim girl in jeans, with a zipper rife for the pulling. And, no matter how old you get, you just wish you cold pull the talon down to expose what lies underneath.
  12. In the past, books were not only hardbound, but they also had a beautiful printed paper sleeve. The bindings were substantial. The SMELL was heavenly. Although, The Grapes of Wrath didn't smell of grapes.
  13. In my opinion, you always treated me most kindly, as one would a younger brother. And, now, you seem to imply, I should call you Pi? (For those who might not know, Pi is for an elder, and Nong is for the younger.) But, I will continue to consider you as my elder, be you Pi or Nong. Elder in wisdom, etc.
  14. Chomsky is not preaching. Although, his message might sound like an unwelcome sermon to those who wish for business as usual. If one were to live in the Bubble of America, then his preaching must sound like screeching. In America, everyone can eat cake and have it, too. In the fantasy land of America, nobody never needs to pay the price for excess. Nobody needs to be held accountable. It's always... Onward Christian Soldiers. The F-4 Phantom is the most beautiful symbol of this glorious free spirit. Onward, Christian Soldiers!
  15. Unfortunately, Chekov never discovered the cure for cancer. If he had, then he would have been a far better writer.
  16. Sellers was serious. Seriously funny. Genius. Sellers could walk on water.
  17. Even at age 95, or 93, he continues to maintain a schedule of work that would be exhausting to most men of 23. Why he does this seems obvious. He wishes to warn the WORLD, before it's too late. We are now on the cusp of oblivion. Chomsky knows this. Even Musk knows this. And yet, not many people are listening. It's Dr. Strangelove TIMES TWO. Peter Sellers was not a funnyman. That's why his serious humor was funny. The world today is funnier and deadlier than ever.
  18. I care about squirrels. I also find it interesting that Noam, at 95, is still as he is.
  19. In truth, I love the narrator of the squirrel film. His English seems such a Touch of Class, these days.
  20. I vividly recall, when I was three, chasing squirrels around our giant oak tree. Now that I am over 70, I recognize the glory of the pursuit. Round, and round, and round. The squirrels never tired.
  21. I don't know about you, but one of the MAIN reasons why I prefer being over 70 involves my angst. In fact, every new year I reach, after 70, decreases my angst by a few percentiles. It's like Musk. Musk has said that, no matter what, we should resort to DIPLOMACY rather than military confrontation, with China, at all costs. What does this even mean, at my age? Do you even think that I care? Musk seems bent upon saving Humanity, even though he also acknowledges that he is an alien. Joking aside, however, the older I get, and the more I become acquainted with Mankind, the less worry I am about seeing the end of Organized Human Civilization. I guess you will know that it is Noam Chompsky, or Nim Chimpsky, who is PERENNIALLY worrying about...."The End of Organized Human Civilization". He never talks about the END of Civility, though. ========= So, my NUMBER ONE reason why I am glad I am over 70 is that I no longer need to worry about the end of Humanity. I have lived so long that I know Humanity, fairly well. Humanity might have been worth saving, many years ago. But, Humanity is a different Animal, now. I am just saying that, to know Humanity, is one of the main reasons I am blessed to be over 70. Once one knows Humanity, then the death of Humanity becomes less fear invoking, if you get my meaning. ========== Another reason I like to be over 70 is because I did not like being put in nappies when I was young. And, since I am not yet 90, I still have another 20 years to look forward to before I might be put in nappies, again. ======== To be serious, I would say that the reason I most prefer to be over 70 is that I can more easily fool others into thinking that I am daft. Or, if I am daft, it would be hard to know. In fact, nobody knows, yet, if I might be daft, or not. ======== But, I must tell you..... I have been watching Chomsky, almost on a weekly basis, at times. And, Noam is still sharp as a tack. I have sent links to some of my friends. And, my friends are amazed by Noam. ============= So, I would guess that another thing I like about being over age 70 is to know, first hand, more than those of age 13. ============= What was it like to grow up in my day? We had REFRIGERATORS in the Kitchen which exhausted out the bottom of the machine, unlike today. We had squirrels that would congregate around Oak Trees for Acorns. =========== Basically, 60 years ago, things were the same. And this is why being 70 is so good. Because, 60 years from now, things will not be almost the same. This is why being 70, now, is still OK. ============= Concerning squirrels, even at my age of 70, I still marvel...
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