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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Actually, MISTER, as you know... There is also a BLESSING that goes with the dump. But, I just wonder if you can recite it from memory? Do tell.
  2. Dear Friends, Do you ever have the same experience? You call a CHANG, a Tech Man, and he shows up wearing CHEAP cologne. Worse, even, than Jade East! It takes you hours and hours, after the technicians have left, to get rid of the stink. I KNOW you know what I am talking about. So, then, is there any solution to this? Makes me want to upchuck every time I pay good money to get my stuff fixed inferiorly. And then, of course, since they did not fix it right the first time, you gotta call them back again. And, again. Most of you guys who have never been here don't know. When I was young, I thought that JADE EAST was the worst. My room mate loved Jade East. Still, I must say, as did William Shakespeare...... "And in some perfumes there is more delight than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know that music hath a far more pleasing sound." Let me just say that the tech guys here....REEKETH! Such a great incentive to fix things oneself, if one can. If one cannot, then just hold one's nose, perhaps. This is not Manhattan. Remind me, too, not to check out the technicians in Pattaya. Thank you. Regards, Gamma Note: Promise your tech guy anything...but...Give Him Chanel....
  3. V is for Victory. V is also for da Vinci. I admire your V. What do you know about the Vitruvian Man? Do tell us, please! Or, more to the point, why not comment concerning Jared Diamond's view of intelligence...from a cross-cultural perspective? Which is, actually, to topic here, as you can plainly see.
  4. Koi are beautiful fish. If you were to visit the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, as I did in 1979, you would have seen a plethora of Koi swimming freely in several large ponds around the Hall. That was over 40 years ago. In those days, there were very, very few visitors to the Hall. Also, as you know, Koi are fierce eaters. If one were to throw just a few bread crumbs into the pond, the Koi would turn the placid pond into a roiling, foaming whiteness as 400 Koi competed for just a few crusts of bread. These days, I suspect, the Memorial Hall is not what it once was. Still, in Taiwan, there is plenty of water. As I once mentioned here, during a super typhoon, it is actually possible to have over 1.8 meters of water dumped in a mountain area near Kaohsiung within a 24-hour period. Most people reading my words have never experienced such a downpour of water that is as high as a man. The real problem, these days, is that the DISTRIBUTION of rainfall is CHANGING. Also, as the climate warms, we will have ever-more rainfall, obviously. But, even though it will rain more, evaporation will increase due to higher temperature. So, therefore, as you know, we will be blessed with a DOUBLE WHAMMY: a. We will experience greater rainfall, and subsequent effects such as flooding and flashfloods. b. We will also express greater dryness due to increased evaporation due to higher atmospheric temperature. One other thing we must worry about is that, if we go completely carbon free, then the soot in the air that is now influencing our planet will no longer exist. IF we were to remove the soot produced by burning carbon fuels, then this could substantially change our atmospheric equation. Everybody knows this. https://phys.org/news/2020-10-soot-particles-global-previously-assumed.html#:~:text=In the atmosphere or as,development and properties of clouds. This is why, if we wish to save the Koi, and if we also wish to save ourselves, we need to study a lot more about soot. Koi are beautiful. But, maybe not beautiful enough to change Human Behavior. The only thing we know, for sure, is that, if we were to expel sufficient carbon into the atmosphere to cause a runaway greenhouse effect, then we and the Koi might be living in a world similar to Venus. But, no worries, because, James Hansen has already published research papers about the climate of Venus.
  5. This is really OLD news...yet...unfortunately...Nobody cares. How old is this news? At least...30 years, or more, that I have been following it. James Hansen chained himself to the White House Fence, just to protest, several years ago. We have been listening to lectures about this problem, at the Earth Institute, at Columbia, for MANY years.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Earth_Institute There is really no point in mentioning the unmentionable to people who do not care, who are in the majority, or should we say the Powerful Minority!
  6. There is NO scarcity of water. There is plenty of water up in the atmosphere as humidity rises. As the global temperature rises, then this leads to faster evaporation. But where does this water vapor go? It goes UP into the atmosphere. In the past, some said that the glaciers in the Himalayas would melt. And, no doubt that they will. When the glaciers in the Himalayas melt, then we can say BYE-BYE to rice production in some places in Asia. Everyone has known this for years.... Even guys at Yale: https://e360.yale.edu/features/himalayas-glaciers-climate-change Therefore, why should we now pretend to be surprised? Maybe nobody will believe it until it happens. That's OK, too.
  7. Such an easy question. A smart woman is one who understands the mechanics of contraception. Also, a smart woman is one who choses to frequent with men who respect her right to practice contraception, as she sees fit. What more does she need to know? Anyway? (This intelligence is still poorly understood by some, it seems.) Please Note: If there were any chance that I might get pregnant, I would NEVER go near a woman.
  8. Thank you for thanking me for the Diamond video. This guy is such a fantastic speaker (IMHO). Reading his books, you might not have known.....
  9. By the way, of course what Musk is talking about is the world population pyramid. But... It still looks quite good... Up to 2050. Musk is a NitWit in some respects. But, in many respects, he is still.....TOM SWIFT on STEROIDS. Go, Musk, Go....
  10. One thing we never expected, back in the day, was that world population might hit 10 billion. 10 Billion People seemed like an impossibility, at that time. So, this is the miracle of science. Basically, it goes like this: a. Add more food b. The population increases Of course, I am only talking about FRUIT FLIES in the LAB. We will need to wait to see what transpires. Our world, these days, is an experiment in the effects of semi-exponential growth. What? Me worry? No, I am not worried. But.... How old are you?
  11. Thank you, once again, for your question concerning my attraction to smart women. In fact, strangely enough, I would MOST DEFINITELY prefer a Thai-Chinese woman educated up to the typical VASSAR level. The smarter they are, these Thai-Chinese women, the more creative in their repertoire. For example, Tom Jones met his match only due to his meeting with a highly intelligent farm girl. I have spent most of my life in the barnyard rolling around with what you might expect there. Now, it is time for me, in these final waning years, to enjoy a bit more repartee with smarter women, age 43, more suited to my intellect. Dumb factory girls, or girls who should be working in a factory, are just not my cup of tea. But, do not let me keep you from drinking your fill.
  12. Thank you, very much, Mister. Actually, I have just been lurking here, anticipating your reply. I already anticipated your response, in fact. I knew you were going to mention the nature vs nurture thingy. And, of course, I agree with you, because....you never speak nonsense. HOWEVER, I was just waiting to suggest a very nice lecture to you, after you recover from your golphing... WHICH speaks directly to your comment. Jared Diamond has stated, many times, that the guys in PNG are smarter than his Harvard undergrad students....WHICH IS, basically, EXACTLY the SAME THING that you stated in your comment. So, I will post the link to this nice talk.... I really ENJOY listening to this guy speak. Such a beautiful voice he has. In case you are wondering.... While lecturing, this guy has some sort of HEART PUMP to keep his heart going throughout the lecture... TALK ABOUT DEDICATION to Teaching! Years previously, I had read his book. But..... Seeing him stand up while in such a condition, made me take a closer look. Sure, of course, he is correct that there is the Nature vs Nurture thingy. Also, there is recognition that environment shapes our genes, which must be some sort of feedback loop, obviously. NOTHING NEW. Anyway..... Enjoy your golphing. And, always wear RED if you want people to listen to you. =========== What you did not mention is that STIMULATION is key to cognitive development. And, cognition can develop in many resplendent ways, according to the environment. Also, you did not mention disease, history, nutrition, etc., when you discussed your theory of IQ in Thailand.... Enjoy this Diamond talk, if you will... It's free.
  13. Dating is no longer my game. Dating, these days, is not so very important, relative to other more important things. Or, let me ask you, please.... Were you not paying any attention to the Chomsky interview posted above? You know, honestly speaking, it just might be people like you, people who are so concerned with DATING, that might doom our world to one in which Human Beings will become completely extinct, by the year 2027. Think about it.... On your next date.
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