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Posts posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. My Dear Friends... 


    I know that very few people posting here are narcissists. 


    On the contrary, my inkling is that people here are pussycats, and very kind people who are ultimately caring of others. 


    If this were not so, then few of us would remain here, most assuredly. 


    I once mistakenly believed that the Farang Pub was a place where the dregs of the dregs came to die, just due to lack of acceptance on any other part of this great forum. 


    No longer. 


    No. Instead, what I believe is that people who post here are the cream of the cream. 


    In fact, the least likely place you might find a narcissist is in this Pub. 


    I feel so much nostalgia for the Pub, as it once was. I know that you do, as well. 


    Yet, I also feel such optimism for the Pub's recent positive transformation, becoming less narcissistic in tone, and far more nurturing of new writers expressing inclusiveness, rather than exclusivity. 


    We arrive here at the Pub due to our shared love of Thailand. Is this not true? 


    Also, I must tell you that... Now that this forum has become a Kinder and Gentler place, I am no longer embarrassed to tell people that I love ASEAN Now. 


    This forum is surely becoming BETTER, and the contributors less narcissistic. 


    It is not fun to post stupid comments, in the long term. 


    Eventually, contributors must grow up to become adults. 







    • Haha 1
  2. One of the surest cures for narcism is to be taken into the public square and put in stocks. 


    When we are pilloried in public for minor wrong thinking, then we become more tolerant of others. 


    Being put in stocks helps us to improve, and to become kinder and gentler people. 

  3. On 8/22/2021 at 8:00 PM, Gottfrid said:

    Thanks Gamma! Nice to know we have something like a pastor or priest here. I will get back to you for my next confession.

    Confession is good for the soul. 


    Confession, publicly, is most meaningful. 


    Be honest in your confession. 


    I did not ask Monica to smoke the cigar. She did it out of love for me. 

    • Like 1
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  4. On 8/23/2021 at 7:25 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I became a nurse to "help" others. Biggest mistake of my life apart from getting married. Years of bullying managers, abusive patients/ relatives, treated like dirt by senior nurses, and few thanks from the people I nursed. I only stayed with it because I got to travel the world with it. So few want to be nurses now that countries have to import them. The pay was better overseas too.


    I feel loads better now I don't have to go and do "good" for others anymore.


    PS. To those reading this, next time in hospital, please remember to say thank you to the people that actually looked after you, and it wasn't the Drs; it was the nurses and the auxiliaries. They appreciate being recognised for what they did for you.

    There is NOT DOUBT that I will never forget the wonderful nurses who cared for me while in hospital.

    No need to remind me.

    There is not a week that goes by that I do not clearly recall and give thanks for some great nurses that saved my life.


    Thank you!


    Note:  All my nurses were female. However, when one is really ill and in pain, then the gender of one's nurse matters not at all.  Thank you!

  5. 35 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If that's about euthanasia IMO it shouldn't be discussed on this forum.

    I've changed my post as I thought you were discussing a normal death, which has been discussed on the God thread.

    I have never broached the topic of "death" on this forum.

    Death does not interest me, unless it might be death for most mosquitoes, which might not be a bad thing.

    However, death to all mosquitoes could be a bad thing, since the end of mosquitoes might have unintended consequences.

    Far better to just say, "Death to malaria and all other illnesses for which mosquitoes are a vector".

    So, let's keep mosquitoes, but only the benign kind.


    Death to irrational thinking, is good, in most cases.

    Except, in some cases, irrational thinking can lead to positive breakthroughs.


    So, probably, death in most cases, is still not a good thing.

    Except, death can be good when death applies to humans.

    Without death, then where would we be?


    Just think about it:  Without death, then Evolution would not work.


    Therefore, we should not second-guess any god who brought death into this world.


    Evolution created us.

    Without death, Evolution would not work.


    I could go on, and on, and on.....


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Is that "our" in the royal sense, like "we" or do you refer to "our" as referring to those you address?

    To be sure, sometimes death is not something to fear, but a friend assisting us to the other side.

    Definitely NOT in the sense you mentioned.


    Also, concerning your second question:  I neither advocate for it nor oppose it. Assistance, as you say, should be freely given to those who most need it. AND, those who need it...REALLY DO NEED this kind of help.


    This is a different topic, one which I care much about, but not the topic at hand.

    I agree with what I think you are suggesting.


    Very important topic, and one which I think will never be discussed in this forum.

  7. About eight years ago, I asked the question concerning why there are so many very noisy roosters in Thailand, birds that don't tell time.  They crow at odd hours, and nobody seems to care.


    No doubt, most people here are still plagued by roosters. Yet, these days, I am not.


    In Thailand, it is difficult to find a place to sleep without the sound of crowing. Last year, I finally found a place without poultry.


    In my opinion, the only good rooster is one hanging on a hook.





    I mean, when roosters or chickens are hanging from a hook, then rarely does one hear a peep out of them.


    There are a few good songs about roosters which I enjoy, especially the old ballad about Red Roosters.


    Almost everything I once knew, I no longer know, except for this one short tune about poultry.  Maybe you might recall it, too?




  8. You know.

    You know if you know anything at all.

    You know if you know anything at all that Jack Bruce sang his heart out during his final greatest performance at the Royal Albert Hall .


    Jack Bruce was a guy from Scotland, a good man who gave his all to end his life in the best way he knew how.


    Jack Bruce was tough.


    If he were not so tough, then how could he perform as well as he did, during the final days of his life?





  9. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the above topic will be my last topic, so sorry to say. I know you will feel happier than I.



    Basically, and fundamentally, for the preservation of this blessed forum’s continued ennui, I have made the sorrowful decision to withdraw from further postings of any new topics, at least for the foreseeable future, a future which I consider to be the period which might extend through ought the next eight years, roughly until around the year 2019.


    This does not mean that I will forget you good people.


    On the contrary, I will hold you all in my heart, and you will remain my fondest friends, FOREVER.


    You know, if they granted me one final wish, then it would be to go on posting topics which we know are unappreciated and, even, sometimes disdained.


    Yet, I cannot continue to post disdainful topics, no matter how much I might like them, unless they might be, also, equally disdainful to you, and less harmful to the good of the whole.


    Therefore, now, I must just say…Bye Bye…


    All you old guys: I hope you outlive me.  Because, this might not be so easy to do, for you….


    Also, to Scottish guys here from Scotland:  I LOVE Jack Bruce!  SUNSHINE!


    Even better:  Jack Bruce…CREAM..


    And, so much more….


    JACK BRUCE:  Born Under a Bad Sign 




    So Great!


    It is difficult, neigh, impossible to say just how great JACK BRUCE was and still is.


    I love the guy!  Always have.


    I will not forget guys like Jack Bruce, from Scotland.


    No one will, probably.



    • Haha 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, HeijoshinCool said:




    4 a substance mixed with a solid to lower its melting point....


    The OP has certainly reached that point.


    There are many meanings to the simple four-letter word FLUX


    You are thinking of soldering.

    I am thinking of magnetic flux.

    And, there are even more meanings, such as the fact that flux denotes CHANGE.


    As intended above, I used the word FLUX as meaning "change".


    Of course, if you want to pursue the meaning of FLUX even further, then you can think of the Moon.

    Or, you can think of Menstrual Flux, even.


    But, in this post, I had not intended to discuss topics as delicate as this.



  11. 8 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    What ever it is you’ve taken... I want some ! :stoner:

    OK...let me tell you...


    I have taken NOTHING other than a Huge Dose of ASEAN Now.


    Let me put this more plainly.


    There are many here who are...


    Super Nice

    Super Kind

    Super Helpful

    Super Spicy

    Super Humorous

    Although not so super sexy as before, maybe.


    And, people here are just superior in every way.


    So, I am HIGH on ASEAN Now.

    Just as I once was HIGH on ASEAN of Yesterday.


    There is no denying the fact that, during our heyday, things were better than the social media pablum we are subjected to, these days.


    More directly, in reply to your question, I do not take illicit drugs.  Also, I rarely take drugs of any kind prescribed by a doctor, other than antibiotics, and not for the clap.


    Even ibuprofen I do not take.  I am tough, and I am able to endure minor pain, and, as well, I do not wish to hurt my liver using drugs such as this.


    In my opinion, the old guys who helped to make this forum what it has eventually now become will soon be dying off, like deer flies at the end of the summer.


    I hate to mention this sore point, but it is nevertheless the honest truth.


    Sometimes, I become so maudlin just from the contemplation of our demise that it is difficult to rise in the morning.


    Still, despite my age, like you, I trust, you are able to rise in the morning when given due cause.


    Best to everyone!





  12. 3 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    No idea what the flux any of that was all about.





    Literally, flux means this:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux


    Figuratively or Poetically, the idea of flux can mean whatever the author intends it to mean.


    At least, this is my interpretation of the word "flux".


    Take care.

    Stay well.


    Listen to the music you love most, and the music which will be most likely to keep your spirits up.

  13. Here is a word which strikes fear into the hearts of some foreigners.


    And, recently, due to the social isolation caused by tiny virus particles, some of us might suffer from minor feelings of alienation.


    There is no need to feel alienated.


    If you might consider yourself an alien, then just reach out to people around you who can help you.


    Still, one thing that always puzzles me is, … Why would anyone choose to live in a foreign land, for the purpose of becoming an alien, if one did not actually wish to become an alien?


    I mean, some of us enjoy being aliens, because otherwise, we would not choose to live in foreign lands, places where we know that we will surely be considered aliens.


    We do not complain when some might call us farangS…or…a loong (ลุง)?


    There are actually two meanings to the word loong, one very good, and one not so good.


    Personally, I have always enjoyed being called a Foreign Uncle by my friends.


    And, I have, so far, never experienced any feelings of alienation in Asia.


    The closest I have come to feeling alienation in Asia was when I stayed one night at the Tokyo YMCA, fifty years ago. I would not wish to repeat that experience.


    Tokyo is a place where even the locals feel alienated, I would imagine.  Probably, this is why they are almost universally addicted to the game of Pachinko.  And, they love the sound of steel balls.


    Thailand is so much better than Tokyo, comfort-wise.


    No steel balls.


    No doubt, some of us are aliens, and some of us feel alienation. But, not me.


    If you are in Thailand, and if you are reading this, then you know you are LUCKY!

    In fact, you are blessed.

  14. 33 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Maybe you are a bit too preoccupied, as for being a narcissist, I've only noticed a few on here, you not being one of them

    Anyone who worries overly much about being a narcissist might not fall into the category.


     So, then, which writer, here or there, might you identify as the epitome of the narcissistic personality?





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