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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. On 4/1/2024 at 11:33 AM, gamb00ler said:

    AFAIK LINE only provides a method to save your messages as text.


    Do you want to view the saved conversation as a continuous image of the text exchanges?  As a still photo or video clip?

    Do you have LINE installed on your desktop/laptop as well as on your phone?

    Is your phone Android or Apple?

    Is your desk/laptop Windows or Apple?


    Each of the different environments you use for LINE will have different capabilities and instructions to do what you require.

    For instance, on my Mac, I can record a video of a LINE chat window as I scroll through messages to/from someone.


    I am hoping to record a continual image of text exchanges.  I have LIne both on my Android and on my Windows Laptop. 


  2. I have a single family home that I am trying to sell.  I started to look at other homes a little over six months ago.  I listed my current home with one of the reportedly top firms here in Pattaya.  I have never heard from him again.  

    I have now located a new property and need to get someone truly working on selling the home.  

    Does anyone have a person that they can truly recommend that does more than just accept the listing and put it on their company's list of available properties. 

    In order to sell a home the real estate agent must be proactive and market the property not just sit by and hope someone sees their company's website and pick yours out. 

    Please post or pm.  

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/6/2023 at 5:14 PM, couchpotato said:

    The sad thing about non payers is that the majority are the rich, well connected residents, who just feel they are above all that type of stuff. The 'I'll say normal residents' nearly always pay when fees are due.

    Perhaps they know something that you don't.  Recently discovered that money and expenses were paid from the persons personal bank account and not the Juristic Bank Account. 

  4. I am scheduled to testify in the Pattaya Provincial Court on Tuesday February 27, 2027 in a civil trial. I am in need of someone to do the translation and interpret for me. I speak English so I need someone who can translate Thai to English and translate my English into Thai. It is possible that it is only in the morning of February 27 but court at times runs long and it may include the entire day. If interested in being a translator please post and I will contact you or PM me. Must be able to effectively translate English to Thai.


    I will of course compensate the person for their services

  5. I am building a home and used a team that has done the roof tiles and was going to do the gutters.  However, I am seeking a different contractor.  The roof tile installation had some issues.  

    I am looking for specific names of contractors.  I have already tried the search engines etc. and they are not helpful.  I am strictly seeking someone who perhaps someone on this forum is aware of or better yet has used and knows that they do a good job. 

  6. On 2/12/2024 at 9:23 AM, hotandsticky said:

    As said above - Pattaya Klang branch (international desk on the right). 


    The IO gave me that specimen and I went to K Bank on Beach Road, Jomtien (where I have an account). They said I could only get it at Pattaya Klang.


    Very simple and efficient  when I got there. 200 Baht I think.

    This is the correct answer

    Yes Kasikorn does the letter and yes it is at Pattaya Klang International Desk.  While there is no legal requirement for such a letter, last year I was told by a very obstinate immigration officer that if I did not have the letter in that format I wouldn't get the visa.  I told him the bank refused to do.  He took my bank book and a few minutes later returned and said he had talked to the Bangkok Bank manager in Pattaya Klang and my letter would be available in two days. 

    • Like 1
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  7. Last year I had difficulties with Bangkok Bank.  Specifically, it took me 6 trips to finally get all the information correct.  I had got documents that in one case had someone elses account number on them.  At immigration I was given the attached "sample" letter and the immigration officer said it must be in this format for the monthly otherwise immigration would not accept it.  Finally, I got Bankgok bank to prepare a letter like the one the immigration officer gave me. The immigration officer said it was required that all the banks use the same format.  Given that Bangkok Bank takes for some unexplained reason 1 week to get a 1-year bank statement I was told Kasikorn could do it immediately. 

    I went to Kasikorn asked if they could so same day and did they prepare such a letter with the same format as the one immigration had given as a sample.  As you can guess it is now 1 year later and I returned to get my one year bank statement and letter.  They told me that yes they could give me the one year bank statement immediately but no under no circumstance would they prepare the letter in the format requested by immigration.   After much relenting they finally offered to give me the managers phone number and have immigration call her if it was required.  Now I can envision a couple of scenarios.  One where immigration refuses to give me a visa without the letter and refuses to call Kasikorn.,  The second where they refuse to give me a visa without the letter and they call Kasikorn who still refuses to  prepare the letter.   Kasisorn was hung up on the fact that the sample letter came from Bangkok Bank.  

    Does anyone have a sample letter with name and account info blacked out that I can use to show the branch YES  KASIKORN DOES DO THIS. 


  8. Yes since raising the minimum wage has "no impact" on prices or demand for products I say we raise the minimum wage to 5,000 baht an hour.  Why should anyone be poor when the solution to just increase the minimum wage is such a simple one and has absolutely no impact on a company's desire to hire workers, their hours, or move more quickly towards automation. 

    I also support giving each of these minimum wage employees one goose that lays golden eggs.


  9. 1 minute ago, candide said:

    Why is it different? It's all explained here. 

    I want you to explain it.  I can quote articles saying that it is "all different too"  

    BS the fact is that Biden had classified documents he was not suppose to have - Fact
    They were not just not guarded, they were left in a Corvette - Fact

    Hillary had known classified information on her server - Fact
    She gave access to the server to her aides and to the person handling her server - fact
    Huma Abedin then passed the contents of the server on to her husband Anthony ( carlos danger) Weiner - fact. 
    She then destroyed the server which was just like Trump suppose to go the national archives - fact
    She took hammers to destroy her phones - fact

    Sandy Berger stuffed classifed information in his pants - Fact

    Sandy Berger took the documents home and destroyed them - Fact
    Sandy Berger was charged with a misdomeaner - Fact

    However you think that everyone was treated equally under the law.  

    All I can say is that you Trump Haters truly believe the end justifies the means. 


    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Your assertion above relates to 2022 discussions.  By 2023, the government issued a subpoena- the discussions were over, and now Trump resorted to lying and hiding the documents.


    The Trump team  stated that there were no more documents at Mar-A-Lago. Do you believe them?

    Now why would he want to "hide them"  Of what possible use were classified documents to Trump. 

    Onje way or another, you refuse to answer why Hillary would not be equally guilty and prosecuted.  She not only hid them, she broke the law by not using a government server.  She destroyed them while under subpoena and she shared them with here aides.  

    • Haha 1
  11. 6 hours ago, candide said:

    It seems you are quite creative when writing about laws. I have posted links which are quite clear about relevant laws applied to those cases.

    As said,lets say Trump is guilty.  So is Biden so is Hillary. 

    Only a died in the wool Trump hater can look at the disparity in treatment and try and convince themsleves that this was not weaponizing government. 

    Note Letticia James ran on a platform of going after Trump. 

    Oh 200 lawsuits in New York alone.  I guess Trump was not targeted.  Many New Yorkers have 200 lawsuits against them brought by the government. 

    With Hillary she not only kept the classified information she destroyed it. 

    Sandy Berger stuffed the classified dcouments in his pants and socks.  I guess that he must have "inadvertently" took those and when he shredded them that was just a mistake.  That is why Trump keeping them inside MarLargo was much worse and should be a felony but Berger got a misdomeanor.  

    Can you really delude yourself that much that the government is not being weaponized.  

  12. 6 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    You consider Trump's refusal to return the classified irrelevant?  Wow!

    Trumps legal team was in negotiations on the return of the documents.  There were disagreements over which ones should be returned.  

    Now tell me which of the records were under Supoena by Congress and were destroyed like Hillary did with her server, and phones.  

    Oh wait Comey said no reasonable prosecutor would bring that case. 


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    How is Trump an opponent of the New York Attorney General?  Is Trump considering running for that job?

    Oh come on.  You get your supporters to do you work for you

    As repeated. Name one just one instance where the Attorney General of NY went out of there way to specifically target just one person who inflated asset values on a loan application.  

    That is like saying that they only went after one person to review their tax records

    Or one person to see if they ever lied on a building permit

    The fact is that the Attorney Generals office is a proscuting attorney not investigative  or regulatory unit.  They went deliberately at ONLY ONE PERSON. PERIOD. 

    • Confused 1
  14. On 12/3/2023 at 7:45 AM, Danderman123 said:

    Biden's handful of classified documents were intermingled with many other unclassified documents. When discovered by Biden's lawyers, the classified documents were returned immediately.


    First off I don't know where you get your "information" that they were intermingled with other unclassified material.  I think in your own mind.  Irrespective does that mean if Trump intermingled his classifed material with other unclassified documents then no crime was committed. 

    How about Hillary, was the fact her classified material was intermingled with information on her server about Yoga lessons and wedding plans make potential leaking to our enemies any less significant. 

    Does her sharing that information unlike Trump with her aides and computer people any less grevious. 

    The fact that documents were or were not returned is IRRELEVANT.  That is like saying if I stole something from a store but then gave it back that no crime was committed.

    In terms of security, Trump's documents were in Mar Largo guarded by secret service.  Biden's were in a corvette n his garage totally accessible to others.  Hillary's were in her bathroom with full access by computer people and her aides.  

    There is little question that the crimes of Biden and Clinton in terms of potentially exposing classified material were far worse than Trump.  Yet only Trump is being prosecuted.  Why?  Because the establishment protects some and uses its power to punish its opponents. 

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  15. On 12/3/2023 at 12:02 PM, candide said:

    Come on! Don't pretend you don't know why! You've been told a few dozens of time already!

    These are a distinction without a difference.  

    There were classified documents in Joe Biden's garage.  Totally unguarded. The law does not give an asterisk for how few they are, how limited the content or the fact they were returned. 

    With Hillary, she not only had classified material stored on a personal server in her bathroom.  SHE SHARED ACCESS TO IT.  Both are violations of the law

    Come on Don't Pretend you can't see the difference in treatment.  You have had this explained to you dozens of times already. 

    It is purely a case of the law is for "thee and not for me"  


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  16. On 12/3/2023 at 12:44 PM, heybruce said:

    Name one person who's former lawyer accused him of financial fraud both in testimony and in a book who was not investigated and charged.


    As I said, name one person just one who the New York attorney's office has without a complaint of the bank said, I am going to subpoena the records and review let alone prosecute.  

    This is clear targeting of a political opponent and using government funds to pummel.  The fact that Cohen may have said something is irrelevant.  

    • Confused 1
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