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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. 21 hours ago, Social Media said:

    Have you ever known a major war in Europe we didn’t get sucked into?

    A more accurate statement would be have you ever known any conflict around the world that the USA didn't get sucked in to.  The world has come to expect that whenever there is a war around the world that the USA will put a dog in the fight and spill its blood and treasure while most of the world does nothing but complain.  They complain if the USA doesn't involve itself and complain if the USA does involve itself. 


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  2. On 10/16/2023 at 3:51 AM, Time Traveller said:

    Correct, savings is not income. So should not be taxable for just simple transferring it to Thailand.

    So if I was to say have income in the USA pay taxes in the USA and put the net amount in savings and transfer it to Thailand the following tax year, are you saying that money is not taxed or is Thailand going to run a comparison between the taxes owed to the USA and Thai taxes and charge the difference if the US taxes don't exceed the taxes that would be due if the filing was here in Thailand. 


  3. Ok perhaps this is a stupid question but lets say I have income in the USA of $100,000 per year and I pay taxes on that income and don't bring it into Thailand but rather have it remain in the USA. 

    Is it the understanding that the new law would make that amount taxable here in Thailand if I reside over 180 days.  

    Now what if the money in an account in the USA is savings already taxed in the USA and that money is brought into Thailand for living expenses.  That money is not "income" 

    What is the situation with Social Security.  I read conflicting statements with some saying Thailand could tax the social security and others saying no if you pay your tax in the USA then none will be owed here in Thailand because of the tax treaty. 


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  4. I am building a home in Pattaya and have purchased a few small items such as faucets from Ali Express and Alibaba.  They came through with no problem and with no import fees. 

    I have been contacted by a number of suppliers who can build custom cabinets to match the architect drawings, windows, doors, sinks, etc.  All are at prices substantially lower than I can obtain locally. 

    Yes, I know I have to pay for shipping but as one supplier said, they can load a container with purchases from multiple vendors.  And shipping from China is not particularly expensive since it is close.  

    My question is has anyone on this forum done this and second is anyone familiar if there are import duties or taxes that have to be paid on imported items from China. 


  5. Insurers in the USA are increasing premiums and with certain models refusing to insure them.  Even in minor accidents the dealerships won't certify the repairs without changing the batteries.  That makes even a minor accident a major claim. The single biggest expense in a new car is the depreciation.  EV's cost more to buy and depreciate faster.  I am going to suggest that as the car approaches the life of the battery its value will plummet close to zero when the cost of replacing the value exceeds the remaining value in the car.  Why purchase a 10 year old EV that you have to replace the battery on versus using that same money to get a newer model year with new technology.  Since depreciation drives the cost of leasing, EV cars despite their high price tag which usually makes for good lease versus buy to avoid the sales tax, they may find that the additional monthly lease payment versus an ICE model just isn't worth it. 



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  6. 14 hours ago, Social Media said:

    The Department of Homeland Security has said there is an "acute" need for the barriers.

    US authorities have detained over 2.2 million migrants this fiscal year alone.

    While the border wall is an impediment, it is hardly a impenetrable barrier.  One only has to look at the tons of illegal drugs that enter the USA to realize that the border is porous and you will never plug all the leaks. 

    The USA should do what Thailand does.  As a foreigner, I can't mail a package, open a bank account, buy a car or motorcycle, rent a hotel, send or receive money, get medical care, get a job, without having a valid passport and visa to stay in the country.  

    You can't stop people from entering the USA but you can make it extremely difficult for them to reside there.  If illegal entrants could not find a job, open a bank account, rent a place to live, obtain a car, etc they would soon self select to leave the country.  

    This cry that the USA needs immigrants is a hollow phrase.  Yes the USA does but not everyone who wishes to enter brings with them equal skills.  The typical person in the one of the caravans of millions heading to the USA is not an educated or skilled person.  Less than 25% have the equivalent of an 8th grade education.  

    Unskilled jobs in the USA are declining.  Automation is rapidly displacing those tasks that dont' require skills and education.  

    Each country around the globe has the right to say who it wishes to "invite" into their home.  It is not a right to demand to enter or force your way in.  A person who breaks into your home to secure a better life is not an undocumented guest.  They are a trespasser and guilty of breaking and entering.  This ruse about "assylum" is just that a ruse.  One doesn't pass through multiple countries that offer safety to only target the USA due to assylum.  They are targeting the welfare benefits in the USA that no matter how subsistence are still vastly superior to what their living standards are in their home country.  

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  7. On 9/19/2023 at 7:08 AM, Social Media said:

    Biden has frequently quipped “infrastructure week” was nothing more than a punchline during the Trump administration

    Would this be the pot calling the kettle black.  Seems to me Joe was part of this administration that stood on its soap box touting economic stimulus and infrastructure spending.  

    Now was the money spent, sure.  However as Nobel Prize economist Milton Friedman said, the problem with government programs is that they are graded based on their intentions not their results.  Remember the catch phrase, roads, schools, and bridges.  Well the money was pissed away and the roads, schools, and bridges are still in disrepair.  Voters unfortunately only remember the promises not the actual performance. 


  8. 14 hours ago, Emdog said:

    You left out the part where those non felons are almost never prosecuted for what Hunter is being charged for. Who was harmed? Yes he broke the law & the usual punishment (if any) is probation.... which was agreed to until it got political

    No I didn't leave it out, I was replying to a post indicating that him having a gun was no big deal.  If it is no big deal then don't ignore the law change it.  The hypocritical nature of those who claim to say "no one is above the law" seem to ignore it when prosecutions happen against someone that shares the same political idiology.  Is it true that most are not prosecuted for what Hunter is accused of doing.  Yes.  Is it true that most are prosecuted for what Hillary did.  Yes.  Martha Stewart went to jail not for insider trading but for lying to the FBI.  Guess who the prosecutor on that case was - James Comey.  You also forgot that people like General Flynn, Michael Cohen would never have had charges brought against them if it was not for their relationship with Trump.  Also, Trump has been targeted by New York specifically for actions that if he was not poltically active would have never been raised.  Case in point.  Trump University was viciously prosecuted but only in New York.  Trump University operated in several states, was investigated in both Texas and Florida and found that the actions of the University did not warrant prosecution. 

    Do I think that prosecuting Hunter for the gun violation is trivial, yes.  However just like Al Capone who they got on tax evasion rather than organized crime activities, they are going after a charge they can conclusively prove.  He was far more clever with his over 20 shell companies concealing activity that is more than questionable. 


    Jul 19, 2566 BE  The Bidens created over 20 shell companies – most of which were created when Joe Biden was Vice President. Bank records so far show the Biden ...
  9. 1 hour ago, Emdog said:

    Hunter got a gun. For 11 days. Never fired it. Hard core, eh?

    So if a person robbed a bank but never spent any of the money then it is ok. 

    What if the person was driving drunk but only for 11 days and then went sober does that exonerate him from prosecution if he was stopped. 

    What if a man beats his wife but only for 11 days. 

    The fact is the man broke the law.  I find it hypocritical that those who call for stronger gun control laws now often are the same people who are saying Hunter getting a gun was no big deal.  

    If you start down the road of who you will or won't prosecute and which laws on the books you will or won't take legal action against, you effectively are saying there are no laws.  If it ok to own a gun while being addicted to a controlled substance then change the law don't say it does not matter and overlook it. That breeds contempt for all the laws. 

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  10. On 9/28/2023 at 9:33 AM, Social Media said:

    transgenderism "a mental health disorder

    As children it was very typical to play "make believe"  

    When someone has imaginary friends they are deemed schitzophrenic and medicated.  But somehow if " I identify" as another gender that is not a mental disorder.  I am sure if I said I identify as an Lion people would think I am crazy and I see precious little difference in a person who believes themself to be a gender other than defined by their chromosones than considering themselves to be a different animal than what is defined by their chromosones.  

    May be an image of 3 people, zebra and text that says 'Painting a horse does not make it a Zebra Wearing a dress and putting on lipstick and saying you identify as a woman does not make you one either'

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  11. I have purchased a lot in Huay Yai and got an architect plan.  Foolish me, I submitted the plans and autocad file to three different builders and the BOQ's are different in terms of the amount and pricing of the materials and labor.  Now I can understand some variance but in some instances it is a 200% difference. 

    1. Does anyone know a "good builder" in Pattaya preferably English speaking
    2. The quality of the materials is an unknown so does it make sense to find someone to build the skeleton of the home and then move on in steps to then get the builder to meet and pick out things like doors, windows, roof tiles, etc.  When you try to compare BOQ's you get in some instances a price but in other instances things like wall switches, or sandstone that you have no idea what brand or type there is and it is way to much to try and tackle it all at one.  - Would there be a huge downside to trying to finish out if the builder only built the skeleton of the home. 
    3. With each builder they are including their operating margin.  That is fine and to be expected.  However in some instances there are prices for things like doors, locks, pump, etc.  Is it unreasonable to say to the builder, I get to pick those pay the price and you add your margin plus installation.  Otherwise the builder has the incentive to try and charge you the highest price possible on the BOQ and then provide the lowest possible quality. 

    I am just looking for someone honest, trustworthy, and straightforward.  My experience to date is like trying to nail jello to a wall.  Each time you try and get a straight answer from any of the builders on cost and what is includes they are trying to give a very vague answer.  

    If anyone has built recently and had a good eperience and would care to share the name of their builder that would be greatly appreciated. 


  12. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    What I am saying is that you have been consistently ignoring facts you don't like.

    Fact is that the U.S. has continuously complained about the lack of action against corruption in Ukraine, and in particular criticized the prosecutor general's office, in 2014 and 2015, including Burisma. T

    So let me get it straight.  You believe just by chance that all of a sudden all of the world became focused on just 1 prosecutor and corruption.  And his corruption was so great EU Commission, the IMF, the Dept of State and Joe Biden all concentrated just on this one man.  Your further believe that this one person was the only corrupt individual in Ukraine that warranted attention and that it was just coincidental that this one prosecutor was the only prosecutor said to be going after Burisma.  You ignore the testimony of the one person Devon Archer who testified that Hunter Biden was approached by Burisma Executive pleading for help from DC.   Sorry, you are worse than the OJ Simpson Jury.   

    First off it is WRONG of the USA to interfere with the governance of another sovereign nation irrespective of how moral it might be.  Secondly, I don't believe in coincidences.  It is possible to flip a coin 100 times and come out heads but unlikely.  It is possible but unlikely that Shokin just happened to be the one that Biden targeted and he just happened to be the one targeting Burisma and Hunter Biden.  

    You not only can't connect the dots. You deliberately shut your eyes to deny there are any dots. 



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  13. 16 hours ago, candide said:

    Projecting much, again?

    Are you claiming that the EU Commission, the IMF, the Dept. of State and Joe Biden have conspired in order to help Burisma?

    I am saying that I find it difficult to believe that the EU Commission, the IMF, the Dept of State and Joe Biden would have all coincidentally focused on one low ranking prosecutor in Ukraine.   Things don't happen by coincidence.  It is not a coincidence that this same prosecutor was invetigating Bursima.  It is not a coincidence that Devon Archer testified that Bursima officials approached Hunter Biden and asked if DC could help and then suddenly Biden uses coercian of witholding aid to Ukraine not to fire all the corrupt officials but just the one investigating Burisma where Hunter was getting huge amounts of money from. 

    From your lack of ability to put the dots together there is little question that if you were in the possible jury pool for the OJ trial if I was Johnny Cochrane OJ's defense attorney I would want you now only on the jury but as the foreman of the Jury.  You would have tried to sway the jury that despite OJ's blood, injured hand, bloody gloves, and DNA at or near the crime scene that you did not have a video and two eyewitnesses seeing her slashing her throat so the rest was purely circumstantial.  

  14. 30 minutes ago, candide said:

    Biden was applying the official U.S. government policy, in coordination with the EU and the IMF

    So let me understand the EU and the IMF along with the U.S. government focused on one person a prosecutor in Ukraine that just happened to be investigating Burisma.  As said, you must still believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Tug said:

    provide non existent proof

    Now you are concocting.  Since there was no investigation how do you know there was no proof.  The very fact that Shokin was investigating Burisma and Devon Archer "testified" that Burisma officials went to Hunter and asked for help from DC is more than sufficient evidence to show that Joe Biden's actions were not because he felt Shoking was not doing his job.  It was because Shokin was investigating Burisma and Hunter. 

    Out of all the low life characters in Ukraine Joe Biden happens to focus his singular attention on the one person Burisma has asked Hunter for help from DC.  

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