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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. 11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Ok, it seems you have moved from your position of "no injury, no crime" to one of Trump being uniquely picked upon. 

    No I have not moved from my position.  I said that the banks and I repeat that did not file a complaint.  Now as to a crime, there are crimes that are typically prosecuted and those that are typically ignored. 

    With Hunter Biden he committed a crime by signing the form to purchase a gun.  Those crimes are typically not prosecuted. 

    With bank "fraud" unless the bank has suffered a financial loss due to misrepresentation, using James Comey words about Hillary Clinton ' NO REASONABLE PROSECUTOR WOULD BRING THE CASE" 


    What you are proposing is that it is OK for the government to "target" an individual.   It is ok to break into his home as see if you find anything incriminating.  It is ok to have the IRS scrutinize not the tax returns of all citizens but to flyspeck one persons tax returns in particular.  

    In this case it is without question that the NY Attorney General had no interest in Bank Fraud.  She had an agenda to find a crime to charge Trump with.  They went through his foundation, his tax returns, and lastly his bank transactions.  That sir is the very epitomy of weaponizing government.  The State of NY has unlimited funds and people resources.  

    As I have repeatedly said, if this is not political targeting, Name 1 just 1 company or individual that the AG of NY has investigated for filing inflated financial statements when the bank did not incur a loss or file a complaint.  If you can't it is case closed.  This was the government weaponizing one of its departments to bludgeon a person who they hated politically.  Stalin, Hitler, did it similar. 

    China state run newspaper viewing the Trump indictments said the following


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  2. 4 hours ago, JCauto said:

    Your inability to frame logical arguments based on legal precedent and to provide believable anecdotes from your supposed experience as a Banker has led many of us to believe that you are hoarding something in great quantities, but it's not money.

    Name 1 just 1 other person or company that the DOJ of New York has even investigated for filing fraudulent financial statements WITH THE BANK NOT FILING A COMPLAINT


    It is true that banks can not bring fraud charges.  However they go to the regulatory agencies to file complaints.  They did not.  The attorney general SINGLED OUT Trump ignoring all others.  That is weaponizing the government agency to punish a political adversary. 

    This same thing was done under Stalin.  The targets were political enemies.  If the AG of NY was truly interested in bank fraud the investigation would be wide spread and cover a significant number of cases of fraud and filing of false financial statements.  IT DID NOT.  IT SOLELY FOCUSED ON TRUMP.  

    Great Purge, also called purge trials, three widely publicized show trials and a series of closed, unpublicized trials held in the Soviet Union during the late 1930s, in which many prominent Old Bolsheviks were found guilty of treason and executed or imprisoned. All the evidence presented in court was derived from preliminary examinations of the defendants and from their confessions. It was subsequently established that the accused were innocent, that the cases were fabricated by the secret police

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  3. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    You never show this picture when you comment the GOP committee investigation about Biden. Why that?

    Oh! I understand! After years of investigation, they Haven't found any crime

    I wouldn't agree. 

    With Biden you have a clear picture of money flowing from the Unkraine and China to Biden family members.  You have testimony from Hunters business parters that Joe Biden knew full well of his sons business dealings and was meeting with those business associates and it was clear that influence peddling was taking place. 

    You have Hunter Biden flying on Air Force 2 attending meetings following the flights with Chinese and Ukrainian officials. 

    That is totally and completely different than a states attorney general singling out his tax returns, mortgages, or papers submitted to financial institutions without any cause at all. 


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  4. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    1. Is the act of submitting false statements of asset value on loan applications and insurance contracts fraud? 

    Now according to you.  It is OK for the government to not go after all false statements but only those of its political opponents. 

    The attorney general of New York did not ask the banks for a list of all loan applications to review if there were fraudulent asset values on loan applications or insurance contracts.  IT ASKED ONLY FOR TRUMPS. 

    It was exactly as the the head of Stalins secret police said.  

    You target the man inspect only his records and then find anything that you believe you can use to persecute him.  

    Assuming Trumps asset values were inflated, the bank was being paid, hence it suffered no consequences.  Had the bank lost money and then approached the attorney generals office claiming damage, this would be a different case. 

    However the AG did not search all records or a sampling of records.  It targeted Trump specifically.  That sir is weaponizing government against a political adversary. No different than if the IRS is used to subject a political opponent to an extensive audit, or order one of the regulartory agencies to examine only the operation of enterprises of a political opponent. 

    Note the banks are FEDERALLY CHARTERED, but it is not the Federal Government bringing charges only the biased NY Attorney General who without any complaint did a gestapo like siezure of bank records and then without any damage to the financial institution or complaint by them brought charges. 

    If you can't see the difference, I can only explain it to you, I can't help you with the understanding part. 

    14 of the Best Quotes By Lavrentiy Beria | Quoteikon

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  5. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    So if no one is hurt there is no crime?  Does that mean that driving drunk at high speeds through school zones should be legal if nobody gets hurt?

    That is a false equivalent.  If someone reported the drunk driver there is probable cause.  However it is patently illegal in the USA for law enforcement to target a specific person and only check his blood alcohol level while ignoring all others. 

    The attorney general of New York ONLY looked at Trump.  The bank did not initiate the complaint.  They singled out Trump asked for the records, then based claims that the valuations were not correct.  First off valuations are very subjective.  One way or another THE BANK accepted them.  As a banker I can tell you we do our own due dillegence when financial statements are presented. 

    So according to your "logic" and I use that term loosely it is OK for the government to seek out only one person and examine their behavior, past actions, and obtain all records to see if a crime has been committed. 

    Does the book 1984 and BIG BROTHER sound familiar to you. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, pomchop said:

    The actions were taken because they violated the LAW...something you seem incapable of accepting in the case of trump.  

    Name 1 just 1 other person the attorney general of New York has gone after for submitting what they believe are innacurate financial statements to a bank where the bank did not file a complaint. 

    The attorney general singled out and targeted Trump.  It is the only person the Attorney Generals office of New York asked to examine records.  That sir is weaponizing the government against a policitcal adversary and you seem incapable of undestanding that. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 18 hours ago, pomchop said:

    Trump was found guilty by a judge and not by a jury

    And so does this Judge have infallibility? 

    Seems to me that 9 justices of the Supreme Court once ruled on Roe v Wade and decades later 9 different judges ruled that the other court was wrong. 

    My point remains the same.  The banks did nto file a complaint.  A very biased Attorney General ignored looking at any other company or individual who similarly "may have" inflated asset values to obtain a loan and chose to take a State action despite the fact that the banks are governed by the federal not state authorities and the banks suffered no loss. 

    PS.  What are those properties valued at today? 

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Danderman123 said:

    One of your tactics is "whataboutism". This is when you try to compare Trump's criming with others.

    This is nothing but the Stalinist regime deliberately taking charges that would not be brought against an absolute similar case.  As a former banker I can tell you that even if the bank lost money, there would not be charges brought against the person for making any false representations.  

    Trump like any other borrower tried to portray his assets in the most favorable way.  He would have had to have submitted documentation to support those valuations.  Now suddenly though the bank approved them, and is still being paid, someone after the fact is claiming the valuations were false. 

    Sorry, not a single person in all my 34 years in banking with some of the largest financial instituions in the USA did I ever encounter a single person being prosecuted for inflating values on a financial statement.  That would be punctuated where the bank was being repaid.  They would have no damage and hence no cause. 

    Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.” - Quozio

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  9. 22 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Like I said use the app, I don't have any of your problems

    I have used both the App and the desktop.  You still end up with searches that include items that have nothing to do with the item you are searching for.  Lazada is particularly bad in that it allows advertisers to post the exact same listing hundreds of times so you waste time filtering through the search. 

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