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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. I purchased two doses of Moderna from Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok for yet in 2021.  I also purchased two Moderna for my Thai GF who wanted either Moderna or Pfizer.  She is a dual citizen and finally was able to procure some Pfizer which she got last week.  

    We want to sell two of the doses and retain two for booster shots. 

    I see other people posting that they have seen these for sale and can be transferred.  Can anyone tell me where they have seen these posted for sale and if anyone is familiar with the procedure to transfer them to a different person.  

  2. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    MPs were broadly in agreement to press forward to set up legal casinos in Thailand

    Lets see, we want to attract a "better class of tourists"  Thailand response - Lets start casino's.  Yep that sure attracts the "right" kind of tourist and certainly would not breed corruption, increase crime, or prostitution. 

    Are these people delusional.  If they have an image of Thailand becoming a Monte Carlo they must be.  From my experience in the USA where they have legalized gambling they do not just attract "tourists".  They attract the locals and typically those with the least ability to lose money. 

    I guess using "Thai logic"  alcohol and prostitution is bad but the alternative vice of gambling is good.  


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  3. 2 hours ago, BananaGuy said:

    Still curious how the multifocal implanted lens works though

    Really the same as multi focal contact lenses.  The lens in the case of contacts just sits on the pupil and your brain focuses through the lens finding the sharpest image. 

    Just like monovision.  You have one eye for close up reading and one eye for distance.  Your brain will take the images from both eyes but will select whatever is giving you the sharpest focus whether that is far away or up close.  

    They have even done tests where contacts made the world appear upside down.  Within a short period of time, the brain adjusted the image received to reverse the effects of the contacts and turning the world back to its correct top side up. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. I don't know who can legally purchase these fully automatic rifles but even in the USA they would be illegal.  Any fully automatic rifle or pistol is sold strictly through special licensed dealers by the Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms department.  These dealers sell to law enforcement.  

    Semi Automatics which is what an AR-15, AK47, Mini 14 etc are require a pull of the trigger for each time the gun is fired.  

  5. I am considering cataract surgery.  My cataracts are small but the one in the right eye is dead center in the pupil.  I have noticeable astigmatism.  So between the cataracts and the astigmatism +1.75 in both eyes, I get blinded at night from oncoming headlights. 

    Has anyone done cataract surgery and done limbal relaxing incisions  to correct their astigmatism and if so were you happy with that. I know the other option is to get a toric lens but I understand that if those are not placed absolutely perfect or if they shift after surgery that the outcome can be not so great. 

  6. Yes, I did experience that.  Within two hours of my first injection I got severe lower back pain.  I just thought it was from sitting poorly on the trip to Bangkok.  It lasted about 4 weeks.  I got a second instance of lower back pain following the second injection but it was not as quickly noticeable and not as severe as the first injection.  Again, I dismissed it as being something still recovering from my first back episode. 

    I was alerted to it only after a man who is about 50 and in excellent physical shape said he had a severe back ache following his astra zeneca shot.  I started to do some research and did find their was a connection to what is termed gullain-barre syndrome.  It is caused when the sciatic nerve is damaged and it radiates pain starting in the lower back and it can radiate to your legs and even arms.  Mine did extend down to my legs.   It is an auto immune response and can be caused by any vaccine that triggers the immune system.  It is now about 5 weeks from my second shot and my back is fine.  I took daily doses morning, noon, and night of ibuprophen which did mitigate the pain.  

    Image result for guillain barre sciatic nerve
    Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system malfunctions and attacks the body's own tissues and organs. In Guillain-Barré syndrome, the immune response damages peripheral nerves, which are the nerves that connect the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) to the limbs and organs.


  7. 1 hour ago, Ohyesuare said:

    You're talking about illegal money lenders. I'm pretty sure credit card companies don't sell their debt to these kinds of people.

    I am not sure that the credit card company vett anyone who buys their debt.  They auction off the debt and whoever pays the most for it gets it.  Now who those companies employ and what tactics they use to collect  I am not sure about the two year statute of limitations.  If that is true, then she can tell them to take a long walk off a short pier because the debt is uncollectible. 

  8. It is not unusual for a third party to acquire debt from an institution like a bank, credit card company or even taxes owed in the USA.  They usually acquire that for only a small fraction of what is owed and then they can legally pursue the collection. 

    First off, I would be very careful to "settle" with any third party without full and complete knowledge that they can settle the debt.  Anyone can obtain information on unpaid loans and then claim to be the authorized owner of that debt and settle it.  You could find that you pay off the debt and then find that the credit card company is still coming after you and that they never assigned the debt to a third party. 

    • Like 1
  9. 58 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    In all cases, hospitals see many unvaccinated patients. It’s the unvaccinated keeping the epidemic alive.

    For every highly vaccinated country there is one with a high rate of covid infection and one with a low rate of covid infection.   There is no evidence that it is only the unvaccinated that are spreading it.  If that correlation was true, Belgium and the Netherlands would have a lower rate of covid infection than neighboring Germany.  Yet just the opposite is true. 


    Vacination Rates and Covid.JPG

  10. 16 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    The US is suffering an epidemic of the unvaccinated. Counties with low vaccination rates are suffering higher infections. 

    Even if an area is 90% vaccinated, that’s still 10% who can easily be infected. Until that 10% recovers from infection, gets vaccinated, or dies, there are indeed going to be infection

    The peril of seeing a correlation and think it is causation. 

    You have areas with lower rates of inoculation such as Germany adjacent to areas such as the Netherlands, and Belgium with high rates of inoculation yet Germany's covid infection rate is significantly less.  You have Portugal with the highest rate of covid vaccination and Spain the third highest rate of covid vaccination with both countries being among the highest rates of covid infection for any EU countries. 

    For every factor "thought" to be a contributor there are numerous examples that are contrary.  Population density.  Washington DC is the most densely populated area with almost 12,000 people per square mile while Alaska is the least densely population area with 1 person per square mile.  Both have populations of approximately 3.4 of a million people.  Washington DC has one of the lowest covid infection rates and Alaska one of the highest.  You can pick any factor whether that is age, race, covid vaccination rate, population density, mask mandate, quarantine etc and for every example shown to have a correlation you can find numerous regions with exactly the opposite.  

    So as the study showed, there is no strong correlation between vaccination rates and covid infection rates.  If vaccine rates were highly correlated then Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal would be among the lowest covid infection rates.  They are not. 


  11. 16 hours ago, Scott said:

    We do know that viruses such as this tend to come and go in waves. 

    I think that is the only thing that can be shown.  For whatever reason a pocket of infections hits and radiates around that area.  Other adjacent areas for whatever reason are spared.  

    In terms of inoculation, I have had two shots and will get a third booster.  While I originally thought it would provide me with a significant amount of immunity from becoming infected, I no longer believe that but rather if I contract covid I am more likely to have milder effects.  

    The same "seems" to be true throughout the world has areas such as Spain and Portugal have better than 85% of their populations fully vaccinated yet they continue to have high rates of covid infection.  The same is true for Belgium and the Netherlands.  

  12. 14 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The COVID vaccines have been tested and approved.


    They are safe and effective.

    You misconstrued my reply.  I was replying to a person who said vaccines take decades.  I have been vaccinated and would encourage all to do so as well.

    Yes they have been approved "for emergency use"  Normally a vaccine goes through an extensive number of years of clinical, then human trials.  The typical vaccine has between 5 and 10 years of trials.  

    Are the current vaccines "safe" perhaps but what choice does a person really have.  They either take a vaccine and potentially have a side effect or they don't take the vaccine and increase their risk of contracting a life threating disease.  We won't know if the vaccines have any "long term" negatives for some years.  Hopefully they won't but even approved drugs have after years of being on the market been pulled after years of use show they had unexpected side effects. 

    As said, I have had my two vaccine shots and looking to get a booster.  So I think I am safer taking the vaccine and the chances for any side effects than taking the chance of having a severe case of Covid. 


  13. For those of you with 3BB they offer with their internet package an add on for 100 baht a month a DTAC phone.  Unlimited internet, incoming text messages, and you can receive but not make phone calls.  Since I rarely need to call anyone it works for me. If I want to make a voice or video call I just use messenger or Whatsup. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, catturd said:

    "good things come to those who wait..."

    If you check further you will notice vaccines takes YEARS to complete.

    No, vaccines can be developed and  produced quickly but "testing" takes years to validate their effectiveness and safety.  The Covid vaccines were done in months. However they did not go through the normal decade long testing to validate their effectiveness or long term safety because of the "emergency use" 

    Now in terms of your comment about years, I might point out that 1987 was 44 years ago. 

  15. 23 minutes ago, catturd said:

    Just so you know, Tanzania is not the only country in Africa, there are 53 more. Maybe ask your friends to help you with that.

    Yes and North Korea reportedly has zero cases of covid and China with ten cities that have a population of 8 million or more has one of the lowest rates of covid infection despite the Chinese vaccines showing the lowest efficacy. 

    As has been said there are lies, d**mned lies, and then statistics. 

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  16. 12 hours ago, Scott said:

    Well,  trying to find a consistent correlation, is difficult.

    This is what a Harvard Study showed.  No Correlation. I have looked at what is reported for vaccination rates and infection rates.  Some countries with high rates of vaccination have low rates, others high rates.  Population density, some areas with high population density have high rates others with high population density have low rates.  Tourism, some areas that have a high number of tourists have high rates, others low rates.  Age again, some areas with older populations have high rates and others low rates.  Even areas that are adjacent to each other such as Belgium, and the Netherlands that are next to Germany have markedly different covid infection rates despite identical EU protocols.  Even here in Thailand provinces adjacent to each other have markedly different covid infection rates. 

    It leads one to think of Covid as a rock thrown in a lake that creates a ripple around it and very little can be done to mitigate it once that happens.  

    I know I have gone from thinking that vaccines were the answer as they would significantly reduce the incidence of covid to now believing their impact is at best unknown other than they appear to consistently reduce the severity of covid if contracted.  Perhaps the ultimate answer and not a completely good answer lies with managing covid knowing that people will contract it and having effective drugs and treatments to minimize the death and severe effects on people if they do contract it. 

    The longer this goes on with more and more waves and now quickly moving towards the third year of covid, the more it validates that covid can not be eradicated it can only be managed. 


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