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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. 30 minutes ago, newnative said:

      Alcoholism is strongly linked to genetics,

    Yes alcoholism is linked to genetics  That does not by default that because alcoholism is genetically linked and difficult to cure, that somehow proves that being gay must be genetically linked because it is a difficult lifestyle to abandon.

    Pedophilia is difficult to cure, rapist are difficult to be rehabilitated,  gambling is difficult to stop, pornography is difficult to overcome.  Are all of these "genetically" linked traits. 

    I happen to like Asian women, slight built, and medium shade complexion with a pretty smile.  Oh, I must be predestined genetically to be predisposed to that choice .  Bull Pucky.

    I don't know why you are fighting so hard to say gays are imprinted.  If it is a choice, so what.  

    As mentioned my gripe is not that the person is gay, but the fact that it gets constantly shoved in my face.  That is a uniquely gay trait that somehow they feel compelled to share to the world their sexual preference and ask them to regale in it.  I don't want 7th day Adventists shoving their religious beliefs at me, I don't want a person who lets say is a communist attempt to force their political ideology on me, and finally, I don't want someone attempting to indoctrinate the public or me and the joy of being gay.  Live your life, keep your sexuality like your sexual organs to yourself.  I doubt you care my "sexual preference" why would you think that others care about yours. 

    Now as to preference, this is what I was talking about.  Now be honest,  if the states required "heterosexual history" would you not feel discriminated against.  Further, it is a family's role to raise their children as they sit fit, and not be indoctrinated and that is the term indoctrinated by the public school system.  They should not be teaching religion, politics or showcasing "sexual preference"  


    As part of the Build Back better act, it was shoved by LGBT groups to include a provision that withholds federal grant money if LGBT curriculum was not taught in the pre schools.  That sir is brainwashing. Again, please tell me you would not be outraged if a similar provision was included that withheld money from schools if they did not have an anti-gay curriculum, or a pro heterosexuality curriculum.  

    Equal rights and privileges for everyone, special rights and privileges for no one. 


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  2. 1 hour ago, newnative said:

    It's not my 'theory'.   I was relaying the latest scientific research.

    You are going to have to show me this "new research"  Most conclusions are contrived to show the outcome desired by whoever funded the research. 

    As to why therapy does not work,  give me a break.  We have alcoholics that don't respond to therapy, we have criminals who don't rehabilitate, we have pedophiles that don't respond to therapy, we have drug addicts that don't respond to therapy to say nothing of smoking. 

    Again, the fact that one person is physically attracted to another of their own sex should be viewed no differently than someone who finds a person with a large derrière physically attractive, or who is into bondage and finds that activity "stimulating"  

    It just seems that this " I was born " to be gay is indeed some sort of self medication that soothes whatever reservations a person has about being gay. 

    Whether the person is born to be gay which I seriously doubt, or they select to be gay.  My position really doesn't change.  I want "equal rights" for everyone and "special rights" for no one.  

    I do not want a person who is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or any other faith to try and indoctrinate me or the public.  I find it hugely discriminatory if the flag of BLM matter flies over the embassy and gets a kneeling adoration from congress to the exclusion of non blacks.  I find that all the legislation is really nothing more than reverse discrimination intended to somehow address differences in the workforce or colleges.  The people most impacted by colleges are Asians who don't get into schools because of slots targeted for minorities.  Well if that is ok then why not target schools like Tuskegee or Howard that are almost exclusively black to take in a targeted percentage of whites.  If black only scholarships are OK then why not white only colleges.  If it is fine to have a congressional black caucus then why not a congressional  white caucus.   If the gays and BLM were considered religions the government would be barred from providing any support or preferential treatment.  Frankly Gay Pride, and BLM are "belief systems" not terribly different than religions except for the lack of a deity. 

    To beat a dead horse, I am totally for whether Lesbian, Gay, Bi or Trans having exactly and I mean exactly the same rights as heterosexual couples.  But they should not be treated any differently that those who choose to be celibate, or those who are heterosexual.  That means no "special months" where the government pushes us to not tolerate but celebrate the lifestyle.  The government by flying the gay pride flag symbolizing alliance is blatantly discriminating against the 95% of the population that is not LGBT.  Not only that, no other country has ever received that honor of their flag flying over the embassies for one month.  Finally, it is stated in code that the US flag should always be the highest on the flagpole, fly separately from any other flag, and be the largest flag on the flagpole symbolic of its higher place of recognition.  All of those were disregarded in some embassies where the USA flag was not the largest, not at the top of the flag pole and not flying separately. 

    You obviously believe the term "marriage" to by of symbolic importance.  I find the actions that openly promote the alternative lifestyle to by "symbolic" 


  3. 55 minutes ago, newnative said:

    reasons to deny someone the same benefits you have.

    Thank you for your very civil reply.  However, I never said I was in favor of denying any benefits. I am totally for two people of the same sex have the same 'RIGHTS AND BENEFITS" but not the same term to describe their union. 

    What I said was that we use terms to differentiate differences in almost every aspect of life.  Blonde, Brunette, Asian, Caucasian.  What I have repeatedly said, I am for whatever union you wish to call a life partnership between two people of the same sex, but I am not for calling it a marriage.  I "might" even go so far as to agree to two marriage certificates with one labeled Heterosexual Marriage, and one Same Sex Marriage.  


    Your comments make "some sense" but your theory of some sort of imprinting I just don't believe.  Who a person is "attracted to" is a matter of personal opinion and choice.  If I like younger women is that "imprinted" on me.  If I like heavy women is that "imprinted" on me.  If I prefer Asians over Hispanics is that "imprinted" on me.  If I am dishonest  is that "imprinted" on me.  If I am a "rapists" is that behavior "imprinted" on me.  I believe this notion of that someone is "predestined" to be gay is nothing more than a mental coping exercise designed to provide some pretense for a sexual preference that they have not completely accepted as acceptable.  It is no different than the black person who doesn't get the job.  It is easier to blame racism than accept the fact that they were not the most qualified candidate for the job. 

    No, we all make choices and the choice to be attracted to another person of the same sex, is absolutely no different than the person who has an attraction to younger women, Blondes versus Redheads,  

    Now as for "equal" rights.  I am totally for Equal rights for everyone, and preferential rights to NO ONE. 

    When governments starts mandating that company boards "must have" a certain portion of their board being of a particular race or sexual orientation, that is "preferential".  When laws are passed that mandate that LGBT curriculum must be taught in pre-schools or lose federal funding.  That is not equal.  That is discrimination and indoctrination. 

    If I am terminated from my job and what I truly want is my "benefits"  I can care less if the agreement is termed a separation agreement, a non disclosure agreement, an agreement not to sue, a termination agreement.  So long as the benefits I receive are identical.  However, the LGTB community could care less about any legal union that truly conveys equal rights.  They really want the term "marriage" to convey to others that the union has the same public perception as a heterosexual couple and that the same sex union is "normal"  No mind you I did not say deviant, but normal it is not.  Normal is when something is manifested by the majority, and abnormal is when it is a behavior only manifesting itself by a small percentage. 

    My complaint is not that people are gay, or that they want the "rights" of others.  My complaint is the constant call for "special treatment" and "special recognition"   I don't ask that you see the heterosexual flag flying over the U.S. embassies, I don't ask that you have a special heterosexual pride month, I don't ask for special legislation that endures benefits to only heterosexuals.  So don't do the opposite to me. 


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  4. 12 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    It's obvious that we dont need 'white lives matter' as white people are rarely targeted and abuses by people of other colours due to being white as the reason

    Here is a perfect example today.  Joe Manchin is "targeted" only because HE IS WHITE.  If Joe Manchin said something absolutely identical about another Black politician and say they don't care about the whites.  YOU WOULD LABEL MANCHIN A RACIST.


    However, racially charged accusations by minorities are "accepted" while by non minorities immediately chastised. 

    • Confused 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    Why are looking to animals for how humans should behave?

    I am not sure I have enough crayons and paper to explain it in a way so juvenile that you could understand. 

      The person said they were not "gay" by choice but were genetically predisposed.  I countered saying if that was the case, it would also manifest itself in other animals.  

  6. 12 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    If you want to be like animal then you would support rape of females,

    What planet are you living on.  My reply was to a person who said that being Gay was not a choice but rather something that they were genetically pre-disposed to.  I countered saying if that were true, it would evidence itself in other animals which it does not. I know of no examples in nature where another animal chooses ONLY another of the same sex and excludes those of the opposite sex. 

    I continue to say, that being gay, or lesbian is a choice.  Not any different than someone who has a sexual preference for someone with blonde hair, tall, Asian, etc.  It is not genetically imprinted and if it was that gene would soon diminish in the gene pool since only heterosexuals reproduce. 


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  7. 11 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    It's obvious that we dont need 'white lives matter' as white people are rarely targeted and abuses by people of other colours due to being white as the reason.

    So using your logic and I use that term generously.  Discriminating against whites is OK not treating them identically is ok because they are rarely targeted.  


      Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between people based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they belong or are perceived to belong. People may be discriminated on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation, as well as other categories.

      Then please justify White students being denied entrance into colleges in favor or minorities "just because they are white" 

    Then please explain how a white contractor can be denied receiving a contract because he is white and the law says it must go to a 'minority" and that is not targeting

    Please explain how a white employee can be fired by a black supervisor and be denied equal protection under the law to sue for being targeted for their skin color, but a minority fired can immediately sue claiming racial discrimination.  

    Please explain how government loans and grants only go to minorities but that is not targeting by default the Caucasians. 

    Using the gay population, tell me how it is not targeting heterosexuals in legislation that "MANDATES" that LGBT curriculum must be allowed in pre-schools or they lose federal funding and that doesn't "target" heterosexuals. 

    If you substituted the word White or Straight in Black Lives Matter, Predominately Black Colleges, The Black Caucasus, The NAACP, Black only scholarships, Minority Contract Set Aside, Affirmative Action, etc. You would scream discrimination.  Saying that there should not be a White Caucasus, a National Association for the Advancement of White People, Scholarships that only go to Whites, Contract set asides only for Whites, etc. 

    Discrimination works both ways,  Just as it is wrong to give prejudicial treatment to minorities that hurt them, it is equally wrong to give preferential treatment based on being a minority that by default discriminates and hurts those who are in the majority. 

    Equality is when "everyone" is treated equally.  Equal treatment for everyone, and special privilege for no one. 


    • Confused 1
  8. 10 hours ago, lkn said:

    No, the spreadsheet is on the big screen where attendance is also visible, and raised hands are counted and entered into the spreadsheet in front of everyone.

    Well it sounds like your operation is far more sophisticated than most. At our meetings the person says they can't prepare a budget until they know how much money is collected.  There is no computer record being broadcast live to the people.  As mentioned, I don't believe most people recognize all of their fellow owners and which units they represent.  Many are company owned units so who is the general partner in the company.  So you get a show of hands.  Even the count is done by merely saying 1,2,3, and until recently there were not even minutes prepared.  Even now, minutes are prepared but never distributed.  

  9. 7 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    We have a spreadsheet with ownership ratio, so people raise their hand if they vote in favor of the proposal / option A / etc., and we count raised hands

    Any method of voting is fine, if the votes are rigged.  At ours there were votes supposedly cast by people who did not even attend.  The only way of establishing that was to go to the land office and obtain a copy of what was reported as the people who attended and look at the vote total. 

    Even then, you would have to have a videotape to establish just how many hands were being raised, and of course that assumes you know each of the other owners and that they truly were the owner and not some shill in the group who was there to raise their hand for a particular property even though the property owner never attended. 

    Seems to me, paper ballots with signed signatures is the only way to truly establish who voted.  Even then, as mentioned our entity to establish a quorum making the meeting legal reported that more homeowners were in attendance including forging their signatures on the attendance sheet. 

  10. 1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

    homophobic, raciest and ignorant

    Oh, please show me those White Lives matter movement with the leaders of congress kneeling to it.   Or the heterosexual pride flag over the U.S. embassies.  Please show me the White Pride month.  Show me the laws that bar employers from terminating whites on the basis of race.  Show me the affirmative action laws mandating that black owned companies must have a specific percentage of whites on their payroll and boards.  Show me the policies at universities particularly at Predominantly  Black Colleges that mandate for diversity they must have a targeted percentage of whites on campus.  Show me the laws that says heterosexual schooling must be taught at pre-schools or they lose federal funding.  

    You see there is a huge double standard and you are evidence of it.  If I suggested any of those preferential treatments be to whites or heterosexuals then I would be labeled a racist and/or  a homophobe.  However you are blinded to the fact that these are not "equal" but preferential treatments.  That sir is being a hypocrite. 

    Thomas Sowell - Professor of Economics and Senior Fellow at Stanford  Institute said it best. image.png.282179c52e5791af7c853cf3dd02ffbd.png


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  11. 1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

    My issue is they DEMAND minority rights as if it really is a right - not just sexual minorities but racial too.

    Well said.  There are too many minorities that don't demand "equal" treatment but preferential treatment.  For me, whether gay, lesbian, transsexual etc. that is a conscious choice.  Now some people may be swingers, or into group sex, or into bondage.  Hey if that is your thing and everyone is a consenting adult go for it.  However, don't ask me to admire it, embrace it, celebrate it, or not call it exactly what it is. 

    In the case of same sex marriage, I don't want anyone to lose out on any rights and privileges afforded married couples. However I draw my line with the demand that it be called "marriage"  We distinguish all things in life by differences.  A caesarean and natural child birth both achieve the same result but are different.  A duet, trio, quartet, and choir are all singing groups but they have different names because of difference in numbers.  

    A union, life partnership, life companion, civil union, or registered relationship whatever you wish to call it should come with the same rights and privileges as married couples but have a different term to signify there is a difference between two people of the same sex forming a union and two people of the opposite sex.  Nothing more, nothing less. 

    However I truly believe the push for the demand for marriage is a red herring by the LGBT community.  What they are really wanting is to convey to future generations the "normality" of the lifestyle and hence promote it.  No, normal is what the vast majority due, abnormality is when something is not mainstream. 

    What I hugely object to is the pandering to minority groups placing them on a pedestal that somehow we are suppose to embrace, agree with, and pledge allegiance to.   

    I do not see the heterosexual, or celibacy flags flying over the embassies of the USA , but I do see gay pride flags.  I don't see months being devoted to White History or Heterosexual Pride, but I do see Black History Month and Gay Pride Month.  I don't see colleges having special lower admission standards for Caucasians, or Asians, but I do for Blacks, and Hispanics.  I don't see contract set asides for Caucasians but I do for minorities. I don't see legislation being even suggested that forces companies to have a percentage of their workforce, and/or board of directors be black, brown, or LGBT.  But I do see the opposite. 

    That is the definition of systematic racism when preferential treatment is given solely on the basis of race.  Equality is when everyone is treated identically and it is not giving preferential treatment to gain identical outcomes. 

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  12. 20 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    I bet you think people who steal don't have a choice too.

    I love it. 

    Yes people who join Swingers clubs "don't have a choice" People who have group sex "don't have a choice".  People who like sex with underage children "don't have a choice"  People who engage in sex with a corpse "don't have a choice"  People who engage in sex with an animal "don't have a choice" 

    This notion of gays somehow being imprinted at birth is another mental coping mechanism to somehow soothe whatever reservations they have about the LIFESTYLE or to provide for whatever reason some justification to others for it. 

    People have preferences.  Some men prefer younger women, some blondes, some Asians, some heavy women, some small women, some women with long legs etc. For whatever reason there are some people who are likewise physically attracted to others of their same sex. 

    If it was valid there was any chromosomal predisposition to cause offspring to be gay, that would soon be diminished in the gene pool since only heterosexuals reproduce. 


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  13. 3 hours ago, transam said:

    When MG (Morris Garages) was bought by the British Motor Corporation, Morris badge was used on basic rides and the MG badge was used on performance rides, mainly the same cars with higher output for the MG badge

    I am from the USA.  There were few MG's in the USA.  They looked nice but did not have a good reputation for reliability and service on them was always limited.  

    I purchased an MG5 a little over a year ago.  I was very happy with it.  Had only 1 minor problem with a turn signal indicator switch which the dealership quickly fixed at no charge. The car had far more options and was slightly larger than the comparable Toyota Vios or Honda City and was less money. 

    I think that the MG brand here in Thailand is a good value.  It is a nice looking car with lots of amenities for their price.  I have driven the ZS and HS models and they are nice.  They ride a little firmer than the comparable Toyota and Honda SUV's.  I bought my car as a repo with only 12,000 km on it.  Though I did not buy from the dealer, both dealers in Pattaya performed routine warranty service on the car and I was treated like a valued customer. 

    The biggest negative to the MG;s is that they do not have the perception of a Toyota or Honda and hence the resale value is lower.  I had the opportunity to buy a used 2021 MG HS with only 8,000 km on it for 675,000 baht.  I bought a Toyota Corolla Cross instead.  In retrospect I should have bought the MG.  500,000 baht cheaper and larger cargo area.  

    I am very happy with my Toyota Corolla Cross and I do like its ride better than the MG HS.  But it is smaller in cargo area than the MG and as a matter of fact, I could put more in the trunk of my MG 5 Sedan. 

    If I was buying an MG again, I would do the same as the first time, buy used and preferably from a private party so no VAT.  The ZS seems to hold its value better than the HS.  I think that is because fewer Thai's can afford the larger HS and perhaps some concern that its size makes it more difficult to maneuver and park. 

    I also looked at the new Glory, and Haval.  They look wonderful though I was not able to drive one.  The biggest negative is the lack of service centers throughout Thailand yet.  Also, since they don't have the perception of a Toyota or Honda I expect their used car value to plummet if you tried to sell it



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  14. 6 hours ago, World Traveller2 said:

    Excellent suggestion about how to improve healthcare in USA.

    I have but you have to understand there is not an interest of the government, and certainly not the hospitals, doctors, or drug companies to have to compete and lower health care costs. Quite the opposite.  They all want "MORE MONEY"  The government wants the control of those healthcare dollars to manipulate the system.  It also wants the votes of those beholden to all those medical dollars.  The hospitals, doctors, and drug companies are loathe to actually have to compete and they want the patients not caring about what something costs.  They want them to come in for more tests, more procedures, and more drugs. 

    Universal healthcare and health care insurance is peddled to the public as serving the interests of the patients.  No, it is opening up the vault with untold billions of dollars to the health care community.  

    It is a situation identical to student loans.  They are peddled to the public as "helping the poor student get a good education"  No, student loans are like handing a credit card to a nymphomaniac outside a whore house that accepts Mastercard and Visa.  It gives the colleges the ability to raise tuition and not compete based on value.  


  15. 5 hours ago, Mr Dome said:

    You have issues. I don't have to name anything, you need to educate yourself before making claims and provide supporting links to qualified sources. End of

    First off I did not claim there was not some "sexual" acts in animals between same sex animals.  I said that there was no "homosexuality" that is a species that selects "ONLY" the same sex.  This was in response to a poster to said homosexuality was not a choice but rather something compelled in them. 

    There is ZERO evidence of any imprinting of a person to become Gay.  If that were true, the numbers of gays would decrease over time since it is only heterosexuals without that chromosome that reproduce. 

    Being gay is A CHOICE.  Not any different than a person who prefers a sexual partner that is younger, blonde, slim, curvaceous, Asian, etc.  It is a sexual attraction. 

    The fact that a monkey mounts another male monkey, or a female monkey licks another female monkey during mensuration is as much proof as when the dog mounts a person leg.  It is a inbred response, not a choice and certainly not like being truly homosexual a term that applies to only having sex with someone of the same sex. 

    Using your "logic" and I use that term very generously.  The following would be an example and proof that animals sexually are also "Trans Species" since this is obviously a dog trying to mount a cat. 



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  16. I have used the system only minimally.  My Thai GF has used Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.  The prices there are higher but the level of service, not necessarily the quality of the services are better.  

    One thing I can tell you.  The USA spends more per person on healthcare than any nation on earth.  Despite that, the cost is exorbitant.  I can get my dental examination complete with cleaning with the latest equipment by a dentist trained in the USA for less money than my co-pay back in the USA.  

    I have looked at various procedures such as a colonoscopy, and cataract surgery.  Here again, I can pay for those services at about the same cost as my co-pay back in the USA. 

    Those who somehow "think" that the government programs are the answer only insure that the hospitals, doctors, and drug companies are the ones who benefit because the unlimited supply of money allows them to overcharge and it ends the patients becoming consumers.  The patients don't shop for services since no matter where they go they pay the co-pay and the hospitals have no incentive to keep the price down since they know that the insurance company or government is going to pay the remainder. 

    I am convinced there is no "perfect" answer to healthcare.  The closest program I can think of is for the government to mandate that everyone have a health savings account that is funded by a small percentage of their pay.  They would continue to fund that until it reaches a balance of lets say $15,000 maximum and must be replenished if the balance falls below $10,000  Each person would then have a major medical policy with lets say a deductible of $10,000 USD/ 330,000 baht.  For small bills  the amount would be paid from the persons medical savings account. 

    The fact that the person was using their own money for the small bills would cause them to limit their trips for medical care to only those necessary and they would shop for the best value.  If they truly had a major health problem, the major medical policy would protect them. 

    This is like your car insurance.  You insure it for a significant damage, or being stolen.  You don't insure it for oil changes, tire replacement, or car washes.  The current system is so expensive and bloated because people knowing that the trip only costs them their co-pay they act like people in the all you can eat buffet.  Once you pay you want to each as much as you can.  If that doctors visit is only going to cost you personally $10 - $25 USD then lets go and get it looked at. 

    is it perfect, no.  However it is an improvement over the way the USA does it where your have no curbs on your healthcare to other parts of the world where you have no safety net. 

    Before those of you who cry, well the USA has a significant portion of people who don't get healthcare because they don't have insurance.  Let me tell you, it is against the law in the USA for a hospital to deny treatment to anyone.  Just ask the Mexican mother, not only not having healthcare insurance but not even being a USA citizen if she is denied at a hospital in the USA and seeks maternity care at any USA hospital.  

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  17. 3 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Actually they change names from "abdc23nb" to "badc32bn".

    Yes, I mean you can see the ads are identical and obviously from the same seller.  The fact that Lazada allows multiple listings from what is obviously the same seller is a disservice to shoppers.  It clutters the listings with constant repetitive ads making it laborious for buyers.  When I sort from low to high and see pages after pages of the same item I get frustrated and stop shopping and go to Shopee.  


  18. 1 hour ago, lkn said:

    What do you mean by that? We do all voting by raise of hand, outcome is put into meeting minutes, but only JPM and chairman (I think) signs that

    How can it then be established which homeowners voted, and what or who they voted for.  If I wish to be deceptive, I can say there were 50 votes for a proposal, sign attesting to it, and the Land Office would have no way of establishing if 50 people really voted.  There would also be no paper trail to allow anyone who wished to contest the vote to establish that 50 people really didn't vote for a particular proposal.  

    Your process assumes that those running the Juristic Entity are honest.  That has not been my experience.  At one meeting it was reported that 4 people attended the meeting in order to have a quorum but those 4 people not only didn't attend the meeting but they were physically out of the country.  

  19. I shop extensively online.  I buy from both but far more Shopee than Lazada.  I find the prices tend to be higher on Lazada though not always.  Strangely enough you can have the same item on Shopee and Lazada from the same seller and have two different prices.  Usually Lazada is higher and I can only assume that the charge to the seller on Lazada must be higher so that cost is passed along. 

    I don't find delivery times different on either. They both use Kerry, DHL, J&T, Flash etc.  Sometimes fast sometimes slow. 

    Both search engines for Lazada and Shopee are lousy.  You can literally copy the listing title on both of them, input it with a search and get a no item found response.  Shopee tends not to show multiple ads from the same seller for the same product.  Lazada is cluttered with them, so I find searching on them is taxing. 

    Finally, Shopee gives vouchers for free shipping and they apply to the entire order.  Lazada gives free shipping voucher every day but it applies to only selected products and only to 1 item. 

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