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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. Another example of " its somebody else's fault"  At what point does a person bear the responsibility of checking things out for themselves.  Travelling today every tourists has to be brain dead not to realize that their our implications if you or someone you are traveling with tests positive for Covid.  

    If the person was really that concerned there is this wonderful invention called the internet.  Blaming others is nothing more than this pervasive attitude that it is always someone else's fault, and of course expecting them to compensate you for your own lack of due diligence. 

    • Thanks 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I don’t portray these minors as anything, I’ve merely stated the facts regarding they cannot give consent to any sexual act with an adult and that adult sexual acts with a minor is a crime, very serious crimes.

    Yes according to "the law" they could not consent and so with that brings additional charges.  My point is that is a pretty hollow issue.  If the "law' said that the age of consent was 12, would that make what Epstein and Maxwell did any less despicable.  

    The two were "sex trafficking"  irrespective of the age.  The women knew exactly what they were doing and they fact that they were not of the age of consent does not in any way diminish their culpability in agreeing to take cash in exchange for sex. 


    • Confused 4
  3. 2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I went to that hospital, Sattahip,

    No that is it.  Very large hospital.  I was not displeased at all with the quality of the service but very confusing process.  It would seem pretty straight forward to give a person a queue number and then post the number either manually or on an electronic board like they do in immigration or at the banks.   When you placed your paperwork in the boxes, you had no idea if you did it correctly or where you stood relative to the number of people waiting, or for that matter how many were really waiting for the same examination rooms since there were numerous rooms. 


  4. 1 hour ago, doctormann said:

    I don't know at this stage if that was for one eye or two or for single vision or multi-focus lenses.

    I can guarantee that is for one eye, single vision and if it is 40,000 baht that is a very good price.  

    Before you opt for multi-focus I would do some research.  Multi-Focal lenses are not easy to get accurately prescribed.  Also they are extremely touchy with respect to being precisely placed.  If they are off slightly just like with progressive glasses, the field of vision is correct only in the exact center. 

    I have talked to a number of ophthalmologists who universally recommend single vision lenses and using reading glasses.  I would like to inquire about mono-vision.  Single vision in one eye for distance and single vision in the other for reading.  I did that following my lasik surgery and had only one eye done, leaving the other for reading.  I had no problem with it at all.  Your brain always looks through whatever eye produces the clearest image.  So for distance, it focused through my right eye, for reading it focused through my left.  


  5. 1 hour ago, doctormann said:

    One caveat - it appears that Jomtien Hospital is now part of the Bangkok Group, with all that implies, price-wise.  

    I "think" Jomtien Hospital was always part of the Bangkok Group.  It was built brand new and since day 1 there appeared to be a connection.  

    I "think" also that the doctors at Jomtien are the same doctors as Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.  I would assume that would mean a consistency in prices.  I can't believe Bankgkok Hospital Pattaya would sponsor a hospital to compete with lower prices with itself. 

  6. I went earlier this month to Queen Sirikit hospital to inquire about Cataract Surgery.  I was very quickly attended to and after a modest series of eye tests I was told to make an appointment with the Ophthalmologist to discuss cataract surgery.  The nurse was very helpful and even gave me an appointment for approximately 3 weeks later, December 29.  

    I arrived and the entire process was a bit confusing.  Though I had an appointment slip I was told I needed to return downstairs to register.  I did so and returned.  I was told to put my papers in a wall tray outside examining room 4 and wait.  Though it was some sort of queuing line there was really no way to tell where you were in line other than waiting to be called.  No number system. 


    After a wait of approximately 45 minutes I was called and then told to get my blood pressure tested.  I did so and the self service machine printed out my BP.  I was then lost as to how to proceed and fortunately my Thai GF was able to inquire and we were told to place all the papers including the now stapled BP slip in other waiting bin.  This was the longest wait, almost two hours.  Back to examining room number 4 where I was told to go to the Laser room for testing.  That was quick only about 15 minutes staring at an orange dot and getting a print out again stapled to my papers and told to go see the doctor. 


    The doctor asked a few questions, did a very thorough exam and told me to put my papers in a green bin and wait to be called.  After about 15 minutes a person came in and dilated my pupils and I waited for about 1 hour and then told to  go back to the the laser room for yet more tests.  This was very quick.  Just walked into the room, the nurse sat me in front of yet a different machine and scanned both eyes and then yet more paperwork printed, stapled to my package and told to go again to see the doctor. 

    The doctor examined me again, and told me that cataract surgery for me was a choice.  My day vision was not that bad and that it was strictly the difficulties that I had with night driving and road glare that were a problem.  She said that if it bothered me to go ahead with the surgery, if I could put up with it just to live with the problem.  However, she said they were only doing surgery on people with severe vision loss and as such, I would have to go elsewhere to find surgery. 

    Now the good.  I think the examination was very extensive, and the equipment very modern.  The cost was very modest only 2,090 baht for up to 6 hours of multiple people examining my eyes and running tests.  The bad.  The wait in one case two hours between seeing someone was certainly on the long side.  The poorest thing was why they made the appointment for me in the first place.  When I first went there in early December the nurse who tested me could certainly ascertain that I did not have significant vision impairment and I was inquiring about cataract surgery.  If the hospital was limiting surgery to only those with significant impairment why not tell me that at the first visit and instruct me to go elsewhere. 

    I am wondering if anyone has done some research on where to go to get competent Cataract surgery at a reasonable price. 

    Yes I know you can go to Rutinin, or Bangkok Hospital or Bumrigrad.  However those hospitals such as Bangkok Hospital Pattaya went from 22,000 baht for single vision lens in 2018 to now 72,500 baht and that is for the least expensive lens and does not include everything. 


    • Thanks 1
  7. The girls were "victimized" however they were hardly babes in the woods.   Not any different than children who sell illegal drugs.  They knew what they were doing was not right but were willing to do it for the money.  The fact it was "age of consent" is a red herring argument.  Though it may be a legal point it hardly portrays them as some innocent victim that did not know they were selling sex. 

    Now while I have no sympathy for Maxwell, I do find it interesting that the records have been sealed.  So as to the American System of Justice.  Those in positions of power that used Epstein and Maxwell's services get off scot free?   If these were just average citizens I would imagine they would be getting warrants any day now.  

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    EV makers need to guarantee a trade in value (pro-rated),

    You have hit on a point that is often disregarded.  The cost of a car includes, what you pay for it, how much it costs to operate it, minus what you get for it, after you eventually sell it. 

    In the beginning, General Motors would only "lease" not sell its electric vehicles.  By doing that, the user knew exactly what cost they would incur per month.  GM knew that new technology, and unknown resale value would stop potential future buyers, so to prevent that, they leased only. 

    I have not run the calculations on an electric vehicle.  However, they cost more than a comparable gasoline model.  They are expensive to completely replace the batteries when they are needed.  By contrast, a used motor in an 8 year old Camry is pretty cheap, but a complete new battery pack in an 8 year old electric Camry is not cheap. 

    My own personal experience comes only with owning a Lexus Hybrid.  I paid 25% more for the hybrid over its comparable gasoline model.  It got no better gas mileage than the other 4 identical Lexus SUV models that I owned previously and when I sold it 4 years later the resale value on the Hybrid was identical to the gasoline models that as said, sold for 25% lower price to begin with. 

    My suspicion is that electric vehicles will prove economical the more miles you drive.  Hybrids will only prove economical for those who drive almost exclusively city stop and go traffic.  If electric cars are 'truly cheaper"  the marketplace will favor them, providing the nuisance of constantly having to stop and recharge is minimized. 

    For now, at first glance, the higher up front cost and the likelihood that the resale value will be hugely impacted the closer it is likely that the batteries will have to be replaced.  Those "used cars" are worth only what the marketplace says they are worth.  Having the manufacturer guarantee a resale value only places them at risk for taking the loss if the resale value of those used electrics is low.  To make up for that, they would have to increase the original price to compensate for future losses which does nothing but push the cost to the front end. 

    I would prefer for the marketplace to dictate whether it is gas, hybrid, electric, or perhaps hydrogen power etc that turns out to be the best value.  Having bureaucrats decide that "electric" is the only option only guarantees that those with the most to benefit from electric car sales will make sure there is enough graft passed on to politicians to make that happen. 


  9. 5 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Only proves he's not a very thrifty shopper .

    No only proves that replacing a battery in a Tesla can be prohibitively expensive.  Now this man lives in Finland,  The battery replacement might be cheaper in the USA but you pay the repair costs based on where you live not where you can get the repair done cheaper.  

    Same as here in Thailand.  The cost of a Camry here is nearly double the price of a Camry in the USA.  But if you want a Camry here it is going to cost you.  

    In the USA I can buy a Brand New Top Model Lexus RX 350 for between  $45,320 - $52,600 USD which is between 1.5 million baht and for the top model 1.76 million baht.  Buy the same car here in Thailand and the price of the top model will approach 7 million baht. 


  10. 3 hours ago, Kanada said:

    Sorry I don’t believe that $ number!


    Google can be your friend. 


    Now this man lived in Finland so perhaps that might have something to do with the higher cost.  As I understand it, he estimated the cost of the battery to be approximately 50% of what used Tesla's like his were selling for.  

    Given that all electric cars will eventually require their batteries to be replaced, the cost of that would have to be factored into the cost efficiency of the car.  One thing would be true, and that is if you had to pay for that replacement it would result in a significant "maintenance cost" even if factored over 7 to 10 years.  If you did not replace the battery I suspect the resale value of an electric car plummets exponentially as it starts to approach the time a used car buyer knows that the batteries will require replacement. 







  11. On 12/28/2021 at 5:04 PM, Tim121 said:

    I viewed Thailand as a tourist spot first, rather than a underdeveloped corruption hub.

    I have no idea why Thailand would treat you with such disrespect.  Now as to posting this subject and then responding how you "felt" you were treated, perhaps you can gently step down from your soap box.  People generally "earn respect" It is easy to blame ones treatment on their ethnicity rather than potentially look inward and say you were treated with all the respect they felt you were due and not because of your skin color.  If you were truly treated as you say you were, did it ever occur to you ask another American teacher one that is not African American and see if they received similar treatment.  I am Caucasian.  I have not got into all the colleges I applied to, I did not get all the job that I applied for, I got fired from a job, I even got stopped a couple of times by the police.  Guess what?  In none of those instances was the fact that I was white the cause.  Maybe the same is true of you. 


  12. On 12/27/2021 at 9:54 AM, ikke1959 said:

    If the interest is low and you want to make more of your money you have to take more risks. I worked a long time in the bank and I know it for years... If it goes wrong there is always a chance that you loose your money more or less, but that is the risk.. Results from the past are not sure in the future..

    I also worked as an executive officer at a Major US bank for 4 decades as well as being in investments for Merrill Lynch.  A person who invests in riskier investments to pursue a higher rate of return does so with some if not complete knowledge of the risks of loss.  This was not a "risky investment" gone bad.  This was a fraud.  Huge difference

    • Like 2
  13. On 12/24/2021 at 8:07 PM, newnative said:

     I was relaying the latest scientific research. 

    No you "gleaned' what you wanted and omitted the fact that the study found "NO GENE" that predestines a persons proclivity to be gay. 

    Again I don't see how this is anything more than some sort of mental medication that comforts the person who is gay believing that genetically they were programmed to be gay.  Personally, I believe it is a choice, a preference.  I don't know why that is so repulsive.  Some people have a sexual preference for a particular body type, a particular hair color, a particular age group, or a particular ethnic group.  Now is that "programmed"   No, just like the article you keep referencing preference are based on a myriad of factors.   Why when we look at a person do we have the immediate mental response "oh they are attractive" versus "oh they are very homely"  That is not imprinted on us that is something we develop as we age. 

    One final point coming from the perspective of a heterosexual.  I have no delusions that anyone cares about my sexual preferences.  I am not so misguided as to think that somehow showcasing those preferences to others will make them admire, respect, or convert to them. I am lost as to why the LGBT community thinks it is any different with them.  People by their very nature do not like to be prodded or preached to.  

    I mentioned before I am for equal rights for everyone and special rights for no one. Consider

    There is One day to celebrate and pay recognition to the life of Martin Luther King


    There is One day to celebrate and pay recognition to two presidents Washington and Jefferson whose accomplishments of founding the USA are not deemed so unimportant that they must share a single day on Presidents Day

    There is One day to celebrate and pay recognition on Memorial Day to those that fought and died for people's freedom in the USA.

    There is :One day to celebrate and pay recognition on July 4, for the birth of the country and its end of servitude to another country. 

    There is :One day to celebrate and pay recognition on Labor Day to those who toil daily to help create the worlds largest economy.

    There is One day to celebrate and pay recognition on Veterans Day to those who served in the armed forces to protect Americans freedom. 


    There is One day to celebrate and pay recognition on Thanksgiving Day for all the blessings bestowed on us. 

    There is One day to celebrate and pay recognition on Christmas Day to the birth of Jesus who if Christian represents the savior of mankind. The number of Christians in the world living today is 2.32 billion.  So in the scheme of things the icon of the Christian Church is given only scant attention compared to the gay rights movement. 

     Somehow the public is subject to celebrate and pay recognition of Gay Pride for an entire month.  With the news media focused on the various parades and festivities celebrating and pandering to a population of the U.S. public that comprises fewer than 5%. of its citizens.  Excuse me if I don't share your enthusiasm for the lifestyle but it seems the attention drawn to it continually is way out of proportion to its significance particular when compared to the one day relegated to far more significant events.   Live your life, enjoy your lifestyle, but please stop trying to convince me to regal in it.  When someone is constantly seeking affirmation from others it only shows they are not confident of it themselves and want others to validate it. 




  14. 12 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    I have bought a couple of hundred items from AliExpress, I have never been asked to pay anything.

    According to the seller, there is no VAT or customs charge because the package is sent from China.  Maybe some sort of free trade agreement? 

    I have bought some small items from Aliexpress in the past and was never charged but I wasn't sure about the camera system. 

  15. 3 hours ago, newnative said:

    other factors have all been found to be contributors to sexual preferences.

    Some people like vegetables, some like red meat, some like chicken, some like fish.  Those are preferences.  No, I never meant to infer your preference for Asian men was genetically linked.  Quite the opposite, I don't think a persons "preferences" are inherited traits.  We have for reasons unexplained preferences on how we dress, on the type of car we drive, on the style of home we prefer, on the climate we like.  I don't know why it is so difficult for gays to come to the realization that no they are not predestined or imprinted they just happen to prefer same sex over opposite sex.  To which I say, so what.  As previously mentioned but worth repeating.  The world does not care about how I revel in my sexual preference.  The public is not suppose to fawn over the fact that I am a heterosexual.  The world does not believe that I or any other heterosexuals should be actively indoctrinating them or their children on my lifestyle.  Why do gays think that somehow the world is interested in their sexual preference  I don't care about their preference in any aspect of their lives and I certainly am not deluded to think they care abut mine. 

    Now to pose a question.  If you truly believe that somehow you were "imprinted" by genetics to be gay, then why the push for "education" of the youth.  All that needs to be taught is tolerance of the lifestyle and nothing more.  After all there is nothing to teach only that some DNA causes the same sex preference, and you either have that DNA or you don't. 

    Again, thank you for being civil.  Many just end up ranting and bring out the homophobe card.  I truly don't think I am.  I have no problem with what consenting adults agree to.  I have known people who are into swinging, though I am not.  I have known people who are into group sex, but I am not.  The bottom line is that your preferences not just sexual ones are yours and though important to you, are of no concern to others.  When I go to a Broadway play and it opens with some tribute to gays I get angry.  I paid to be entertained not lectured to.  Yet for whatever unexplained reason the LGBT community is constantly clamoring to not just be left to live their life but seem to be seeking public affirmation of their lifestyle to somehow validate to themselves its acceptability.  As Morgan Freeman said about Black History Month, it is ludicrous  and to end racism people just have to stop constantly reopening the divisions by talking about it.  The same is true for LGBT.  The public I truly believe has accepted that others have the right to that lifestyle.  But they don't believe that lifestyle has to be constantly thrown in our face and we are asked to kiss the ring. 

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