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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Them that start wars don't get an opportunity to make the rules and regulations, always read the small print before you start a war is my best advice.
  2. My concerns are not antisemitic nor are the confined to my little box of thinking. I am on the side of justice seeing you asked and not the side of beastial terrorists, Israel has done everything humanely possible to limit the deaths of the civilians in Gaza, whereas Hamas have used the civilians as a human shields, try thinking outside the box for a change. Unlike you (if that is to be believed) the terrorists don't want peace, they would be quite happy, nay ecstatic to kill every Israeli that they possibly could. These people are full of hate and we have seen what they are capable of doing, I have never seen such gruesome executions of Israeli civilians in my entire life, these animals need hunting down, every last one of them so they don't have another chance of repeating their perverted torture and murder. The Israeli government owe this to the people of Israel and whether you like it or not that is the priority of any government, not just the Israeli.
  3. Don't get too carried away with owls approval, he is hardly Harold Bloom.
  4. Well at least you're man enough to admit it.
  5. Don't take everything too literally, you are all one sided when apportioning the blame. The terrorists are responsible. Would there have been any deaths but for the beastial massacre on Oct 7th, btw, it is not a too difficult question.
  6. Questions that needn't be asked needn't be answered, you have got to get off planet Deny and face up to the fact that all deaths are the responsibility of the Palestine terrorists that started this war, it's like you knocking a tin of paint over your best friends carpet then blaming the dog, take some responsibility for goodness sake.
  7. What's that got to do with anything, I'd wager the people that were getting butchered, raped and tortured weren't thinking 'mnnn I wonder how they got in' why do some posters have to go with conspiracy theories to justify this perverse act of butchery, you should be ashamed. And as usual you have not answered one question put to you, all you do is embark on a journey of deflection!
  8. Vile oppression my giddy aunt, the Palestinians have had all the chances they could have been given, you have been sucked into the Hamas propaganda like a lot of the Free Palestine cult, because that's all it is, it is about hating Jews and not 'freeing Palestine.
  9. I think you have lost the plot and need to listen why people are dying, which part of the Terrorists are using civilians as human shields don't you understand.
  10. No the answer is to get rid of their Terrorists and they will live a happy life, they cannot go through life planning the annihilation of the Israel population, there must come a time when these people must be deprogrammed.
  11. We don't know how children are dying and as horrific as it is Hamas are deliberately using civilians as human shields to save their own lily livered skins. Surely you are not suggesting that the Israelis are deliberately killing civilians because that would be rediculous, Israel has done everything in it's power to ensure the safety of the Palestinians but the blame lies with the sadistic killers called Hamas. This is a means to end and hopefully will bring a modicum of peace to the area, for a while at least.
  12. Hamas started this war, can you not see that. No mention of the Palestinian killers so what can we conclude from that! Nobody would be getting killed on either side but for the evil terrorists.
  13. A Palestinian man when interviewed about an attack said that the terrorists are hiding amongst the civilians and went on the say "why don't they go to hell and hide there" at that point the reporter abruptly cut him off.
  14. I nearly went down the protein drinks route but did a little research first and concluded that meat for protein is far more beneficial and much cheaper. Cut out the bacon and eggs with 4 slices of home made bread and substituted it for overnight oats with berries for breakfast. Skip lunch but might have an apple if feeling a little peckish. For dinner chicken breast marinated in coconut milk and curry spices. Cycle and weight training for exercise, lost 10kg in about 3 months, feeling healthier and less tired. "Whey protein and lean meat are different sources of protein. Although whey protein may be more convenient in some ways, meat provides more nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Whey protein is normally used as a supplement to a balanced diet rather than an integral component of the diet. Consult a health care professional before you take whey protein supplements." https://www.livestrong.com/article/553893-whey-protein-vs-lean-meat/
  15. Is there some punctuation missing from that post Chomper, what are you talking about?
  16. Oh dear, I doubt that any of the child groomers would have been brought to justice without Tommy Robinson highlighting their cause. That is to be applauded and not critised, Tommy is another victim of somebody that tells the truth and gets demonised by lefties. Anyway bedtime for me and may peace be with you. ✌️
  17. Nor has he done anything to highlight the grooming of children.
  18. Keep ignoring the important aspects of life, child grooming doesn't matter does it. My last post to you as I feel you are not in touch with reality!
  19. You stated wrongly wnen you said that your friend has never applauded a racist or a antisemitic post, that is not the case, so stop digging your hole even deeper than it all ready is. You don't fool anyone on here as much as you'd like to. I have never in my life seen such a display of antisemitism!
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