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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. He applauds racist and antisemitic posts Thorgal, would you?
  2. I'm not being funny Thorgal but seriously, your opinion means very little on this thread. 😞
  3. While your there can you confirm or deny whether I'm still on ignore, if I am don't you dare take me off! 😂
  4. That is your fault and nobody elses!
  5. Correctomundo, sorry I should have been a little bit more clearer and said, popular with the electorate who have the ability to think for themselves.
  6. If I can interrupt your double talk for just a minute. This incident of ridding Braverman who was very popular with the electorate still has legs and will remain so for quite a while IMO. Andrea Jenkyns has put a letter of no confidence to the chairman of the 1922 committee suggesting that Sunak should go. He is (Sunak) of more use to the Labour Party than than the Tories.
  7. I can't remember you saying anything when Liz Truss was introduced to this thread.......double standards for posters that don't share your liberal opinions perhaps.
  8. Not really, would you class a MP for the Labour Party who is on record as saying that the children that have been sexually groomed should keep their mouths shut in the interest of diversity, yet you or your buddy have the audacity to bring the innocuous Liz Truss into the discussion. You are not smart, you just think you are! And that is my last reply to a stalker!
  9. The post in question has already been removed, stop being so disingenuous you are outed every time, try to tell the truth. 😂😂😂😂
  10. You brought Liz Truss into the discussion....you deal with it! Intolerant lefties have only got insults.
  11. Opinions are fine but when a member presents a lie as a fact that is not ok. Ok
  12. You are like a rabbit caught in the headlights, stop this prevarication.
  13. Help me out here George, why are the modern left so disgusting to other people opinions, it's like you want to be the modern day fascists.
  14. What has this post got to do with stating fact and calling it an opinion!
  15. You didn't present that as an opinion, you presented it as fact, stop being economic with the truth!
  16. As Cilla often said, Surprise Surprise.🥴
  17. Yes you can be Nero and fiddle while the country sinks further into the quagmire. Braverman told Sunak that the buildings are burning and Rishi gets rid of the fireman and pours more petrol onto the flames. The only saving grace is Rishi goes and Braverman gets his job. He has just lost the working class red wall vote, and now we are surely going to get a term of antisemitic Labour dross.
  18. The Tories have sacked the only true conservative in the party, now they deserve all that's coming to them, out of the ashes of this shower of wastrels maybe a new party could formed, Sunak has signed the signed his and the party's death warrant.
  19. That was not my intention, I am equally sharing my contempt for both sides, both are the wrong side of useless and just to make it clear if there was a general election tomorrow I wouldn't vote for either of the wastrels. If somebody held a gun to my head I would reluctantly vote Tory. I sure we can all remember the last Labour Govt and the reason they have been out in the wilderness for 14 years and quite rightly so, only the mention of Blair and Campbell is enough to send sane men insane. This lot could be running the country, what can possibly go wrong.😭
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