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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. A terrible accident by all accounts, but what we do know for certain that the raid on Israel on the 7/10 was no accident, it was premeditated sadistic killing, but strangely this appears to be swept under the carpet by the I hate Israel brigade. It's a euphoric eureka moment for many only too willing to blame Israel for a war that the Palestians started, for without starting this war many more people would be alive today.🥴
  2. "logic is in short supply around here", don't give up hope, there is still time time to find some. What is not in short supply is antisemitism!
  3. Correcto mundo, I have not been sucked into the mindset of Palestinian propaganda, but thanks for proving my point anyway. Some people are easily taken in!
  4. You are witnessing what you want to witness, and it couldn't be further from the truth. When you realise who started this war Grasshopper you may begin to understand commonsense.
  5. I never mentioned the West Bank and are you suggesting that the Palestinians are not "brainwashed".
  6. Stop flip flopping Morch, what we saw on the 7th Oct none of us want to see again, with a few exceptions of course, no names, no pack drill. Do the Israelis have a case for hating the Palestinians, personally I would say yes, but we don't get a reaction from them like we saw from the Palestinians, and I guess we never will.
  7. What's the difference between brainwashed and indoctrinated, children play games pretending to stab Israelis. When the Israelis start to microwave babies and cut fetuses out of mothers I might have some sympathy, but at the moment my tolerances are extremely stretched. Nobody is saying that the Israelis are perfect but there is no comparison to this lot that want to see the end of Israel and the Israelis!
  8. Here's a clue Jeff, the Israelis are not brainwashed but the Palestinians are! HTH.
  9. I have a lot of idea about the British Military and one of the things I do know is that there are not many antisemtic soldiers/airmen or sailors that have served, I'm sorry Jeff but you are one of a kind. Try thinking outside the box instead of chosing to berate the Israelis all the time!
  10. Hardest course in the British Army being a cook, nobody has ever passed it yet. Israels concern is protecting its own citizens, the Palestinians are brainwashed into killing Israelis, don't start wars then start crying when you are losing, wars don't work like that. Them that start wars don't get a say when it ends!
  11. The Palestine Thespian Society, now working on a production called 'Fool the World'.
  12. Yum yum, army tea on exercise is made with condensed milk with heap loads of sugar. ☕
  13. there isn't an excuse in all the world to justify the atrocities that happened on 7 Oct.
  14. 98% of Palestians actually hate the US and 100% hate the UK, that is more than Israel and the turkeys are supporting these crackpots, it defies all logic. They actually hate countries that give them aid and food, but don't hate countries as much that gives them rockets.
  15. For each bombing raid the Palestians are losing 0.77 loss of life, and the Israelis need applauding in their meticulous care of limiting Palestian casualties as much as they can, if only Hamas cared as much of their civilians as the Israelis do, there would be even less casualties.
  16. Wanting Israelis dead is not being critical, it is antisemitic, a label some of the terrorist apologists seem not to understand. Let's not forget 7/11 and the sadistic terror that the Palestinians brought to peaceful innocent civilians on that sad day and stop making excuses for these vile excuses of human beings, the world will be a lot safer without these raping and killing machines!
  17. Do you know what "indiscriminate bombing" is, it doesn't sound like it, but like commenting that the Israelis are committing genocide it all fits in well as a troll post!
  18. Hamas specialises in targeting civilians which makes them terrorists, and sad sadistic terrorists at that, they are not a "resistance movement" and anybody with any sense should know this!
  19. What is there to condemn, Israel has a right to protect its citizens and also a right to live in peace. Hamas and the majority of the brainwashed Palestinians wont be happy untill all Jews are exterminated, many of the 'forgive Hamas and their followers' are totally oblivious to the ramifications of supporting these sadistic monsters. Many of the 'terrorist' luvvies on here have to invent scenarios, lie and quote the terrorists themselves expecting normal posters to believe their gibberish witless posts, what draws you to side with terrorists.
  20. I look forward to seeing the other side of you, because I cannot remember you condemning the barbaric terrorists, go on give it a go, condemn the evil satanic terrorists and their trusted brainwashed followers.
  21. Have you found any evidence of Israeli soldiers cutting pregnant Palestinian women open and extracting the unborn fetus or any beheading of civilians, perhaps raping men and women then shooting them. 😠😡
  22. What I find sad is antisemitics trolling. ⬆️⬆️⬆️
  23. So there you have it, not one question answered. Kinda proves my point.
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