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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. The only thing I'll send you is my contempt, now run along little boy the big boys are trying to talk.
  2. Why don't you go and troll somewhere else, you do it on every thread you comment on, doesn't your intellect allow you to engage in decent discussion!
  3. It's nice to know hearing aids have improved, when I got one from the Nat Health all it did was amplify the distortion so never bothered with it, it is so frustrating at times when sat around a table and be not able to join in the conversation.
  4. I know, well done, I was slow not doing the same so don't lose it! 😂😂😂
  5. You can't expect anyone to believe you, when you applaud a racist and antisemitic post like Jeffs.
  6. The Free Palestine Movement was founded by an anti semetic Syrian that uses phrases like calling Jews "dregs of European garbage" a "gang of criminal murderers" "human pieces of filth". Why would anyone associate themselves with such a cultish movement that thrives on hate, that must be a mystery to a lot of us, but not to others it seems. The Free Palestine Movement was founded by Yasser Qashlaq, a Syria-born Palestinian businessman of considerable wealth[2] who heads several organizations including the Lebanese Institute of International Studies, the Syrian-Palestinian Investment House, the Palestinian Businessmen's Club, and also owns a small Lebanese newspaper.[4] Furthermore, Yasser is known for his antisemitic views, having repeatedly called Jews "dregs of European garbage", a "gang of criminal murderers",[3] and "human pieces of filth"[5] that should be deported to Europe.[3][5] He has also stated that there is "no reason for coexistence" between Israelis and Palestinians, as the latter would reclaim their lands and "hunt [the Israelis] down to the end of the world, and prosecute them for their massacres".[3] Though close to the Syrian government,[2][4] Yasser has denied any links with Hezbollah.[6] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Palestine_Movement
  7. Good to hear now we can both get on with our lives.🥴
  8. Being a bit pedantic there h&s, if you don't mind me saying, don't take everything too literally.🥳
  9. I asked you are you on ignore too?
  10. How would you know when you have so many posters on ignore. Why we have an ignore button in the first place is a mystery to me, if you want to ignore another member just ignore them, the ignore button is being used as a get out of jail for free card when posters have lost the argument. It is childish!
  11. Dare I ask, are you? He went into radio silence on the Ukraine thread when I dropped a truth bomb, he is offended by the truth.🥴
  12. As Betty from Brighton said, "oh no, not another one"😂😂😂. I too believe that sensitive sam has me on "ignore" but it hasn't been confirmed yet. 🥳
  13. You are lying as per usual, show proof that Israel is committing genocide, hint:- you cannot because they are not, it is Hamas that commits genocide by using their own people as human shields, but you already know this but always nice to troll.
  14. What is worrying about a certain clique of posters they will surround another poster like a pack of hyenas and keep snarling at him until they've had their pound of flesh.
  15. No they are not a hearing aid as such but they work exactly like normal headphones except they don't go in your ear. The bluetooth ones can improve your ability to hear devices like a TV providing your TV is equipped with bluetooth of course. I use mine mainly to watch programs on YouTube etc. The sound quality is remarkable (for me at least) and they come with ear plugs to block out the sound of anyone else in the room listening to their device. Hope that as answered the question ThiAmo.
  16. Actually I am only a lowly Silver Member, the Posting Machine is merely a badge. 😭
  17. Strangely enough I became a "posting machine" today. Does a Ruby Member beat a posting machine?
  18. You are the one that seems to be saying that it is alright to shout about the death and destruction of Jews and they be giving a free pass, but you band words like "right wing extremists" with gay abandon, you tell us.
  19. Calling for the destruction of Israel and the Israelis is not peaceful, which part of that don't you understand?
  20. And you are confusing peaceful protests with hate marches!
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