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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just now, NextG said:

    Still smarting from the pasting you got on the Israel thread? If and when you develop an intellect, send me a PM and we’ll have a conversation. Until then, run along and play with children of your own age; JonnyF is waiting. 

    The only thing I'll send you is my contempt, now run along little boy the big boys are trying to talk.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    To my knowledge there is no proven way to reverse the problem – other than getting used to it and ignore the high frequency tinnitus, and learn to pay more attention to what is spoken  – I also suffers from it from many years in pro audio business.

    There are a number of alternative treatments that you can find searching the Internet, probably they won't harm anything, so might be worth a try, if you find one that seems usable.


    Today there are very discreet – almost invisible – hearing aids available, if that becomes the solution.

    It's nice to know hearing aids have improved, when I got one from the Nat Health all it did was amplify the distortion so never bothered with it, it is so frustrating at times when sat around a table and be not able to join in the conversation.

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  3. Just now, hotandsticky said:



    Part of the issue is in the wording of your post...kinda sets the tone...... "when posters have lost the argument" ......there shouldn't be arguments; discussions/debates for sure but people shouldn't be looking for arguments (they are). This is a community internet forum - not a court of law.

    Being a bit pedantic there h&s, if you don't mind me saying, don't take everything too literally.🥳

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  4. Just now, tgw said:


    I find it disturbing that people like this can put others on ignore and then continue to post their ignorant drivel without risk of being contradicted by the posters who know the most about the subject at hand.

    Dare I ask, are you? He went into radio silence on the Ukraine thread when I dropped a truth bomb, he is offended by the truth.🥴

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  5. 1 minute ago, ThiAmo said:

    Could contain:


    Sorry Wobblybob, I do not quite understand whether these devices can be used as a normal hearing aid (e.g. for a conversation) or only in connection with a bluetooth source (e.g. amplifying the sound of a youtube video), OR for both these cases. 

    Thank you!

    No they are not a hearing aid as such but they work exactly like normal headphones except they don't go in your ear. The bluetooth ones can improve your ability to hear devices like a TV providing your TV is equipped with bluetooth of course. I use mine mainly to watch programs on YouTube etc. The sound quality is remarkable (for me at least) and they come with ear plugs to block out the sound of anyone else in the room listening to their device. Hope that as answered the question ThiAmo.  

  6. 6 hours ago, Shop mak said:

    Currently, a handful of members create new topics in the Pub that are constant drivel, all about nothing.

    Clearly took less than 30 seconds to write.

    Then follows hostile banter, personal attacks, page after page.

    This has been going on for some time already, and many members has commented on this.


    These handful members who do nothing else than post drivel, should be on Full Moderation (moderator approved, before thread / post become visible).


    Forums want traffic, preferable quality content that engage members and readers.

    Not nonsense drivel that mostly result in flaming trolling, multiple personal attacks. Plenty of this now, and increasing.


    Moderation is very complicated. Some other forum previously banned left and right for years, and lost many valuable quality members. 

    Those forum become famous for banning. As a result, less new members, less traffic.


    I believe that moderators should use Personal Message more often to warn individual members.


    Then increasing posting holiday for members who already received and ignored formal warnings given in PM.


    Some moderators are too strict, they've been moderator for too long.


    Example, I wrote a post where I made a joke about myself with a image (old man with a walking cane) I am old and after surgery, I needed a walking cane. This was lost on moderator, and post removed by a certain mod that members consider 'extremely strict'.


    Moderators should have a lifespan, as they become judgmental and over time some act too strict.

    Other forums required a minimum of 2 mods to agree, before action was taken. Only Admins had the power to ban.


    Luckily, some mods are excellent, balanced moderation, have a good sense of humor and make jokes with the members. 


    The Handbook is Excellent read, and toxicity is on a all time high, currently.


    Community Pub should be hidden from public view, and access only on request from members.

    Well written, very helpful, thanks.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I’ll ask you the same question I’ve asked other opponents of the right to peaceful protest:


    The projection is for 70,000 people to attend.


    How many of those attending need to call for the ‘destruction of Israel’ before you brand all 70,000 as having ‘called for the destruction of Israel’?


    How many of the 70,000 need to break the law before brand all 70,000 as law breakers?

    You are the one that seems to be saying that it is alright to shout about the death and destruction of Jews and they be giving a free pass, but you band words like "right wing extremists" with gay abandon, you tell us.

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