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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 7 minutes ago, RayC said:


    I'm not baiting you.


    I asked you to provide evidence to support your claim that "... a man was arrested for having a Union Jack in his hands". 


    Given your inability to support this claim, most rational people can now dismiss it as nonsense.

    Do what you like with it, it was posted from social media as living in Thailand made it difficult for me to attend the peaceful march. :annoyed:

  2. Just now, RayC said:


    Imo the second worse thing that could happen to the UK is this bigoted nutjob becoming Tory leader. The worst thing doesn't bear thinking about.


    The country is collapsing beneath the very feet of its inhabitants, the left are running every establishment they can lay their hands on, same with the BBC the public pay a licence to hear luvvie Gary Lineker preaching about everything and nothing, the programs do not reflect the viewing audience. The police go on woke courses now before they are allowed to paint their faces with the LGBT rainbows, they are a joke.


    Why the left are not happy with a Tory Govt is a mystery to me as they are more of a Socialist party than Labour, and how anyone can vote for a antisemitic Labour party defies all logic, but it's looking like they just might, but as Harold Wilson once said "a week is a long time in politics". The Tories could pull it off but that would mean changing tack and that would inflame the all ready inflammatory left of our society.


    But to finish Braverman is only disliked by the left, but she is what's needed to revigorate the now defunct Tories, they need to become more conservative and go back to what they are supposed to represent, for at this moment in time they have squandered an eighty seat majority and failed to deliver on their manifesto. She would get the backing from the country but obviously not from snowflakes or the loony left, btw, I have not pigeon holed you in either category. 🤔

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  3. 2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I was playing games?

    How the blip would  you come to that conclusion?

    Perhaps I used the wrong example, one of two I might add, and the point went way over your head or sincerely chose to ignore it .

    My statement standS on it's merits. Not your deflections. 

    In all fairness sirineou you did ask for a link of the said lions and I immediately thought that even thorgal couldn't conjure up a link for something so rediculous. Anyway glad it's sorted now and just to reiterate the Israelis have not released any lions to eat children of any nationality.

    • Haha 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Like the guys who put up links to credible sources about Hamas claind of Israelis release of lions to eat palestinian children, And Hamas throwing gays of the roof of tall buildings? 

    Sirineou if you can believe that Israel would release lions in Gaza, you will believe anything. 😂😂😂


    It was a response to your equally sarcastic comment.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    The questions that need answering are not about the outcome of the 7th but more about the Israeli conduct towards the Palestinian people for the last 20 years or more.

    A questionable source according to the fact checker. 


    The link you supplied led me to read another of their stories and it uncovers the lies of Hamas and how the USA and Europe were tricked into believing the lies coming out of Gaza.

    Ask Yourself, Are You Really for Palestine or Do You Just Hate Jews?


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  6. 6 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Goes back to almost a decade, but keep your ear to MSM for your up to date spin.   We'll just have to agree to disagree.


    Have a nice day


    I know how far it goes back, 2014 is when Putin sent his agitators in to create this war that the Ukrainians are suffering at this present moment. Educate yourself before you come out with anymore of this nonsense and blaming Ukraine for the Russians illegally invading, now illegally occupying Ukraine.


    The claim that the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014 was triggered by domestic and economically-determined factors did not hold water then, any more than the current Russian claims are legitimate now



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  7. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:


    The left scared of Braverman?


    She’s running her mouth on all the issues that are nowhere near the concerns of voters as the General Election approaches.


    Her politics of division and negativity were well in place ahead of the recent bi-elections and yet the Tories got trounced.


    She’s courting rightwing extremists who figure high in the Tory Party but low in amongst the voting public.


    She’s a gift to opponents of this failing Government.


    The trouncing at the bi elections has nothing to do with Braverman, it more to do with a weak Tory Government under the weak control of its leader Sunak.

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  8. 1 hour ago, RayC said:


    The fact that the individual was arrested whilst carrying a Union Jack is neither here nor there. He could just as easily been carrying a shopping bag. Neither action is a criminal offence.


    The clip which you reposted claimed that the individual was arrested for flying a Union Jack. The onus is on you to supply supporting evidence to support this claim.

    The onus is not on me to do anything, so stop this baiting!

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  9. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I haven’t blocked you.


    I’ve not read a single sensible post from your, or even a post that appears to be an attempt at sensible and considered.


    Blocking you would deny me the opportunity to call out your parroting of rightwing extremist views, I would want to miss out on that. 

    I never said you did block me, you at least seem to have a backbone, not like some thin skinned posters on here or bait posters who accuse everyone a troll when their feeble opinion is not in synch with my own. Recheck.

  10. 17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You need to prove that. I've seen zero reports of protestors causing trouble, though right wing thugs were and were arrested for it.

    Many posters have shown the trouble that the hate mob have caused but when you block everyone that doesn't share your utopian ideals you will miss it and just wander about in your self made security zone.

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  11. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    They were the people wearing yellow jackets over their clothes. They didn't need to control the pro Palestinian protestors who were peaceful, unlike the thugs that tried to attack the protestors and were arrested by the cops.

    Even our Government law makers are not safe on the streets now, the mob baying for his blood, anybody that thinks yesterdays hate march was peaceful comes from a different planet than the rest of us.



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