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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 9 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Don’t bother sending your social media stuff to me, pass it to the police, or share it across whatever corner of the internet you went looking to find it.


    Who knows, maybe a search algorithm has spotted your interests and is now feeding you that which it figures you want to see.



    Don't have to send my findings to the police they were there watching it, too much trouble for them to do their job and why do your job when you can get paid for doing nothing.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Sunak dither’s and delays, as Braverman takes advantage of his weakness.


    He should have fired her on the spot the moment she broke the ministerial code, the PM has absolute authority to do so.


    Weakness is allowing a dangerous authoritarian to build her airport base.



    I agree that Sunak is weak but is it fair to say that the left are scared of Suella Braverman because she has the courage of her convictions. She is the only Tory MP holding the Party together at the moment, get rid of her and Labour will have a easy ride to victory. And I think you'll agree that the last thing that the UK needs at this moment is an anti-Semitic Labour Government!

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  3. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    But it’s all you’ve got.

    Just watched a battle between these so called peace protesters between another set of loons, they were knocking the living daylights out of each other whilst being encircled by riot police, of course the police just looked on and did nothing, I'll see if I can dig it out for you, you should be as dismayed as I was. Policing 2023 style is no use nor ornament.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Protest has been and gone and your somewhat inflammatory claims were apparently disproven. No reports I've seen that support your claims. Perhaps you have some I missed.

    The only arrests were for right wing thugs.


    Unfortunately in the UK now we have two tier policing, many have to rely on social media sites to see what is going on. How ever you care to spin this and spin this you are doing, why you do it we can only guess. The Metropolitan Police have totally lost the plot, they have lost the support of the nation with their clownish behaviour and are not in any way neutral. 

    Anyway if people were honest with themselves it has proven that Suella Braverman was correct all the time, not that there was any doubt from the majority of the nation.



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  5. 7 hours ago, bannork said:

    Anyone who supports Hamas is a fool, misguided or evil.

    Out of 300,000 supporters of peace yesterday, how many called for the extinction of Israel?

    But in the clip above of Gumbys, the language was foul, very very few women present, ( not stupid enough), plus cries of ' No black in the Union Jack' rang out. 

    Yes, no soldiers from the Commonwealth died in the two world wars.

    Sue Ellen, send these morons on the first plane to  Rwanda please 

    Nobody is excusing these morons, nor should it be used as a weapon to distract the hate that is marching on our streets in the name of peace. I suggest you watch some old footage from the rallies showing the Brown Shirts calling for the destruction of of the Jews, there is very little difference. 

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, Thorgal said:


    Agree, but only for combatants on both sides.

    Non combatants can not be killed to target combatants on both sides.


    Israel has a long history of using excessive/disproportionated force to innocent non combatant civilians.

    Going around in circles again Thorgal, don't bomb Israel and they won't bomb you.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    You don't use JDAM-Mk84 (2.000 Lbs - 16.000 USD) bombs to target a few Hamas individuals. This bomb has been designed to destroy tactical targets as buildings, bridges, tunnels, heavy equipment, etc...not for targeting only persons.



    Hey Thorgal a reality check, them that start wars don't get to chose what weapons the other side uses! 

    • Agree 2
  8. 9 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    But why don't we see regular protests on this scale against Hamas and all the other Islamist terror groups?

    With the number of Islamist terror atrocities over the past 25 years, surely there should be millions on the streets protesting every week? 

    They are a cult that have been conditioned to believe what they are told to believe, their movement thrives on hate and not peace. 

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Jeff the Chef said:

    Response to criticism:


    HRW program director Iain Levine said in August 2009, "If the Israeli government wants to silence critics, it should fully investigate allegations of wrongdoing and take action to end the abuses."[76] In a Jerusalem Post op-ed piece that month, Kenneth Roth wrote that reports of recent Israeli human-rights violations had "given rise to an intense campaign by the Israeli government and some of its uncritical supporters to smear the messengers and change the subject." According to Roth, the "problem is not the messenger carrying news of that misconduct, whether Judge Goldstone or the human rights groups that have been the target of a disinformation campaign launched by the Israeli government and some supporters. The problem is the conduct of the Israeli military."[77] According to The Times, "most" HRW Middle East staff "have activist backgrounds — it was typical that one newly hired researcher came to HRW from the extremist anti-Israel publication Electronic Intifada — unlikely to reassure anyone who thinks that human-rights organizations should be non-partisan."[16] The Times later said that the Electronic Intifada had published the HRW researcher's articles without permission and that she "was not directly employed by that group".[20]

    In the wake of the 2009 Goldstone report, HRW accused Israel and its supporters of an organized campaign of false allegations and misinformation designed to discredit the group over its findings concerning the Gaza War. The organization tied the criticism to a June 2009 statement by a senior official in the Israeli prime minister's office who pledged to "dedicate time and manpower to combating" human-rights organizations. According to HRW, the criticism amounted to an organized effort. Attacks from different sources, with similar language and arguments, implied prior coordination. Iain Levine of HRW said, "We are having to spend a lot of time repudiating the lies, the falsehoods, the misinformation".[78] A group of 10 Israeli rights groups accused the Israeli government of attempting to "instill fear and silence or alarm vital organizations" who were engaging in open, public discourse.[62]

    All these organisations that you keep regurgitating are totally liberal lefty outfits. 

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  10. Just now, ozimoron said:


    I didn't mention Hamas. I condemn the massacre by them as well. It doesn't justify the war crimes which ensued. The solutiuon is toi give the Palestinians a homeland based on 1967 borders.

    Are you feeling ok, I haven't had any discussion with you so how could I have said you mentioned Hamas.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    From your Reuters quote I can only understand that the Reuters reporter/correspondent James McKenzie is not in Gaza and only repeats ("The Israeli military said..." + "It said...") what Israeli Army (IDF) said. It's fully in line with the X (Twitter) account of IDF.


    Thanks for your effort anyway. I don't trust this Reuters counterproof that ambulances are used as military vehicle for transporting weapons and military personnel. 


    Does everything have to come from Hamas for you to believe it, it sorta becomes rather monotonous going over the same ground with you. Remind yourself of the links you provide then maybe you'll be more appreciative of decent links.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Yes, I did read your post, can I suggest you read this one:



    Human Rights Watch.....you cannot be serious! Where do they get their intel from?


    The international non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) has been the subject of extensive criticism from a number of observers. Critics of HRW include the national governments it has investigated, the media, and its former chairman Robert L. Bernstein.


    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Human_Rights_Watch#:~:text=The international non-governmental organization,Bernstein.




  13. 18 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Do you have any report and/or news outlet that confirmed that Hamas used the ambulances for military purposes in Gaza...? Thanks.

    Yes I do. But do you think that Hamas doesn't have it in them to do such a despicable crime, after all they are as pure as the driven snow in some of the posters eyes on here.🥴


    Nov 3 (Reuters) - The Israeli military said on Friday that one of its aircraft hit an ambulance which soldiers assessed was being used by a Hamas unit close to their position in the battle zone.

    It said a number of Hamas fighters were killed in the strike and said it had information that Hamas used ambulances to transport fighters and weapons.



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  14. 1 minute ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    International humanitarian law, or the laws of war, requires warring parties to collect and care for the wounded and sick. Ambulances, like hospitals, have special protection. They may not be targeted if being used to provide medical care of any kind, including to treat enemy fighters.

    Ambulances and other medical transportation must be allowed to function and be protected in all circumstances. They must be presumed to be civilian and lose their protection only if they are being used to commit “acts harmful to the enemy,” such as transporting ammunition or healthy fighters. Using an ambulance for military operations would raise grave concerns for the safety of patients and medical workers in violation of the laws of war.

    Human Rights Watch did not find evidence that the ambulance was being used for military purposes, however.

    Did you read my post, Hamas is using ambulances to transport terrorists and I am sure the Israeli intelligence is much more informed than anybody on the forum.

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    I'm very comfortable, thankyou, and I understand fully where you're coming from, but this is about targeting ambulances in a war zone.

    Israel are targeting ambulances that transport the Hamas terrorists and also to carry weapons for the terrorists, Hamas thought that was the safest way to get around and oh how wrong they were. But why do you want to believe a terrorist organisation it defies all logic. 

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