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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just now, RuamRudy said:

    What a truly rancid party the Tories are. 13 years of corruption carried out with disdainful contempt for the country as these parasites traduced everything they touched. 


    Alas, I have no faith that the incoming labour government will assist in the cover-up. They worked with the Tories to rubbish the idea of PR because they know that they benefit from the lack of transparency and lack of democracy in the UK. It's forever doomed to be a corrupt old boys' club of either red or blue persuasion.

    Somebody needs a group hug. 🤗🫂🤗🫂 😂😂😂

    • Thanks 1
  2. Just now, Danny Australia said:


    So, its ok to beat them violently for a mere peaceful protest? Great democracy.

    What the hell are you talking about "peaceful protests", these protests are hate marches not too far of the rallies that the Nazis did in the 1930s. Carrying banners with the inscriptions "rivers to the sea" and shouting "allah akhbar" like demented screaming banshees is not peaceful, what planet are you from! 

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  3. Just now, Thorgal said:


    Replying to wrong posters is always possible and should not be criticized to be an action with malicious intent.


    To avoid the same issue we had a similar case of confusion that didn't need to discredit the messenger.


    Fact  Nick Carter requested on 30rd of October to Mr. Mojo and Morch to change their avatar to avoid confusion because it's not always apparent who is who...




    You are responsible for what you post, but it seems a habit making excuses from the Hamaphiles.🥴

  4. Just now, Thorgal said:


    You were both refuting the same facts that have been debunked by Israeli Officials and Israeli Reporters, confirmed by AJ-EN.


    I use BKK Ryan his quote in my reply to you to counter the same issue that forum rules should be applied.

    You didn't reply to the content I've provided, you only aim (again) at the messenger...as being not truthful...while the content has been debunked and confirmed by unbiased sourced + confirmed according to forum rules that some posters claim to be applicable...


    Case closed...



    You lied.........you are the weakest link...goodbye!

    • Thanks 2
  5. Just now, Thorgal said:


    I didn't speculate or commented on that 1 Israeli baby killed in the oven.


    There others were never killed or imprisoned as per Israeli officials and Israeli reporters backed up by AJ_EN (all reliable sources)


    Am I guilty for a crime of "intention", means no "motive", no "proof", no "crime delict" and no "victim" ?


    Again, the same speech has not been used for the Al Ahli hospital with real Palestinian victims.


    You should sometimes apply your own rules to yourself :




    Your quote :


    "Topics or posts deemed to be scaremongering, deliberately misleading or which deliberately distort information will be removed. In factual areas such as news forums and current affairs topics member content that is claimed or portrayed as a fact should be supported by a link to a relevant reputable source."


    The above includes conspiracy theories, hence why some of your posts and other have self destructed


    Get your facts straight, that is not my quote, yet again another Thorgal untruth!

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Thorgal said:


    Can you provide a link to the (national) funerals of these 40 babies?

    As per Jewish tradition it's usual to do the burial within 48 hours of TOD.


    Thank you.

    Why are you so disingenuous, the irony of you asking posters for a link with the garbage that you display.🥴

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  7. Just now, paddypower said:

    I'm not falling for that trick - where I post a photo off 3,700 (and counting) blown up Palestinian children to make a point. That is a facile form of debating. I don't argue with the facts you describe. they were horrific and never to be forgotten. look at the map of Gaza, relative to the whole region. It takes a warmonger, like Netanyahu (desperately trying to stay out of jail on multiple counts of corruption) to invent an offer which is impossible to accept.this is probably not too bright an idea. But the Israeli army is probably the greatest, well equipped fight force on the planet. That,, plus some of its 300,000 reservists are quite capable of invading the Gaza strip and kill all of the Hamas followers there, without carpet bombing the whole region.

    And I am not debating only by your rules. This topic is from the 7th October, we've had enough one sided cherry picked posts to last us a lifetime, oh and conspiracy theories trying to justify the barbaric actions of these rabid animals. Are you trying to tell me that the Israelis deserve the sadistic attack on the 7th, because that is what it sounds like. Be careful which side you chose to support "first they came for the socialists and I said nothing, then they came for the Unions and I said nothing, then they came for the Jews and I said nothing and now they come for me and there's no-one left to say anything to help me'.

    • Thanks 2
  8. Just now, paddypower said:

    quite true that ''some Palestinians'' hate Israel. But a slim majority do not support Hamas, altho' it misleads many into terrorism. Eradicate Hamas (but how?) but don't destroy a civilization that has been subjected to colonialism and apartheid for a century. That is not even the main issue, which is the little known fact about why Netanyahu helped fund Hamas. I suggest, with respect, that you inform yourself about something has been censored by most of the western press (excepting the Guardian). If you wish, here are 2 pro-Israeli news sites that : Haazar.com and <https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/israel-helped-funnel-qatar-money-to-fund-hamas-netanyahu-palestinian-state-gaza-war-2456157-2023-11-01> .

    The facts are that Hamas started this war, killed babies, anally gang raped women so bad they bled before they were slaughtered, killed whole families, burnt families to death and the rest of the sadistic crimes.

    Israel gives the Palestinians a warning as to where they intend to bomb so they can move to safety, it is not the fault of the Israeli's if Hamas are using them as a human shields, Israel first concern is the safety of their own citizens.

    What is Israel supposed to do give them a slap on the wrists and say 'that was naughty, don't do it again'!

    • Thanks 2
  9. Just now, owl sees all said:


    From what I have read I'm pretty sure that they knew what was coming. However, in saying that, the intensity,speed and scale of the break-out caught them by surprise. Once the IDF did respond; it was panic stations.

    You must stop reading these conspiracy articles owl, they are adding no validity to this debate.

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