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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just now, LukKrueng said:


    As the op described his condition, it seems he suffers a loss of hearing on some frequencies and not all together. Any of-the-shelf headphones simply amplify all frequencies and that will not help to improve the hearing. Modern hearing aids can amplify selected frequencies according to the hearing test, and that's how hearing is improved


    AFAIK the only "treatment" for tinnitus is masking the "sound" with a kind of background counter sound. I tried it and to me the masking sound is more disturbing than the tinnitus (which I've had for many years after accidental damage to my ears and I kinda got used to it). If you still want it, some hearing aids have this option built in

    I too suffer from loss of hearing from loss of certain frequencies as described in my first post, probably due to my military service. Apparently these bone head phones bypass the ear drum. The clarity of these head phones are astounding, but I can only tell you about how they helped me.


    "Although most sounds are transmitted through the air to our eardrums, bone-conduction headphones rely on sound being transmitted through vibrations on the bones of the head and jaw. The sounds from these headphones bypass the eardrum and relays sound directly to the inner ear. Bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA) have been using this style of sound transmission for years to help people who have hearing difficulty."


    https://www.salusuhealth.com/news/2018/08/how-do-bone-conduction-headphones-work.html#:~:text=Although most sounds are transmitted,directly to the inner ear.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I’m not sure who the police will arrest or if they will arrest anyone.


    Neither are you.

    I'd bet money on it, "there are too many of them" and it proves a point that weak policing and weak police leadership is no use to man nor beast. "Far right extremists" too much Owen Jones?

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  3. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:



    The police refusing to bend to the employment of rightwing extremist dog whistles by the Home Secretary in pursuit of her own authoritarian political ambitions is a fine example of not bending to politics and following the law.


    I hear though that rightwing extremists have heard her whistling and will be showing up on Saturday.




    Who are these right wing extremists, ex soldiers, patriots, you throw words about like right wing extremists without any real thought as to what you are saying, it is very disingenuous. But we all know who the police will arrest, it won't be the antagonists shouting 'death to israel or allah akbar' will it, no it will be the "right wing extremists" trying to protect our sacred war memorials. Right wing extremists, nice try but no cigar! 

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  4. Just now, MrMojoRisin said:

    Right to survive?


    You think a rag tag bunch of jihadists can end Israel, a state with full access to US funding and state of the art weaponry?


    The eternal victim card doesn’t play anymore.

    Oct 7th didn't go down too well now did and that threat needs to be minimised so the threat of another savage sadistic in Israel is less likely than a month ago, things seem to be going to plan.

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, MrMojoRisin said:

    I wish it were that easy, however, as the Israelis keep killing Palestinian kids at a world record pace, the text has to keep being revised to the correct, higher, death toll.

    We only have Hamas word for that, which of course you hang on to every word they say. But of course the reason for this war is no concern to you because it is the Israelis that are fighting for their right to survive.

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  6. 1 minute ago, KhunLA said:

    So someone like Labour MP McDonald calling for an end to violence and people living together, would not be in the dimwit protest ... Got It


    " "We will not rest until we have justice. Until all people, Israelis and Palestinians, between the river and the sea, can live in peaceful liberty." - McDonald


    Other, honouring their fallen, for blindly following their leaders, to invade & occupy sovereign countries, would probably fall into the dimwit category ... Got it.

    You asked me a question of how to differentiate between the two groups, I answered it in the most honest way I can then you go babbling on about the Marxist McDonnell, I take it you mean McDonnell and not McDonald?

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  7. 21 hours ago, Thorgal said:


    Killing massively and unlawfully civilians while it's known that weaponed Hamas militia went into Israel on 7th of October to kill massively and unlawfully unlawfully is not acceptable to continue. The difference between combatant and non-combatant has been "overlooked" to justify the ongoing onslaught in Gaza on non combatant civilians.

    Sky news explains succinctly the law, of course the horrible Kay Burley likes to show how ignorant she is.




    • Thanks 1
  8. Just now, Jeff the Chef said:

    I'm an Antisemite, whatever that is, if it means I'm totally against you Zionists give me the badge I'll wear it with pride.


    No it won't nor will it give Israel any peace for generations your Zionist claptrap stance beggars belief, hope your pain matches the Palestinians for generations. 

    Inflammatory clap trap is all we should expect from you!

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, MrMojoRisin said:

    I can think of at least 4,104 Palestinian children who won’t be able to access the “humanitarian” corridor.


    So no genocide, okay.


    How about a little indiscriminate bombing of residential areas that kills innocent civilians at a rate unseen anywhere for decades - is that how we civilised folk should respond to “these people”?

    You'll be blaming that on Hamas then, no, thought not.🥴

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Of course the Israeli's are as pure as the driven snow in all this, Israeli's think they are the chosen ones and all non-Jews are nothing more than in their way to colonise the whole region by fair means or foul. Mostly foul, if there is a God Israel will be hell bound forever.

    Eh? 🥴🥴🥴

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, MrMojoRisin said:

    How should we, the civilised good folk of the world deal with “these people”?


    Genocide perhaps?

    If that's the best you can come up with, I wouldn't have bothered. Israel have opened humanitarian corridors for the Palestinians so stop banding nonsense words like "genocide" about, it is totally nonsense nor does it have the dramatic effect you seek!

    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    You tell me - why would a Palestinian terrorist cut out an unborn baby from its mother and then behead it and then behead the mother?


    Did this atrocity occur in a vacuum?


    Do tell.

    I would have thought that was most obvious, but before I give you my thoughts can I suggest that you get down from that high horse you have and a change of tone to your posts would be most gratifying, other posters are sick of the way you like to patronise other posters. 

    I asked you the question first and yet you refuse to answer, these people are brainwashed, conditioned and programmed from birth to hate the Israelis and to irradicate Israel and the Israelis, when someone is brainwashed they are capable of any heinous vile crime. HTH

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