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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. Just now, Neeranam said:

    Doing that to an unborn baby is of course over-reacting, again I don't see the relevance to my post. This is the action of a minute minority of Palestinians, do you agree?

    We can have a conversation, without the need for personal insults. 

    It's quite simple IMHO, Israel have got to give Palestinians equal rights. 

    No one likes it when one race/country/religion try to get world supremacy, especially by persecuting others. 

    I think it rather pathetic and disgusting, the way Israel and her supporters are using this Oct 7 attack to justify their ethnic cleansing. 


    You are too sensitive to debate with Neeranam, you take offence over nothing. You are not the victim here! Bye

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, MrMojoRisin said:

    Perennial victims.


    The best thing Israel could do to ensure its existence is to clearly define a border between themselves and Palestine.

    Why don't they?

    Whataboutery is the best you got! Can't we stick to the topic for once!

    Do terrorists rockets go over a defined borders, the most obvious solution is not to try and kill the Israelis but the intolerant left will shout anybody down that doesn't agree with their fickle brainwashed minds.

  3. Just now, Jeff the Chef said:

    And the Israeli are all Sainted Aunts, 


    Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hamas are a disgusting group of Terrorists that terrorised 1400+ Israeli's on the 7/10/ 2023, who should be condemned as War Criminals and hunted to the ends of the earth.

    Let's put it this way, "If the Palestinian terrorists put their weapons down there will be peace, but if Israel put their weapons down there won't be an Israel" [Golda Meir]. And she is correct ya know!


  4. Just now, Neeranam said:

    What truth?


    What has babies being cut from their mothers have to do with what I wrote? Jeez. 

    Let me spell it out for you, you stated:-


    Anyone can see that if you persecute people, they react". 


    Am I wrong to suggest that cutting a baby from the mother and decapitating the unborn child and then the beheading the mother is overreacting. You honestly don't think that is overreacting, are these actions from these Palestinian terrorists acceptable to you because these barbaric actions are committed on Jews? 

    We are going down a very slippery slope at this time of our lives, the Jews are being hounded not just in Israel, but world wide, we have not seen the likes of this anti semitism since the 1930s and some posters on here still ignoring the actions of these vile sick depraved Palestinian terrorists. 



    • Like 1
  5. 46 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    Is it possible to name members who are constantly prattling on as if they were a high school hall monitor ratting on fellow students to get a pat on the head from authorities?

    Pot, kettle, black. 🤔

    • Confused 1
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  6. 6 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:


    You have no idea what I read or don't read.

    What you have is a bee in your bonnet for being comprehensively trounced for 205 consecutive pages.


    Judging by your posts nobody is interested what you read.

    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    How many Palestinian children does Israel need to murder to "get square"?

    There wouldn't be any deaths if the Palestinian terrorists handed over the hostages and their people handed over the vile murderous animals that committed these horrific crimes in Israel on the 7th October, oh stopping lobbing rockets over to Israel may help. So as you see these deaths are the sole responsibility of the Palestinian terrorists. 

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, Danny Australia said:


    Ignoring everything that led to the events of October 7th is absurd and doesn't make sense.


    What happened prior to that date provides context for the events that unfolded.


    You can choose to disregard the context if you wish, but doing so will not give you a clear view of the entire picture. As the head of the UN stated, the events on the 7th of October did not occur in a vacuum.

    I don't make the rules of this forum, should you not want to adhere to them is entirely up to you, start your own topic if you wish to wander off into the world of whataboutery.

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:



      Laugh out loud , just LOL 

    The truth is now dependant on how many results come up on a google search 🙂

    I just did a google search for "I am very clever"

    I got 437 000 000 results 

    Me and Einstein have similarities . 

       You are seriously saying that the amount of results a google search brings up means its true 

    I am done with this idiocy and I cannot believe I am talking about this 

    Einstein is famous for saying that if you run around a tree naked at the speed of light you have a chance of having sex with yourself, or you could read these anti semetic posts and achieve the same result.

  10. 6 hours ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Irrespective of who killed who the point that was being made was to many deaths are still to many deaths, but if you only want to count on the revenge killings by the IDF with reference to the barbaric killings of Hamas on the 7th fine, may your perpetrators of death rot in the same hell when their time comes. 

    Why are you calling them revenge killings, Israel is trying to secure the release of the hostages taken and Israel give the Gazans prior warning as to were they will bomb, they can't be fairer than that can they?

    No such place as hell Jeff, believing there's a hell is about as believable as Palestinian body count.

  11. 6 hours ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Far to many from wherever you get the information from.

    Would it not be better to finger point at uncivilised barbarians that started this war than a country trying to get its hostages back before they themselves are relieved of their heads. Starting a war unfortunately has consequences, these animals must never be in a position to repeat their vile acts ever again.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Fear yea not Israel will avenge any deaths by killing the terrorists that started this war (that would be Hamas), justice will be served for the butchery of their own civilians, they will do as much as possible to rid this world of these cretins that have no resemblance to human beings!

  13. 6 hours ago, stevenl said:

    I have added many posts with substance. 
    So you're ok with telling others ' sop posting, you're not welcome here because I don't like your posts'.
    Maybe not just start your own thread but start you own forum then.

    There there now, of course you have steven, of course you have.🥴

    • Haha 1
  14. 6 hours ago, stevenl said:

    Don't like posters, put them on ignore.

    Your post is ridiculous, disappointed none of your brethren called you out on it.

    Do you ever add anything of interest to a thread or is your mission purely to attack other posters that don't share your beliefs.

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