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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 9 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    How many dead children do you think is too many?

    Is 2,913 not too many?

    These figures come out of the mouths of terrorists who you seem to chose to believe, if the Palestinian terrorists had not committed these attrocious crimes againgst Israeli civilians on Oct 7th none of this would be happening, it is a shame you don't appear to have any sympathy for the Israelis that were slaughtered and you chose to believe the words of these terrorists. 

    If Hamas chose to use their civilians as human shields that is not the fault of Israel. 

  2. 5 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:


    They fired a journalist for fabricating quotes.


    The Intercept has been criticized by both Republicans and Democrats,...


    Upsetting both sides of US politics, as far as I'm concerned, means you're on the right track.

    Are you incapable of staying on topic and have to resort to posting extreme left wing dross!

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  3. 6 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:


    From your link:




    Thanks for confirming The Intercept's credibility.

    Yes it also says that they fabricate stories, but we'll gloss over that eh as it may be taking this thread off route. Suffice to say that most of your links come from extreme left wing source.🥴

  4. 6 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    Far right wing nonsense.




    Consider his “highly intellectual” status fully revoked.

    • Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that routinely favors the left. We also rate them as Mostly Factual in reporting rather than High due to previous fabricated work and censorship of writers.



    • Confused 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

    You are spouting twaddle (as you put it). And at every point in time the Israelis are planning the destruction of the Palestinian race. Right now they are killing thousands, including women, children and babies so they are worst at this time. Don't understand why they think they are a superior race.

    Guess we just have to see how all this plays out, but if they keep up their killing ways, then the entire region could erupt.

    And the moral of the story is....if you don't want war, don't start one, have you got such a short memory of what happened on Oct7th. 

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  6. 29 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Get a life son, this is a war, you thinking the Israeli's are all sweet and innocent in this is at best delusional and I for one have condemned Hamas as terrorists the same as I've said the IDF are murderers of innocent Palestinians. Both sides are inhumane whichever way you want to look at it.

    What a load of twaddle, the Israelis are defending themselves where at every point in time the Palestinians are planning the destruction of Israel and the Israelis. 

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  7. 6 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

    It’s all about proportionality for the Israeli’s  who don’t want to commit war crimes.  Hamas on the other hand are terrorists.  Terrorists are not generally known for following the law..

    Exactly, Hamas needs culling, I'm glad you agree

  8. 5 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

    In that case, destroying their HQ would be significant enough in most cases to permit targeting it.

    If its good enough for Hamas to bomb Palestinian hospitals it should be good enough for the Israelis.

  9. 5 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:



    "Targeting  hospitals is specifically outlawed under the first Geneva Convention. But even the protection of hospitals is not absolute. If hospitals are “used to commit … acts harmful to the enemy,” then attacks on them may be permitted so long as they follow the rules of proportionality and precaution. "

    I have just been reading that Hamas has its headquarters below a hospital, whether true or not it would not surprise me in the least if they did.

  10. 6 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

    Bob its about the war with Israel and Hamas nothing to do with land grabs, or war crimes that's all been done.

    That how these trolls derail a thread, they know if they had to stay on topic with being honest they would have nothing and it's all to easy to be pulled in to their deceptive little games.

  11. 6 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    I'm just looking at the possible outcome. If IDF ground forces go in; Hezbollah will get involved. Or so they say. Then all hell will break loose.

    My post still stands, don't appease the terrorists and who is not involved with the Palestinians terrorists, is Russia funding this melee, many think that the Iranians are using the Palestinians to fight a proxy war. The world is a complete mess and it will only get worse until something is done and doing nothing is not an option! 

  12. 6 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    Not saying anything against that WB. What I posted earlier is a distinct possibility.


    If this whole debacle develops into WW111, we'll see innocents killed all over.

    The only other option Owl is to let the terrorists get their own way, appeasement will never work, the aggressor knows we did nothing last time so they'll do it again and again.


  13. 6 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    You are bang on the money there WB.


    A ground incursion into Gaza would bring in Hezbollah. The Americans might be tempted to unleash their fire-power (itchy fingers and all that). Iran would step up, and sink some of the west's military boats in the east Med. Iran would get a nuke (if Israel has any). If not, then just a few ordinary missiles. Russia would steam in.


    It could then get tasty in the South China Sea. Next thing it would be the west + Israel v the rest.


    Get your bunkers ready guys.

    So are you saying no reprisals for all the vile barbaric acts that the Palestinians terrorists inflicted on decent innocent civilians on that fateful day. I think we both know the answer to that one Owl, these poor excuses for human beings should never see the light of day ever again! And I wish the Israelis all the luck in the world in finding these disgusting criminals. Never again should an event happen like the world witnessed on 7th. And there are still many hostages still held in captive, so let's not forget about them too.

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