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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Yes Hamas has started something and I wonder if they are beginning to regret all the killing on both sides, rhetorical question because they don't care how many die do they.
  2. Work in progress at the moment Owl.
  3. Hitlers book Mein Kampf was a best seller also, 5.9 million copies up to 1939 and still boasts steady sales to this day, so what is your point?
  4. So the answer is to give in to terrorism, appeasing terrorists never ends well they always want more and it is a shame you are unable to figure these things out for yourself, it is not that difficult. 🥴
  5. A video for all the gullible simple souls who feed off terrorist propaganda here, it states more rockets fired by Hamas have landed in Gaza than Israel. Don't be part of the problem.....ignore the terrorists lies.
  6. Chris this bill was the possession of our local Tessaban where the locals can go and be informed of various going ons in the area and country. Other topics include dengue fever and covid and so on and so forth. They were infact alerting their flock, I would imagine that other Tessabans are doing the exact same.
  7. All our yesterdays, and by your twisted logic you refuse to keep to topic by picking a date on calendar that fits in with warped interpretation of events. Nothing, I repeat nothing excuses what the Palestinians did 2 weeks ago which incidentally is what this thread is all about. So stop trying to be a smart alec and try and keep to topic!
  8. If you start a war like the Palestinians have then why are you so surprised at the backlash. Why do you find it so difficult to understand, it is not difficult. The Israelis didn't start this conflict, have you forgot already!
  9. Stop firing rockets into Israel and guess what Mr Apologist, nobody will get killed, Israel has a right to defend itself!
  10. When the argument is lost you come out with a puerile reply, go away and stop wasting other posters time with your prehistoric nonsense!
  11. All our yesterdays..... Yada yada yada. All you guys do is pick a date on the calendar that suits your dialogue.... Truly boring!
  12. And what your not getting is that none of this would be happening without the barbaric intervention of the Palestinian terrorists, Israel has every right as a civilised nation to defend itself and more importantly to make sure that these barbaric sick animals never have the chance to repeat their atrocities!
  13. The other side would not be getting killed had your side not committed these terrible attrocities, and the moral of all this is....... Don't start wars, it will never end in your favour. Shalom.
  14. Think again, do I sound like an anti semetic!
  15. Sorry that's how the wife got it from a meeting at the Tessaban.
  16. Wifey just told me, should anyone receive an electric bill like this one, don't pay it..... it's a scam.
  17. Humans are usually judged by the company they keep and there is no way that I want to be classed as an anti semite so go conquer the world, but count me out.
  18. Would those Middle Eastern experts subscribe to Thorgals mind set, I bet they do, but other than old fake links we get nothing of value from you!
  19. I repeat you don't have a case, you and your buddies think you are masters at deflection, you're not!
  20. When you have to go off topic as many times as you do and flood the thread with spurious links it is safe to say that you don't have a reasonable response to the recent atrocities of the Palestinian terrorists.
  21. You don't alter topics to suit your argument!
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