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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. I didn't like twitter before Musk took over, I like it even less now.
  2. Money does not necessarily make you happy, but I'd sooner be miserably rich than miserably poor. ????
  3. Overnight oats with blueberries and cranberries, sure beats the hell out of bacon and eggs with 4 slices of homemade bread covered in the most tasteful best butter. ????
  4. HomePro include fitting in their price.
  5. Gone! and never called me mother!
  6. Yes but the classy ones always go down wind to expel waste gasses. ????????
  7. Down to the bone, nobody should be seen out in public looking like a tennis ball.
  8. Of course I don't eat microwave food, I use it to dry the dog after I have washed him.????
  9. I would love to come but that's the day I defrost my microwave, sounds so much fun.????
  10. The most obvious answer is to stop all the freebies. We are the only country that pays illegals to enter our country. Real refugees would be only too happy to be housed on the barge.
  11. I have checked with your wife and she said the feeling is mutual.
  12. Are those your words "sparse and austere". Our military would be glad of such accomodation I'm sure and they wouldn't moan about it. Snooker rooms and gymnasiums, oh it must be terrible for them.
  13. And the moral of the story is, if you are going to hit a bouncer, hit him harder than that because you won't get a second chance.
  14. No, but thanks for the warning anyway.????????????
  15. Quite a few gyms around Pattaya start up and a few years later close down, due to lack of support I suppose, bit worrying if you plan on a 1 year membership and it closes after 6 months whatever. Decided to get some gym equipment at home, all under cover outside, then I can come and go when I please.
  16. Seriously do you get the same consternation when the Russians repeatedly bomb schools, hospitals, maternity wing, grain silo's that should be providing food for the starving in Africa. Your question really should be asked to the ukrainians whether they minded if one of their drones hit a building, civilian or not, I think their reply would be an emphatic 'I don't care' and could you blame them after all the suffering that the Russians have put them through.
  17. I don't suppose the Ukrainians will be too bothered after what they have suffered under the illegal invaders.
  18. The Ukrainians are already fighting the Russians with one arm tied behind their backs, do you wish them to have both arms tied. Russia has carte blanche to kill and destroy as many Ukraine citizens and buildings as possible, and in comparison to the Russian attacks this is miniscule as to what the Ukrainians are going through. Maybe the Russians might just understand what the Ukrainians are going through and wake up and smell the coffee.
  19. No excuses will ever condone the genocidal illegal war in Ukraine, it's a shame you need reminding, nice try but no cigar!
  20. Highly unlikely with the drones the Ukrainians are using but it is better than nothing, compared with the devastation the Russians have inflicted on Ukraine it can only be described as a scratch, purely symbolic, but it will do more to damage Putins reputation than any damage to their buildings could ever do. Maybe the West should give the Ukrainians the missiles that would make a difference, I just can't help thinking that the Ukrainians are fighting the Russians with one arm tied around their backs.
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