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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. I will reiterate that your posts have hardly been sympathetic to to the murderous actions of the Palestinians in Israel, infact the opposite, only today you were bragging/boasting about how the Palestinians have developed a rocket/missile that can penetrate 2 miles of concrete. Don't try and pull the wool over our Thorgal, we have you sussed.
  2. Your posts are your own worst enemy, let other posters judge your "impartiality"
  3. "Facts" from a poster that uses TASS. 😂😂😂
  4. I stated your post is garbled gobblygook gibberish garbage, a meaningless nothing that Professor Stanley Unwin could have made a better job with.
  5. You are playing the victim here, it's all about you and Hamas no thought for the innocent Israelis that were sadistically massacred, what is wrong with you can't you tell right from wrong or good from bad. The Palestinian terrorists started this war so stop trying to blame those awful Jews, Hamas has stated it wants the Israeli state to be eradicated, are you all for that, I don't suppose we'll get an honest answer off you anyway. Should Israel forget about the biggest massacre of Jews since the 2nd world war, infact dont bother answering because it will be more mish mash.
  6. You are 'gibbering' and your post is nonsensical gibberish!
  7. Well maybe if you addressed the post to whom you meant it for instead of me the would be no misunderstanding.
  8. You are a very sensitive person Neeraram, chill out or block me, you still haven't discovered the delight of humour yet. Defamatory my giddy aunt!
  9. Nobody is saying he is wrong on everything. 🥴
  10. Thanks for the warning.😂😂😂
  11. From what I've read from @Morch posts he is probably the most balanced poster on this subject and no way does he support Hamas, far from it, you are both pretty much singing from the same song sheet and one of you is just slightly out of tune.
  12. She's been wanting some non stick pans for ages because the aluminium ones always get ingrained with burnt food, so I bought her a little nylon scrubbing brush to help her scrub the pans, and she was as happy as a dog with two tails.
  13. Phone hacking but lets not deviate from the topic.😉
  14. The relevance is why would anybody watch someone who lies and has put British soldiers lives at risk by approving the publication of faked photos showing them torturing Iraqi so called prisoners, unless the watcher was hearing things that they wanted to hear. There are many journalists with the morals of the Black Rat that I would avoid like the plague and Piers is one of them! HTH
  15. If the Israelis (imo) do not start a ground offensive and rid the world of these evil sadists they will again and again attack and murder Israelis. The Israelis are legally bound to protect their own citizens and other than eliminating these evil animals what other choice have they got. Hamas has stated it will never stop killing Israelis untill Israel no longer exists, not a nice time to be Jewish!
  16. You appear very excited that Palestinian terrorists have weapons to murder Israelis, is that not all the more reason these sick sadists need liquidising.
  17. "I've heard" well we can't argue with proof like that. 😂😂😂
  18. I don't care which language you watch TASS in, it is still funded by the Kremlin.
  19. For a news source that specialises in Russian propaganda one would have to assume yes it is wrong and anybody that reads TASS are desperate for news that satisfies their own warped mentality.
  20. The golden rule. Just for ease of clarity the female is the one with the hole and the male fits inside the female.😉 "The golden rule is straightforward: a tapered male can fit a tapered or parallel female. That is, a BSPT (tapered) male thread can fit both a BSPT (tapered) and a BSPP (parallel) female since the taper of the male will fit equally into a cylindrical thread. In the case of using a tapered tap on a parallel female, sealing material is recommended to ensure the tightness of the joint." https://redfluid.es/en/differences-bspp-gas-bspt-npt-threads/#:~:text=The golden rule is straightforward,equally into a cylindrical thread.
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