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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Life is too short to worry what colour your passport is, you could be better spending your time finding a cure for all known diseases. ????????.????
  2. What evidence are you looking for? I have explained how I do it and will continue to do so, and if you want to be pushed Pillar to post that is entirely your prerogative. Do you always start petty arguments over trivial trite.
  3. Haven't had a visit from the Special Branch yet, the money this government gives away do you really think they're bothered about your frozen pittance of a pension.
  4. Exactly, just fill it out yourself and get the wife to sign, nobody checks.
  5. Basically you have just proven my point and all that link proves is that the police are not consistant and are operating two tier policing. But given the choice to attend a Boris cake party or a Keir Starmer beer and curry party I would chose the Keir party, extra poppadoms for me Keir. ????????????????????
  6. There wasn't any difference, infact Starmers soiree was worse than Boris Johnsons, but Whitehall, the left wing press and of course the ever unbiased BBC have never forgiven Boris of taking the UK out of the EU. The gutter press are now chosing who runs the country and not the electorate.
  7. Is it too difficult to provide the requested link, I have looked but all to no avail.☹️
  8. The old cliques are the best, have you used the 'they were too stupid to know what they were voting for' yet, it must be time to drag that one out.
  9. Bit too late to change the rules now, 2016 the UK voted to leave the EU, easy as that, can't keep saying I didn't mean it. The media didn't agree with Brexit, the the staff in Whitehall didn't agree with it and it has been an exercise by these people of how to overturn a democratic vote. 7 years in the making and the remainers are still going on about it, totally shameful.
  10. I don't think it is very polite to call fat people fatties anymore, they must now be referred to as 'over eaters'.
  11. Maybe he believes in democracy, the majority of Scotland wish to remain within the Union and it is not for the Nationalists to dictate to the majority. You do know the meaning of democracy?
  12. I think the last 10+ years have proven that the SNP is incapable of controlling their own affairs.....next.
  13. Does this bug include a runny nose and breathing difficulties, if so it would explain feeling like death warmed up for the last 5 weeks, if not I'm stumped. ????
  14. Have you checked your warranty details, my Daikin has just developed a fault and did have a 5 year warranty with it, unfortunately the fault occurred at 8 year old.☹️
  15. I too have had about 5 or 6 weeks of this coughing or trying to cough up this mucus. But strangely I always slept ok but when I awoke the running nose was almost immediate and to compound the issue I struggled to breathe. The chemist gave me Muclear tablets which did make it easier to breathe, they also gave me some Clarityne tablets which I found made very little difference. Did the obligatory COVID test a few times and all proved negative.
  16. Henri was totally inebriated through alcohol and drugs, he was driving a reinforced Mercedes that probably weighed quite a few tons and to put the icing on the cake he was travelling twice the legal speed limit, those "factors" would be deciding factors to most people and at the inquest into the accident the blame on Henri Paul was unanimous. "Some media claimed that the erratic behaviour of the paparazzi chasing the car, as reported by the BBC,[3] caused the crash. In 1999, a French investigation found that Paul lost control of the vehicle at high speed while intoxicated by alcohol and under the effects of prescription drugs, and concluded that he was solely responsible for the crash. He was the deputy head of security at the Hôtel Ritz Paris and had earlier goaded paparazzi waiting for Diana and Fayed outside the hotel.[4] Anti-depressants and traces of an anti-psychotic in his blood might have worsened Paul's inebriation.[5] In 2008, the jury at the British inquest." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Diana,_Princess_of_Wales
  17. By not mentioning Henri Paul Diana's drunk driver that evening you are not being fair as this caused the death of Diana and probably by not wearing a seat belt didn't help her chances of survival.
  18. A £110,000 motorhome appears on Peter Murrells 92 year olds mothers driveway, the next minute Peter Murrell loans the SNP £107,000 due to cash flow problems, some might call that a coincidence, others may not. ???? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-63973961
  19. Police have seized an £110,000 motorhome from Peter Murrells 92 year old mothers house, be interesting to see how Boris Johnson or Westminster gets implicated in this one. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11952887/Fraud-police-probing-missing-funds-SNP-seize-motorhome-Nicola-Sturgeons-laws-drive.html
  20. Yes I'm sure that even the inept SNP could shred every piece of evidence in the 3 weeks before the police raid.
  21. I don't think I am, it is only the Russians that are raping and killing innocent Ukrainians, stealing their land. And never forget that NATO was formed to keep the Russians from just taking other nations land and hasn't Putin done a fantastic job with NATO, Uiraine had no chance of joining until Russia invaded, the Finns and the Swedes had no intention of joining until Russia invaded Ukraine too, so we must all doff our caps to Putin, this years NATO salesman of the year.
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