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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. No thanks. 🤮 "Beards have a mixed reputation – men with beards are more attractive, said one study last year, yet 43% of women would not sleep with a man with a beard, according to another. Now, a report says men with beards carry more germs in their facial hair than dogs carry in their fur. These are the same dogs that eat discarded chicken bones off the pavement." https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/shortcuts/2019/apr/15/beards-can-be-dirtier-than-dog-fur-heres-how-to-keep-yours-clean
  2. Please don't suggest anything for me to read, my first choice of news is not Al Jazeera or even taking the terrorists word for anything as many do on here. The internet is full of examples of the BBCs bias and just because you don't want to accept it, that is not my problem!
  3. Meaningless replies are just that!
  4. How come countries like Palestine and Yemen are always short of food and other essential items but never run out of rockets, just maybe if they get rid of the rockets there would be plenty of food and other essentials. 🤔
  5. Didn't Goebbels say that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.☹️
  6. I would have thought that was a very obvious statement, why would anyone get their daily intake of news from an anti semetic news source like Al Jazeera if you you wanted to adopt a neutral stance? You seem to believe the anti semetic propaganda they spew out and offer very little sympathy for the recent barbaric attack in Israel.
  7. Al Jazeera is anti Semitic and is probably telling you news that you want to believe rather than what is the truth. "Al Jazeera Media Network, endowed by the Government of Qatar, is one of the world's largest news organizations. It provides extensive news coverage through 80 bureaus on a variety of media platforms in several languages, including Arabic and English. Al Jazeera has a large audience, but the organization (particularly its original Arabic channel) has been criticized for its alleged involvement in controversies ranging from slanted journalism to anti-Hindu bias and anti-Israel bias." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism
  8. Andrew Neil has just tweeted that:- "Looking at these shameful pro-Hamas demonstrations in London and elsewhere yesterday it struck me that Israel must be the only country in the world that is attacked for being attacked by a murderous, fascist, infant-killing death cult -- then is further attacked for having the temerity to retaliate against those who would erase it from the earth."
  9. Got a message from Lazada saying 'your parcel is with Flash Express and will be delivered in 1 - 2 days, that was 5 days ago. ☹️
  10. "Accuse the other side of which you are guilty." :Joseph Goebbels.
  11. Suella Braverman MP, Attorney General, any good. SuellaBraverman_1920p_20231014_154543.mp4
  12. I think that Hamas wins first prize when it comes to being evil, and nearly 60% of Gazans support Hamas, I guess you reap what you sow.
  13. It very disingenuous to call other posters Israeli apologists just because they have shown concern over the barbaric crimes Hamas have just committed in Israel, if anything perhaps it may be time for some Palestinian apologists to look in the mirror.
  14. The two factions are at war with one another and since when do you feed and water your enemy, I can't recall the allies sending food parcels to the Nazis during the second world war!
  15. And guess what, if Hamas had not committed this heinous barbaric attack in Israel none of this would be happening, take some responsibility!
  16. "or would you fight back any way you could?" No not anyway you could, Hamas has crossed a line no rational thinking person would ever believe what they are capable of, they take evil to a level very rarely seen before. Beheading babies is not "fighting back anyway you could." Sorry you keep needing reminding!
  17. Do you think it is acceptable for Palestinian militant groups to use Palestinian children as suicide bombers because that is what's happening. All these People going on about whataboutery to try and deflect the horrific attack that has just occurred is sickening and the sooner Hamas is destroyed the better. These people that are making excuses for the terrorist attack are like a cult and it seems if you are on the left, you are expected to support and make excuses for these evil terrorists. ????
  18. Chris Williamson resigned from the Labour Party for his anti semite remarks, not exactly the best person to get a point across I would have thought.
  19. Yes, but on the other hand if you were born an Israeli you would be normally supporting anybody that tries to stop terrorists from attacking Israeli innocent civilians, would that be a fair comment.????
  20. Surveys conducted in Ukraine has nothing to do with the West, just as illegal voting has nothing to do with Russia. You cannot illegally invade then occupy a country then set up illegally rigged elections, you do understand that don't you?
  21. There is no pleasure in having nothing to do, the fun is is having lots to do and not not doing it.
  22. These ATACMS are a version of the said missiles, armed only with cluster bomblets and not a single warhead, not ideal for blowing the Kerch Bridge but I'm sure the Ukrainians will make use of them somehow. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/23/ukraine-to-get-us-long-range-atacms-missiles-us-media-report
  23. I find it hard to compare the Jews of Nazi Germany to the present day Israelis, the Nazis killed circa 6,000,000 million Jews without any provocation whatsoever, whilst the Palestinians are provoking the Israelis at any chance they get. Maybe if the Palestinians stopped provoking the Israelis they might all get along much better.
  24. The proof being that the Russians tried to take Kyiv at the start of this illegal war and for Putin to install his own puppet government, Putins intention was very clear from the start, it was all about imperialism, Putin does not recognise Ukraine nor its people, that is why he is committing all these genocidal war crimes.
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