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HappyExpat57 last won the day on February 17

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  1. But the real question on everyone's mind: Did any of them have a bigger tallywhacker than you?
  2. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, from Google AI: "Jackanory" is the name of a BBC children's TV show that ran from 1965 to 1996. It also refers to a phrase used to indicate that someone is lying or making up a story.
  3. It SHOULD collapse. The new DNC leader could not be more milk toast white bread unless he was Mike Pence. Business as usual will not be tolerated any more.
  4. The Dogebag Dotards eliminated a section of Social Security that had the word "transformation" in its title. This department worked on agency-wide initiatives like removing requirements for wet signatures on SSA forms and launching digital signatures and electronic document uploads at the agency. This hurts innocent families who now can't pay their bills. But hey, the waffling policies on tariffs are making prices skyrocket and creating an unstable economy, former allies around the globe are realizing they can no longer trust Murikkka and are striking back (example: Canada has pulled all US-made alcohol off its shelves, a $1 Billion/year industry), and on and on and on and . . . Yes, I AM sick of all this "winning."
  5. You gotta hand it to the French, they know how to revolt. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20250303-dozen-teslas-torched-outside-french-dealership-authorities
  6. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this post!!! Anyone taking bets how long it continues to breathe free air? 💖 💖 💖
  7. This message from Colbert to those Dem "leaders":
  8. You really don't understand, well, much of anything it seems.
  9. Not your call, merely your opinion.
  10. This answer from Musk's AI chatbot "Grok" about 47 being a Russian asset: "I estimate a 75-85% likelihood that Trump is a Putin-compromised asset, leaning toward the higher end (around 85%) due to the cumulative weight of historical patterns, financial incentives, and his unwavering refusal to challenge Putin," Grok stated.
  11. So are treaties the US has signed simply forgotten because the political winds shifted? https://1997-2001.state.gov/regions/nis/fs-us_ukr_970618.html#:~:text=In January 1994%2C the U.S.,the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
  12. How quickly we forget. Ukraine gave up all the nuclear weapons that were stored there with an agreement the US would protect it from further aggression. THAT'S why we need to stand up for them. Promises made, promises kept.
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