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HappyExpat57 last won the day on October 28 2021

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  1. https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-said-to-freeze-plan-to-send-sick-gazan-children-abroad-after-golan-attack/
  2. Deflecting right here. Just do your own research and I double dog dare you to prove me wrong.
  3. No! I'm done trying to educate those who merely reply with deflection, lies, denial etc.
  4. In this 24 news cycle, people have almost nonexistent memories. What these crooks are doing now was done in Greece in 2008. They SCREWED the populace with severe austerity programs. I am preparing myself to live completely autonomously in Thailand. I predict my civil service pension will soon be severely diminished or stopped altogether. With the sale of my rental and liquidated pension, I'll live a wonderful life here. I feel deep sorrow for all those left in Murikkka.
  5. Read my response just above this one.
  6. If you honestly don't understand this concept then you are woefully ignorant and shouldn't be commenting on the topic. Put down the fox box, go educate yourself, then realize how foolish that question was.
  7. "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina" is the first episode in the ninth season of the American animated television series South Park. It first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on March 9, 2005. Very graphic video of an actual operation.
  8. Words from the oval office have dire consequences, and already people will soon be dying due to his ridiculous ham-handed elimination of USAID. But I guess MAGAts can't see that from their dilapidated single wide trailer porches so they just don't care.
  9. True buffoonery. It's not WHAT he's doing, it's HOW he's going about it. He's performing what should be handled as delicate surgery with a rusty chainsaw.
  10. socialsecurity.gov/reviewyourstatement Be aware if you don't already have an account, it can be a nuisance getting started, but once it's in place, it flows very smoothly.
  11. I was torn between a "laugh" and a "heart," so here's a heart. 💖
  12. And your glaring ignorance is being shouted from the mountain tops with crap like this. It's ALWAYS the same with MAGAts - ignore the facts and make stoopid [sic] remarks.
  13. Goddam - it appears there is SOMETHING we can all agree with.
  14. That horse left the barn a LONG time ago. I repeat - if you haven't watched Idiocracy, it is a must. It used to be classified as sci-fi/comedy, it's now under the category "Documentary." https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/
  15. Do you really think he gives a sh!t about working within the rule of law? There are three branches of US gubmint - executive, legislative, judicial. The legislative branch has been infiltrated by Republicans shaking in their boots for fear of upsetting president Musk or the other court jester, rendering them less than useless. The judicial branch can wag their fingers all they want and scream from the mountain tops that Musk is operating illegally and must stop. However, the judicial branch has no army backing them up. Both Musk and the court jester can say, "Oh yeah? Try and MAKE us stop."

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