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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Yay! The thought police are alive and well and living as EXAT.
  2. Curious - can you give power of attorney for just this issue to a family member so they can send it in each year?
  3. My experience with folks at that number - once you explain to those <deleted><deleted><deleted> you live in Thailand, their instant response is you have to deal with the PI office. I called several times, thinking a different agent might help me. Nope, typical overworked underpaid bureaucrats. And they were RUDE about it!
  4. After weeks of gorgeous sunshine in Chanthaburi - IT'S BACK!
  5. Next step will be mandatory chips inserted under the skin. Already being done in small communities in the US.
  6. You didn't catch the part of "I can't be bothered," did you?
  7. As a former database administrator, I can appreciate your syntax. As a former database administrator, I can't be bothered. Thanks for the help, though. ????
  8. So go to the doctor and spend 150 baht on a certificate stating you have glaucoma and need medicinal weed. Is that REALLY all that difficult? And the doctors could use the business as well. Win win!
  9. I always do a supplemental search using the same words in my Lazada search using Google then adding the word "Lazada" at the end. Would you be surprised if you heard the results were often better than the search from the Lazada site itself?
  10. I heard today that even of Congress closes them down, a Senate body could take over, essentially a continuance of the same with Senate oversight instead of the Congress. I don't care WHO exposes the truth, as long as it's DONE!
  11. Apec 22 and foreigners have NOTHING to do with each other. Useless chest thumping.
  12. As the Democrats have maintained control of the US senate, will the Jan 6 committee continue to uncover what actually happened on that infamous day?
  13. How many elections must the Republicans lose before they kick this albatross to the curb?
  14. And corporate profits are soaring as well at record levels. Yay unbridled capitalism, kick the people down when they're just getting back on their feet.
  15. Rather than keep trying to swim against the stream, perhaps go with it (legalize gambling) and tax the hell out of it?
  16. I heard a talking head today strike a bold stance, saying this Republican party needs to be demolished. He was talking about the election deniers, the nut jobs that defend the likes of Boebert, MTG, Herschel Walker and, of course, Trump. This election demonstrated people of all parties are finally waking up to the idiocy of election denying and the craziness associated with it. Now the Republicans are in a lethal dilemma. The former disgraced president is going to announce another run for office, and the party is openly admitting his toxicity. A large number of the voters are diehard supporters - those who would still vote for him even if he did shoot someone in the street. There are plenty of sensible Republicans who recognize how foolish this man is, how another term under his mismanagement would do serious harm to the country. Further, DeSantis is also most likely going to run. If he wins the primary election, Trump won't throw him any support. He will instead enter scorched earth attack mode. This will really throw the party into a tailspin, to the point that if a spoiled ham sandwich runs for the Democrats, it will win. VP Harris is probably enjoying this immensely. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  17. Assimilation definition: 1. take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully. "Marie tried to assimilate the week's events" 2. cause (something) to resemble; liken. "philosophers had assimilated thought to perception" By these strict measures, most people can never fully understand Thai culture, and I have no desire to make my life resemble theirs. That doesn't mean I can't appreciate many aspects of Thai culture. GENERALLY SPEAKING, I've seen again and again a very giving nature; I love the way families share with each other, and how they revere and respect elders. There are too many misfires for me - their atrocious driving, their tolerance for soi dogs even when these beasts attack, maim and kill their children, and keeping chicken feet on the menu. There's more on this list, y'all know what they are. I keep my distance while showing respect for their culture. We are all ambassadors here, it isn't our country and never will be. It's been a great ride and will be to the end of my days.
  18. Quote all the rules and regs you want, they cherry pick what they want to use and ignore the rest. And why all this fuss over a 4tb hd tax? You're whingeing about a 300-600 baht tariff.
  19. One more time - there is no official policy other than what the inspecting official feels like at the time. There is no continuity between immigration offices, between police offices, there is no official policy that you can put a pin in.
  20. The official policy is whatever they feel like at that time. Plenty of fast cloud options, 4tb is free on many. Can you get someone back in the states to upload?
  21. No such thing as unlimited internet at high speed. You pay for a certain amount at high speed, then when that's used up, it goes down to a trickle.
  22. Yeah . . . no. Read the post just above which defines your flawed logic.
  23. Looks like Florida is going blue whether they like it or not. ????????????????
  24. I'm gonna post here and people may cry "BS" but this has been my experience over the last 6 months. I xfer from a credit union in the states to an SCB account. If I go 50k baht or over, it takes days. 49,999.75 baht takes 6 seconds. SCB is supposed to be one that allows quick xfer over 50k but that has not been my actual experience.
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