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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. This all reminds me of a previous life where the debates about the former president ran hot and vicious. No minds will ever be changed here. People will just shout their opinions and cast aspersions at those who don't agree with them. Links showing opposing views will be decried as "fake news" and nothing will get settled. And that's just how those who really run things like it - divided and conquered.
  2. That large sucking sound is music to the ears of the politicians and their buddy contractors.
  3. 5 out of 4 people won't get your joke. ????
  4. I found this which would appear a smartphone is needed, but there is no date that I could see: https://thaiembdc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ThailandPlus-Eng.pdf
  5. Honestly, I long for the days of NT 4.0 It felt SO much like a Unix environment and at that time just wouldn't crash. No BSOD with that version.
  6. I have a laptop with one of those PCI hard drives, quite basic, and every time Windows tries an update, it takes about 30 minutes of rebooting until the updates are removed. The little guy just won't handle the updates, and Windows 11?!? Hahahaha! Yesterday I finally got fed up, so pulled out the old Google machine and found out how to do the registry changes, change the updates preferences in settings, and update the policies with gpedit.msc. I only use it for Google Meeting to get together with friends until personal meetings or bars are reopened.
  7. I lived in Jomtien for years, then last June moved to Pattaya to be closer to my friends. I'll be moving back to Jomtien at the end of my contract and taking a Bolt when we want to (and are eventually allowed to) get back together for a few suds. For me, riding a pushbike is what I do, and Pattaya just doesn't offer the same quality of roads. The convenience of being closer to Fascino/Makro/Big C et al isn't worth the trade-off. I wouldn't say I'm bagging Pattaya, instead my druthers are Jomtien.
  8. I bet they could ALL recognize Ronald McDonald - with or without the moustache.
  9. Yeah - I'm gonna go to the trouble and expense to get a test just so I can go eat at Mickie Dee's.
  10. If this is actually implemented and adhered to, then don't even bother opening up. No one's going to follow this nonsense.
  11. It's usually up to the juristic manager. Some are more reasonable than others.
  12. Exactly my concern! Every year at extension renewal time, I think "It sure would be nice to be able to use that 800k" but then I fear an audit could be very costly, possibly getting me removed from Thailand permanently.
  13. But I thought those were the rules. Rogue for following Thai directives? I think the others who don't are the rogues. It's a minor nuisance (I have to go in next Monday for this very reason) but it's offset by the generally sensible treatment they give us.
  14. The article spelled out no more specifics than reported in this post. Anyone have any idea what exactly do they mean by "reopening guidelines?" Google and DuckDuckGo.com searches just regurgitate the same nondescript article. Will bars reopen? Soapy Massage parlors (as long as we both wear masks)? Inquiring minds want to know!
  15. Maybe he SHOULD so he could make some better choices in the future.
  16. Each immigration office has its own idiosyncrasies. A large part of why I stay in Jomtien/Pattaya is the immigration office here is quite sensible. Not perfect, but better than most.
  17. Yeah, Songkran was SUCH a success in the battle against Covid.
  18. If all else fails, would it be a good idea to have an agent standing by to save the day?
  19. They've already got the white flag of surrender on deck, these measures are merely prepping us minions for when it actually gets raised.
  20. Whatever happened to "Bad guys out, good guys in?" Repeat offender?!?!?
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