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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Here's the setting: Nasty ancient Thai woman, head of the English department at the school where I'm currently teaching, interrupted one of my classes a few weeks ago and started dictating how I was going to teach. She wanted some old school rote cr@p. I started to politely explain how that wouldn't work for my lesson. It escalated within two minutes of me telling this <&#^%*#%!!> to find another teacher. I finished my lesson then started packing the few things I had to take home. The vice director heard about it and immediately came to see me, explaining how she realized this prehistoric woman could be problematic and promised me I would never be bothered by her again if I stayed. This vice director is young and was educated in London - she understands how things need to change if Thailand is every going to get out of this atavistic approach to educating its youth. There is hope, but the hubris among most Thais when confronting changing their attitudes will continue to hobble progress, and not just in education.
  2. In a previous life, I had quite a few pro former guy-living-in-the-Whitehouse members on my list. Since then, they've all mellowed. I still see their names appear in political discussions, but they've lost the demeanor of rabid weasels. I honestly believe they're starting to see that treasonous fool for what he really is.
  3. When I travel outside Thailand, the SCB app on my phone makes it possible to pay my electric. I just bring a previous bill with the code on it, works like a champ. The water bill I negotiate with the juristic manager.
  4. Just another Teflon Don miss. The Republicans will quash this investigation as soon as that poor excuse for human flesh McCarthy puts his grimy little fingers around the gavel. The fact that the disgraced former office holder has fought so hard to keep his info hidden is all everyone with two or more working brain cells needs to know.
  5. Linux drivers are available.
  6. Also consider a slight upgrade Brother 520W. I've been using it for school and it's been an absolute workhorse.
  7. Then you shouldn't be adding your comments to a topic on politics, then saying you don't do them. By adding your comments you are "doing politics." You can't have it both ways.
  8. you clearly do. @vinciis right. The Republicans have repeatedly stated they have no platform other than to stop the Dem's, regardless of the issue. These endless partisan battles must stop; the US will suffer until they do. We need to return to the art of negotiating.
  9. No, this is a fair comparison and relevant to the topic. If Hunter Biden deserves investigation for dirty business practices, so should Jared/Ivanka.
  10. Biggest scandal of our lifetimes? Hardly. Is it wrong? HELL yes, and it deserves an investigation but so do many more even more important issues like the price gouging of insulin which affects millions, both Dem and Rep. This is pure and simple petulant Republican retribution.
  11. I think you put WAY too much effort into that thought! ????
  12. These idiots couldn't find their @sses with both hands and a flashlight.
  13. I sure US leaders will lose sleep over this oversight. BTW, sarcasm filter ON.
  14. Oh my Buddha, is THAT ever an understatement! Too many greybeards of the Muslim persuasion will find it impossible to listen to her governance.
  15. Hell, ALL "sports" events are now about show me the money! When the price of hot dogs and beer for two are about the same as a down payment on a house, it's pretty clear all major sports SHOULD be spelled $port$.
  16. " Adams announced on September 21, 2022, that Dilbert had been 'cancelled' from 77 newspapers" https://www.newsweek.com/was-dilbert-cancelled-comic-creator-scott-adams-suggests-1745028
  17. It's called FOOOOOTball and has been the source of many excited discussions in bars all around the world. ???? Not my cup of tea.
  18. I've worked at Regents. A Bachelors and TEFL won't even get you past the front door for an interview. Their requirements are very high, as are most international schools.
  19. Thailand is NOT a place to make a career teaching English. As previously posted, a great paid vacation. If you're too good to work for ฿30k and get your foot in the door to look around, then you need to seek life elsewhere.
  20. I love the stuff. Too much, in fact. I can down a six pack in ten minutes with the red added.
  21. Just adding more mud to already murky waters.
  22. Aren't a lot of those guys getting off the midnight shift, so it's like their afternoon?
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