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Posts posted by matchar

  1. 10 minutes ago, thaichina said:

    No, the business does not force you to take the vaccine, you have the choice to take the vaccine or find yourself another job where it is not required. 

    I would hope that if an employee agrees to take only a vaccine that is not currently available but maybe soon, he can find an agreement with his employer, but that s up to the employer, when the school opens, teachers need to be there.


    I m not sure where you find informations that tell you the Astrazeneca has similar risks than covid for young people, I suggest you check more on that beacuse that may not be true...

    The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has been linked to distinctive, but rare, blood clots that also appear with low levels of platelets (which help clots form) in the blood.


    The risk of a clot is roughly one in 100,000 for people in their 40s, but rises to one in 60,000 for people in their 30s. Two in a million people in their 40s died rising to four per million people in their 30s.


    At the same time, the risks of developing severe Covid, if you catch the virus, fall in younger age groups.


    Dr June Raine, the chief executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said the benefits continued to outweigh the risks for the "vast majority of people".


    She added: "The balance of benefits and risks is very favourable for older people, but is more finely balanced for younger people."



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  2. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    To be honest from a business point of view nobody wants to have antivaxxers in their business (unless they themselves are antivax)


    Why would a business take the extra risk of infections (unvaccinated spread more then vaccinated) and why would a business take the risk of unvaccinated stay longer in hospitals. It all boils down to the fact that the choices of the antivaxxer negatively influence the business of people. 


    Antivaxxers just make no sense. 


    On the other hand would a business take responsibility if an employee suffers serious side effects or death linked to a vaccine they were forced to take?


    I'm not anti-vax and I'm quite happy to take Pfizer if I'm eventually offered it but I'm not willing to take AstraZeneca since that one has a higher risk of very dangerous side effects, which in younger healthy people is similar to the risk from covid.


    If I was old I would be more willing to take AstraZeneca because the risk from covid would be higher than the risk from the vaccine.

    • Confused 1
  3. One thing to consider with regards to current oil prices is the OPEC+ cartel production cuts, we are still below pre-pandemic oil demand. Also if a vaccine resistant covid variant emerges we could be back to square one.


    "Meanwhile, OPEC+ has maintained limits on supply since the outset of the pandemic. At one point, it cut more than 10 million barrels of daily supply from the market due to weak demand. As of July, it agreed to boost output by 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) to phase out the continued 5.8 million bpd in cuts."



    The Thai baht has strengthened significantly since Prayut announced the November reopening but I expect that to be short-lived unless somehow tourists start arriving in droves next month.

  4. 23 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    You're getting your adverse effects mixed up. The blood clots associated with the AZ vaccine are not linked to myocarditis and pericarditis. It's the mRNA vaccines that are implicated in those - and particularly in young men.


    Heart inflammation in young men higher than expected after Pfizer, Moderna vaccines

    You are the one who's mixed up. I didn't mention myocarditis and pericarditis. The fact is 18-40 year olds in Thailand are only offered some cocktail of AZ and AZ is the most dangerous one because of the risk of blood clots (especially in this age group) and this age group are also fairly low risk from covid-19. The risk from mRNA vaccines is a lot lower which is why most countries vaccinate under 40s with mRNA only and avoid AZ completely.

  5. 4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Although there are some reports around worrying people.

    The risk of developing inflammation of the heart muscle after receiving the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is very low, according to two large studies from Israel. The studies indicate that teenage boys and young men are most at risk of developing the condition, known as myocarditis.. 


    Yes that's why I said it should be Pfizer only. The AstraZeneca vaccine is the one with the risk of dangerous blood clots, estimated to be around 1 in 50,000 for younger people. There is a reason most developed countries do not give AZ to under 40s.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    "...we have established..."

    "We" have?   You mean that you and a team of Thaivisa sleuths are actually involved in the investigation and that conclusion is as a result of your enquiries?

    Well it was reported in the media that the dead man's family aren't disputing the gun belonged to him and also a friend of the dead man also said it belonged to him so is that strong enough evidence for you?

    I will leave the investigation to the police and I hope all parties are treated fairly but it seems most likely it was self-defense if the Thai man turned up at the Swiss man's house with a loaded gun.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    You say expiramental drugs, Pfizer is not as it has been given full US FDA approval as a treatment for Covid 19. Literaly billions of people around the world have already been given shots with billions more waiting. Few adverse reactions and the vaccine in any case will not give you Covid. Courts in US  have backed hospitals and other companies with their right to fire those who refuse to take the shots even  though the requrement wasn't in their contracts. Also those fired cannot collect unenemployment benefits.

    How many people in Thailand get offered Pfizer? Very few...

  8. 8 minutes ago, ianguygil said:

    10,000 will not qualify as large. It is above 50,000 USD normally. For this and above you can ask for a rate and reference it in your money transfer. And your payment will be in the settlement instructions for an FX deal. FYI, I recently paid for my son's university which was a large amount but i used a credit card because it was just easier for me to do and the rate was good with the right card - in this case the BBL Infinite Visa. So it all depends.


    No - we do not advertise because it depends on the deal and it depends on when. For 50 million it will be better than 50,000. If it is a future it will cost differently. It is complex. 10,000 GBP would not qualify as I said

    Well thanks for the information but it seems clear to me that for small fish such as myself WISE offer the best rates and the most convenience so I will continue to use them.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, ianguygil said:

    You guys need to differentiate between transferring funds and exchanging currency (bank notes). Somebody like SuperRich can possibly be cheaper than others for exchanging currency, but unlikely for transferring funds. In fact I don't think they are even in that business.


    Companies like WISE are convenient for small amounts but they actually "sit on top" of the Banking system, effectively buying in bulk and selling retail. They are a good partner of ours for retail transfers and have sa great app, but if you are moving something significant to you then you will get a better rate if it is dealt with by the treasury in a bank. And if both sides of the FX deal are effectively with the same bank, as when moving funds via one of our foreign branches as in the USA or the UK, you will obviously get an even better rate.

    So are you saying the Wholesale rates are better than Wise? If these are hidden then it's impossible to compare. I'm looking to transfer around 10,000 GBP when the exchange rate is favourable which is a significant amount for me but maybe a small amount for some people. If I were to send it to my SCB account via SWIFT then I wouldn't even know the rate I would receive until it arrives. WISE are very upfront about their rates and fees which I like and it's why they are so popular I think.

    • Like 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

    How do you know that 'he' had the loaded gun?  Because the guy who killed him said so?   See what I mean, thrown in the pond means no finger prints or DNA, odd eh? 

    Actually fingerprints will survive being submerged in water, especially for a short time like this case. Now if the gun had been wiped down with no fingerprints and no prints on the rounds or shell casing that would be suspicious.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

    Hmm, slightly embarrassing, but I'm a big boy.


    So the money arrived after 27 hours and it wasn't the 481,615 that Matchar said WISE would send. It was only 475,730.

    So it was 5,885 less - i.e. about £130!  Or 1.2%. 


    The current exchange rate at XE.com is 45.5793 THB.

    So, with that rate, I should've got: 478,606.84 which is 2,876 less than WISE. Or 0.6%.


    I don't know where WISE got their rate from.

    Surely, it didn't drop so much in 24 hours?


    The exchange rate has dropped quite significantly since then so it's difficult to compare. WISE guarantee the rate when you first make the transfer though and it seems like the rate you received was only around 45.3 which is less than the current WISE rate of 45.58.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    I hear Celcius are giving similar cards soon. Will be great way to spend the 8.88% interest I get on my USDC. I guess some here are happier with their 1% from the brick n mortar banks :cheesy: 



    That's a similar yield that the Evergrande bonds offered....and how much are they worth now? Staking crypto on Celsius is like buying Celsius bonds. Caveat emptor.

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