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Everything posted by rumeaug

  1. dude...She is damaged for life. Nauseating.
  2. ....And as mentioned in this article. let's not forget the dramatic socio-economic-health impact of sobriety on society which makes it utterly outrageous not to have alcohol available 24/7 . Shocking.
  3. Ah yeah, right. So strict that it makes alcohol in Thailand about as rare to obtain as Truffles, barely available a couple of months a year and foraged in remote places by specially trained pigs. Come on....
  4. Well, i guess the massive amounts of trash dumped daily in the sea (plastics etc...) doesn't count. Blame it all on (foreign) snorklers, Thais are good to go....
  5. Not surprised. Cyber protection in Thailand amounts to placing a plastic fence with a "beware of the dog" sign around a computer unit.
  6. Aaaah zoz kinky français....(ps : Not surprising form a nation that was the Brothel of Europe until after WW2 and invented the "à go-go Bars" with dancers etc..)
  7. They decided for some Cosplay, "let's play soi dogs humping"
  8. mmm...quite a soap we've got here ...A broke A** cruise-ship musician with a hum..."actress" that could easily have been chosen in the cast of planet of the apes as Cornelius (and no make-up)...Brilliant
  9. mass/quantity tourism over quality is almost always detrimental, in every way. Invest in longer term high-yield quality and you've got a winner.
  10. King cobras can hurt you badly, sure. But they won't chase you or attack you. Quite the opposite as they want no business with humans (they will raise their hood and hiss if you're near by, to let you know they are here, yes...). I can tell you that in Thailand at least, there are certainly way more deaths and injuries due to stray dogs than from cobras or any other snake. I's rather get rid of these dogs than of king cobras.
  11. Let me re-phrase this : in case he is "deported", he does not necessarily need to go back to the US.
  12. Thais don't give a rat's A**hole about foreigners as long as they get the dough. It's a mirage in the desert and you might end up dying of thirst as there is no Oasis. Cheers
  13. No need. Actually he can go anywhere else as long as he leaves Thailand. He can perfectly open business in neighbouring countries (Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines etc...). He's got choice.
  14. i get the irony of the "rare day of fresh air" . Well not anymore as of today february 11th. Pm2.5 is back from his day off. Tedious at best.
  15. We had condom machines in my french high-school and the "pilule du lendemain" (not sure in english, the day after pill or so..). usefull as otherwise, we would still have (unprotected) sex anyways with he risks encured (unsex (some of us at least)
  16. That whole bar scene is quite a cesspool. But the guys who enter these places need to understand that they need to play by the the rules of the "sewage" and wake up to the fact that there is no magic here beyond the thin curtain. They are in it for the money exclusively and that is effing it. Not for you "handsome man". Break that rule and you'll feel the whole stench of it dragging you down.
  17. Ok, so...Pretty much what the mayor says is that you can bring your floor mats and sleep there on the beach in case u can't afford or don't want to pay for a hotel room. Lovely.
  18. thanks for the clarifications, didn't know that 🙂
  19. If he is fbi-wanted. How could he be let out of the US to begin with?
  20. I did make a mistake myself in a 711 recently. I usually keep my 1000 thb notes in one specific compartment in Wallet. Sometimes a 100 thb note slips in if I dont pay attention. I pulled out a note from there rhinking it was a 1000 but it was a 100. I asked the clerk to check the cctv which proved me wrong. I apologised for my mistake and that was it. It happens.
  21. It is called trying to empty the sea with a strainer...
  22. The term "Woke" is definitely absent from Thai vocabulary
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