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Everything posted by rumeaug

  1. really..cause i see cops vaping near the police station where i live
  2. Don't know if this was ironic or not but i can say that France does have some of the most beautiful beaches / stretches of coastline in the world, in some areas of course (ps : don't be surprised if many of the most beautiful ones are filled with completely naked people. Many nudists spots in france....:)
  3. drugs and underlying mental illness. Bad mix.
  4. Just 4 years for asssaulting and filming it? Pathetic
  5. Beautifull, unique ceremony (like french women 😉. ). the country is biting the dust politacally, socially, economically etc... But France still remains magnificent and with some talent left. hopefully...Bonne journée!
  6. So what do we have .... "mediocre white male", "old white dinosaurs', "white guy" . You mention racism and misogynie , all i read here is ..well... racism and misandria. Cheers from a white male (should i apologies for that?...)
  7. Well, legislating will be not much different than putting it on the narcotic list. I don't see the point If it's only legislated towards medical use, research and parts of the plant that contain so little THC it would take a Bongfull of ganja the size of an atomic silo to get your spirits barely off ther ground. 99.9% of people just consume it to get high so...
  8. ok, a 1 000 years condemnation. And then what about this english teacher (luke rockwell), who went with a 16 yo (underage in Thailand), gave her STD and was arrested? he got out on bail for 100k and then, no one knows...
  9. Not surprised. "Bad/junk" western diet (i emphasize this here, as traditional western diet is extremely different and varied from one place to the other, and often times quite healthy actually - ref. traditional french, italian, spanish, meditterranean diets) + poor quality thai food (which what you overwhelmingly get nowdays -gone are the days of Thai high end traditional cooking...) , with crappy ingredients, terrible vegetable oils (soy bean, palm..), added sugar and glutamates of all kind + lack of exercise etc...etc....
  10. hum...you're kidding right? that (older looking) lady is 21 years old? no effing way
  11. Tragic. But it could be (an option that is not to be entirely discarded) collective suicide. It would not be the first time.
  12. HI Anitin. How about you pay the shop owners compensation from your own pocket since you pushed them (fooled them) to open shop knowing full well that "legally", because of the momentary loophole in the law, is just an empty "mirage" word.
  13. This whole swinging affair, one day white/the next black, sounds like "Hello Goodbye" from the Beatles (sorry for the oldies guys 🙂 ) You say, "Yes", I say, "No" You say, "Stop" and I say, "Go, go, go"
  15. You can't take the old diesel out of the old diesel, no matter how many so-called inspections.
  17. You can't fix ugly. It just remains ugly...but different ugly...
  18. It's ok, he'll get caught. There is cctv evry"freakin"where nowdays, i dont know why these guys do that, they know they will get filmed anyhow. 2 neurons....The guy is so clearly visible in those snapshots
  19. It's ok, he'll get caught. There is cctv evry"freakin"where nowdays, i dont know why these guys do that, they know they will get filmed anyhow. 2 neurons....The guy is so clearly visible in those snapshots
  20. It's ok, he'll get caught. There is cctv evry"freakin"where nowdays, i dont know why these guys do that, they know they will get filmed anyhow. 2 neurons....The guy is so clearly visible in those snapshots
  21. 17 year old girl, 31 yo father ?! , 30 years old grandma !? looks like a scene from the 1973 movie "deliverance" with the degenerate backwoods locals
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