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Everything posted by rumeaug

  1. Spain and Portugal : awesome choices . Beautiful places, great people, great way of life, decent prices (for Europe). France is just stunning in many places (except for the French of course, always complaining about their own country. Not realizing what they have, a little paradise on earth...), but mostly too expensive. Too bad for Brexit , things would have been so much easier for Brittons without that "delirious" decision...
  2. ...On par with a X00% increase in Russian "refugees"?
  3. Man do i feel small by watching this pic
  4. A pussy a day keeps the doctor away
  5. I feel him. Everyone is very "Handsome" there, if you've got the dough...Once you run out of it, it's "Go Home Kway/Buffalo!" ... once the "smokescreen" dissipates and you get the crude reality's fist painfully shattering your front teeth.
  6. Netherlands did it rather Successfully. Illegal prostitution moves in the Netherlands more than 500 million euros every year Legal prostitution exceeds 2.5 billion, which is equivalent to or 0.4% of Dutch GDP, more than the country's cheese industry At the same time that prostitution in brothels was legalized in 2000, the law against sexual abuse and the protection of minors was tightened
  7. I live nearby (Sathorn - suanplu area). I did the Silom thing at Songkran around 3 or 4 times. I don't recommend it. No fun at all unless you just like being squashed in a crowd, moving a 1/10 mile per hour :). People who took the BTS just froze into place, couldn't move back or forth. Just staring down to the mass below. Better off having fun in the less crowded streets and neighborhoods, which is real good fun and no hassle. Up to you as they say. Cheers
  8. probably a fan of The Who's Pete Townshend. But 711 won't get fool again
  9. Not sure where some people in this forum get their info, but you can definitely get a decent room in central Bangkok at around 10 000 thb (even better in areas that are more far away but still within walking distance from BTS or MRT), Just go on the rental/property websites and you will see. Cheers
  10. Phuket and Isan? hum.....hell no......Some very specific locations in these 2 places are certainly worth it. But not as a whole. [ps : Glad to see the the City of DIJON in Burgundy (France) Mentioned Though..... Stunningly beautiful regione. And those wines.......]
  11. He should go to France, on the french riviera. plenty of nudist beaches there (it goes with a few locals hiding peeping and j***k off behind the surrounding pine trees and lavender bushes).
  12. "Quickly"....Ow but what's the rush really ????
  13. I wouldn't go as far as going french "gilets-jaunes / yellow shirts" style here in Thailand, at intersections. But as someone paying taxes here (personal income & company taxes etc..) and social security to all the employees i have and ever had. Having given a decently paid job to quite a number of Thai people over 10 years. I feel that even as a foreigner, i am entitled to at least have a say about local politics. Too bad i cannot vote , although i'm not sure how that would make a difference in such a (ahem) democracy.
  14. Drugs, and Meth in particular are terrible (in case anyone has personnally seen the ravages it does to someone...). But she gets decades in jail, while a guy just killed two people with a knife and got bailed....with an ankle device....It's just beyond my comprehension
  15. I work and live in Bangkok since 2012. 1. I still [and sure as hell i am not the only one] absolutely do not know what exactly the rules pertaining to consuming cannabis are, and which level of THC is actually legal. i also think that the politicians involved in that law have strictly no clue either and have their brushes completely tangled on the subject... 2. Ganja consumption as a tourism asset? In many European countries and others in the world , like Spain just to name one, weed is decriminalized for personal cultivation and use, and it is very easily available (many grow it in their own homes). So unless you arrive from extremely strict places where they would "Blood Eagle" you for half a spliff, people just won.t bother to come to T. for that reason. About the fear of the return of Backpackers and other so-called low quality tourists and cheap charlies. Well, in case one hasn't noticed or got cryogenized for 20 years, Thailand is definitely not cheap anymore, at all, for the most part. Unless you plan to vacation in some remote place between two rice paddies....
  16. Hello everyone. I hold both French and Thai citizenship. Born in Bkk form a Thai mother and a French father. We moved back to Paris almost right away. My dad was working for a French company and was mostly working abroad as an expat (central America, Guatemala, Mexico where we lived for about 3 years) and then Spain for 12 years (Madrid) where i spent all my school years mostly, until high-school graduation (in The Lycee Francais de Madrid, so French education system). After more than 10 years in Spain, when i was 18 yo, i was proposed the Spanish citizenship too (almost automatically actually...). I didnt take it because Spain had fullly entered Europe Union already at that time (90"s), so it di not feel necessary to me then, to be able study and work in other european countries easily. So that would have been 3 passports for me without a problem. So given certain specific conditions, there is no issue in holding multiple nationalities as (an also) Thai citizen. Cheers
  17. Oh dear.... Bangkok is (just) OK...., but i wonder if the guys who conducted that (non sense) study ever travelled beyond their lab....
  18. 1982. Must have been a bit more fun then :). Frankly, that gogo bar scene is getting sooo old and shabby. I arrived in Bangkok in 2010. It was still fun but the scene was already changing...not quite the same. Now in 2022 it is merely the ghost/shadow of what it once was and dont expect it to get back to what it once was, it just wont happen. Really fading away. Dylan said it well "Come gather 'round peopleWherever you roamAnd admit that the watersAround you have grownAnd accept it that soonYou'll be drenched to the boneIf your time to you is worth savin'And you better start swimmin'Or you'll sink like a stoneFor the times they are a-changin'"
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