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Everything posted by rumeaug

  1. Some humans are just hopeless. It is terrifying.
  2. The meter issue is frequent. Now, i do think the size and type of car you take has some incidence on the final price though (the article says it does not but i doubt so)
  3. Sorry for the cannabis shop owners but they went way beyond the legal 0.2% THC levels, without any concern for anyone but their own profit. Don't stick by the rules if you wish, but don't complain if it "boomerangs" back at you.
  4. pffff...hahaha...yeah..right...is his horse,...i mean...motorbike...painted in white too?
  5. Ow Dear.. a 48 years old aging ex-bimbo wannabe with a Nirvana tank and fake boobs...that says it all
  6. Mmm...alright...so the money I have in my bank account in my home country, which has absolutely nothing to do with Thailand (I dont make any transfers from my country to thailand. Its only used there exclusively) , will be taxed in Thailand. Great.
  7. Beetles can be great to get rid of pests on crops etc....and use less pesticides
  8. Thank you for the post. However, i do not quite understand how the 5 years fit in this scheme, how it blends in with the 180 days?
  9. Well. The cannabis lobby (understandably) tries to defend its own turf, plain and simple. regardless of any so-called medical benefits which they like to push forward in a very hypocrite and disingenuous way i think, since they know the great majority of consumers buy it to get high/stoned , specially given the often extremely high THC levels they sell.
  10. They got really lucky given the blows...a brit has just been arrested in pattaya for Killing à russian who fell badly after just a single punch...
  11. In any case, no matter who's write or wrong, or any childish schoolyard-level reason invoked, nothing can justify smashing anyone in the head in such a manner. Consequences can be too dramatic.
  12. darn...How am i going to get high for, hum, "medical reasons" now?
  13. Elvis pioneerd all this https://tenor.com/bWVUe.gif
  14. Ha..Ibiza..wild times and memories from there..I mean that place was craaaazy. such a blast.
  15. Given the severe drought situation. No liquid shall be waisted. People shall be able to urinate on the lawns and trees. Save the planet.
  16. I am not against cannabis being legal. The trouble is many consumers mistake "legal" and "i'll do WTF i want and screw everyone else" retard/immature kind of attitude. By that I am refering to smoking the stuff in public and having no choice to breathe it in, like it too often happens, at least in my Hood where there is quite a significant number of foreigners. Keep it private and away from others (i'd like to say the same about tobacco).
  17. Weed is completely légal in many US states
  18. Not a smart move. But i think that the punishment in Thailand for possession of such ridiculous amounts like this is crazy. In the meantime you can be high as a kite on Marijuana or blind drunk at the wheel and not much will happen....
  19. Not a smart move. But i think that the punishment in Thailand for possession of such ridiculous amounts like this is crazy. In the meantime you can be high as a kite on Marijuana or blind drunk at the wheel and not much will happen....
  20. Not a smart move. But i think that the punishment in Thailand for possession of such ridiculous amounts like this is crazy.
  21. Abandoned...Really...Weird how the video is cut (on purpose?) not showing what actually happens next . Out of context. ps : the car did not make a brutal turn , rather smooth actually. Guess the motorcycle rider was on the phone while driving with no care at all as often here?
  22. No. Legalizing psilocybin and opium for medical use is not about making it available to the public. These substances are widely legalized around the world for clinical use, psychotherapy or pain management....Thailand had a huge lack in this domain (notably about morphine use for cancer patients and other cases...). It is finally catching up. That's it. just hope it will not, like it was (is) the case in the USA, create an opioid apocalypse with some avenues in many cities turned into zombiland.
  23. (ps : to the admin. i don't why my post has been posted/repeated many times here? some tech problem i guess)
  24. sure, she's probably quite a bit of a nutter...But a rather hot looking one if i dare say (oooops...) 🤫
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