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Smokey and the Bandit

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Everything posted by Smokey and the Bandit

  1. Agreed! Even within the two branches there are sects? For example, in Saudi Arabia, Sunni Wahhabism is a prevalent and puritanical faction. Similarly, in Shiitism, the Druze are a somewhat eclectic sect residing in Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.
  2. Agreed, why is it there is only one religion that we have this problem?
  3. “Phuket is one of the most popular destinations for Chinese people to travel to, and we are ready in terms of the number of rooms, variety of tourism products and services, department stores and spas, which all meet the needs of Chinese tourists.” Lucky Phuket?????
  4. Right and in the USA where this happened its getting worse, colleges are promoting their own agendas?
  5. Correct,almost, the first rule if gun safety is always assume the gun is loaded with a live round! Its up to the actual person using the weapon to check first?
  6. Not trying to split hairs, but all police are not immigration, like traffic cops for example?
  7. He says what he thinks, its his opinion, more people should it? Many don't, they are either to PC or scared?
  8. Agreed, but why is only agents and retirement visa mentioned?, actually extensions of stay! I dont know how many visa classifications there are, but there are many? But only gets discussed?
  9. This thread is about Big Joke investigating ties with the Chinese mafia? "He is investigating links in the IB ranks to the granting of favors to Chinese nationals looking to live and do business in Thailand. " "Some crime could probably be traced abroad but there was as yet no evidence of that in the inquiry." It is clear what he is investigating, but once again we see the comments go off at a tangent. Surely if people want to use agents, its up to them and if they don't , again its up to them? People can do what they want with their money?
  10. Unless the line extends out of the parking lot and down soi 5, in which case you would be in the direct sun. In busy periods is does happen.
  11. In the UK is quite normal for people to be released on license after only serving half of their sentence is the have behaved well?
  12. A while back 'Baby its cold outside' was banned in some places because some of the #metoo movement though it was offensive and manipulative? Now this? Why do people listen to these crackpots? Folks have become over sensitive and get offended by the slightest whim. Do they sit down on purpose to find anything that is offensive with anything?
  13. "will be treated as a special case by the Department of Special Investigation. The police have previously seized some 4 billion baht worth of assets from this suspect, in the forms of land deeds, houses, cars, and motorcycles." So what does this mean? Does the DSI want a cut? Four billion is a lot of money?
  14. If you can attend in person, you have up to 7 days after the due date?
  15. Whilst you are absolutely correct, plus it could be windy and make thing worse, but the headline reads "Elderly Woman Freezes To Death In Korat"
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