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Smokey and the Bandit

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Everything posted by Smokey and the Bandit

  1. Didn't mention ''arrest''. The reason all of the cops are in the picture suggests they were assisting in the investigation to find the over-stayers, otherwise why are they there?!
  2. Are you saying the different branches of the police don't help each other, even if they get intelligence?
  3. Good point, but why did he choose to come to Thailand, presumably he could have gone to a country where he does not have an outstanding arrest warrant?
  4. So not the smartest guy, apparently arriving at an International airport with an outstanding arrest warrant? What did he think was going to happen?
  5. Definitely 'possible'. how much money was wasted? In the UK, 8.7 billion pounds of PPE was written off, i wonder if the same in Thailand?
  6. Can't quite figure why her breasts have been blurred out, but not her face?????
  7. "American...which Country, there are about 37 Countries in the Americas." In the article it says the US, meaning the USA?
  8. I believe you have your left and right mixed up?????
  9. Here lies the problem. There is no consistency between the Immigration Offices and even individuals in the said offices. They change requirements with no advance warning and expect people to know? OK this was just simple copying that was needed, it could of been worse, but its not the point?
  10. Certainly a possibility and I totally agree!????
  11. My outlook is fine!???? You obviously lack a sense of humor, lighten up?????
  12. Correct many of the stores inside have closed already? The only busy stores seem to be the ones selling phones, on the 1st floor?
  13. Quite, its a mystery why they do bring their "heavy unattractive wives here", maybe their wives won't let them go alone? Just a thought?
  14. Correct, maybe he read a different book?????
  15. Agents must be a doing a roaring trade? ED visas going for 50,000 baht a pop?
  16. Agreed, Meghan doesn't look black, why do some people bring racism into everything?
  17. So if you break laws 'outside' of Phuket its OK?????
  18. More locals break laws, because obviously there is a lot more of them? Extremely doubtful they will get any cards?????
  19. This is part of the problem, they sent him to probably the most expensive hospital because he did have insurance? The private hospitals then can gouge the insurance company?
  20. They need to name the Insurance Company and the Insurance Company needs to explain what is going on?
  21. There have been many reports of youngish Russians 'purchasing' ED visas, especially in Phuket!
  22. If she had not fled the scene, called 911 , maybe a lighter sentence. But fleeing the scene and the country is going to cost her dearly.
  23. Totally agree with your comment, especially your words about personal responsibility! Sadly in Thailand it seems that denying things, that have actually happened, is endemic and is certainly not a good trait and the fact that the OP is trying to coerce his wife to lie is even worse? We see every day, just on, AN accidents happening and the guilty party fleeing, even cops getting caught red handed in corruption and denying it happened, instead of taking personal responsibility? I am pretty sure if a car hit one of the OP's kids he would want the cars owner to take responsibility and own up? In the scenario here his wife admitted she hit or ran over the dog and knew it belonged to a neighbor. OK the dog should not have been in the road, but it was, the horn on the car doesn't work, pretty sure the dog would have moved if it been used? She should have gone to the neighbor explained what had transpired and offered to pay for a vet! The fact that some of the posters are saying, 'one down one to go' or similar, just shows the kind of inconsiderate folks there are? I hope the dog is OK!
  24. Maybe the fastest and it would be the most expensive would be DHL? Take around 3 days and it can be tracked to when it is delivered, what time on what day, and who signs for it, but its gonna cost around 1,200 baht?
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