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Smokey and the Bandit

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Everything posted by Smokey and the Bandit

  1. "The police stated Uthit was riding a motorbike and looked somewhat suspicious." What was suspicious about him?
  2. Real cigarettes kill around 8 million people a year worldwide! https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/tobacco The best evidence available in humans shows e-cigarettes are far less harmful than smoking. For example, one study found significantly lower levels of exposure to harmful chemicals in people who switch from smoking to vaping compared with those who continued to smoke. These levels were similar to people using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). There’s also no good evidence that second-hand e-cigarette vapour is harmful to bystanders. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/smoking-and-cancer/is-vaping-harmful "Vaping is far less harmful than smoking. So, your health could benefit from switching. But you need to stop using tobacco completely to get the benefits." So the sale of REAL cigarettes is OK, but the sale of E Cigarettes is NOT? So what he , Anutin, is saying doesn't make any sense, unless of course there is some incentive to him saying that? Could that be money?
  3. You believe what you want to believe? I am certainly not suggesting Thailand is 'backward' and it does have civil laws, but sometimes things that you would think are logical and the outcome would be common sense, don't seem to happen in Thailand? But, no doubt, we shall see?
  4. Obviously on a planet not in our Solar System, or even Galaxy?????
  5. Certainly a fugitive, but she is not being 'frogmarched', more like a stroll? "The fugitive Thai wife accused of the hit-and-run death of college student Ben Kable in Michigan was frogmarched through an airport onto a commercial flight today"
  6. Indeed, amazing Thailand, where you can smoke 'weed' in the open or anywhere, brothels everywhere, but you can't use an E cigarette or have sex with a doll?????
  7. A Bank Statement/Lettter would suffice, if it has your Thais address on it?
  8. Was this done very recently? The reason I ask is because I know owner died recently, last December!
  9. For proof of address you can use a letter from the Government, so a letter from HM Customs(income tax letter) or from Dept of Works and Pensions, but I believe it needs to dated within the last 12 months?
  10. Would you care to share your agents details?
  11. I totally agree, but if its proven they will get a slap on the wrist, maybe a small fine and 'don't do it again' ?
  12. "They face charges including demanding bribe, malfeasance, detaining a person, invading a property and having a weapon in possession or colluding with more than two persons to commit an offence. They denied all charges and were released on bail." What did they say when they acknowledged the charges, it all a misunderstanding?
  13. Potentially a very serious lapse of safety? The reason for the tray tables to be up and secured is in case there is an emergency and possible evacuation?
  14. No its just anyone with common sense who watches any news believes!
  15. The culture in the USA is if you hit a person you stop, call 911 and try and help! She has zero excuse!
  16. Sadly the Thai woman made a big mistake in fleeing the country? If she had called 911 and helped the poor guy, even if he had died, would have looked favorably in the eyes of the Judge/court? Now when she gets back to the USA, she is potentially looking at serious jail time?
  17. I have noticed a marked increase in tourist coaches/buses in the Jomtien area, not full, maybe they are just getting ready?
  18. Whilst I am sure you are correct, if they can wriggle out of paying they will? Insurance companies like private hospitals in Thailand are there to make a profit?
  19. "His father then came and whacked him and took him away. " How did they know it was his father? "whacked him", shouldn't he be dead?????
  20. I was answering a question about Indonesia, at least so I thought?
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