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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. I watched this last week on the BBC and it followed with an interview with representatives from the Ukranian and Polish Embassy's (I think they were Ambassador's). They were extremely angry over the one sided view of the documentary and pointed out that this was not the norm. They both even "guaranteed"the safety of the fans. Time will tell but let's hope they are right.

    The fans are not doing the Nazi salute, they are just pointing at the opposing fans to get their attention. lol

    Nobody said the fans in the video weren't doing the Nazi salute. The question is, is this normal behaviour of the fans in the Ukraine and Poland? We are led to believe so from the documentary but the guys representing the Ukraine and Poland in an interview with the BBC say not. All I say is, let's hope it is they who are right.

    I did not mean you Mr Bojangles. The official guy in the video seemed to be in denial about the problem. I also hope that things go well in the tournament, but was shocked to see the content of the video.

  2. I watched this last week on the BBC and it followed with an interview with representatives from the Ukranian and Polish Embassy's (I think they were Ambassador's). They were extremely angry over the one sided view of the documentary and pointed out that this was not the norm. They both even "guaranteed"the safety of the fans. Time will tell but let's hope they are right.

    The fans are not doing the Nazi salute, they are just pointing at the opposing fans to get their attention. lol

  3. Yes it's all pretty sad really and I think that other venues should have been chosen until Poland and the Ukraine get their act together. Well I guess at least one England player will be popular with the opposing fans, by the name of John Terry.

    haha, yes he could be quite at home. against ukraine though hodgson could line up with hart, jones, cahill, terry, baines, gerrard, parker, milner, rooney, carroll and downing just to pre-empt the problem.

    Yep that sounds like a good line up and would solve any problems, but I am still surprised that he is in the squad pending his court case. Not a very good role model for the kids. If of course he is proven guilty.

  4. The more I hear about this guy the more I dislike him.

    The thing that I do not understand about the white power groups is that they seem to hold Adolf Hitler in high esteem, which is strange when both of their Countries suffered very badly during the WW2.

    oh sepp's proper vile. probably votes far right himself.

    they're countries that have massive poverty and a lot of desperate, poor people - perfect breeding grounds for far right thinking and policy. poland had a black striker several years ago whose name escapes me and he was about their best player - but he got booed by his own fans when he played. it's sad and horrible but socially they're just backwards. really hope it doesn't rear its head at the euros. but then perhaps it's a better thing that it does and gets acknowledged as a problem rather than policing the hell out of it and brushing it under the carpet.

    Yes it's all pretty sad really and I think that other venues should have been chosen until Poland and the Ukraine get their act together. Well I guess at least one England player will be popular with the opposing fans, by the name of John Terry.

  5. I downloaded it a few days ago (expat shield is great) and was shocked by what goes on over there! Sure, every country has issues with racism but nowhere near what is going on there. If the police do nothing during the Euros then matches will get called off and players might even walk.

    yeah it's going to be interesting to see how the policing is at matches. if england play ukraine in the group match and there's monkey chants at black english players i'd hope that the manager would just take the team off the pitch.

    We all hope that this will not happen, but it's very likely that it will, will reference to the video.

  6. Yes I think that Russia and Qatar was an equally strange decision. The gay angle did not cross my mind, but That must also be a worry for those concerned. Anyway should be fun playing in air conditioned stadiums.

    it's ok though, lovely uncle sepp says that "gay fans going to the world cup in qatar, where homosexuality is illegal, should refrain from sexual activity". bless him.

    The more I hear about this guy the more I dislike him.

    The thing that I do not understand about the white power groups is that they seem to hold Adolf Hitler in high esteem, which is strange when both of their Countries suffered very badly during the WW2.

  7. Well atleast other countries try and do something about it. The abuse of players week in week out is appalling in those countries.

    I suggest you get a grip.

    indeed. fifa's awarding of a world cup to russia which has similar endemic problems was as bad. see also qatar and its views on gay football fans attending the world cup.

    Yes I think that Russia and Qatar was an equally strange decision. The gay angle did not cross my mind, but That must also be a worry for those concerned. Anyway should be fun playing in air conditioned stadiums.

  8. Almost everything can be used as a platform t advance an agenda

    I think Panorama over cooked the true amount of issues and made a

    meal out of it for ratings.

    I am sure the people running security in Ukr and Pol. are well aware of

    any issues that might arise and know who the core of the trouble makers

    are and have plans in place

    IMO there will be no issues and everything has been blown out of proportion.

    Ever since the UK cracked down on hooligans traveling during big tournaments

    there has been little to no issues at major events.

    The level of racism at Polish and Ukrainian games is not new news, and it is not being sensationalised by the media. It's a cold reality.

    BTW, thanks bangkokrick for providing the link, i've been wanting to watch it myself....thumbsup.gif

    No worries mate. I have worked in that area of the world on numerous occasions and can confirm it is a cold reality.

  9. Holy narrow minded person

    Because one person or one group is racist or aledged to be racist

    does not mean the whole country is racist.

    IMO opinion there are racist people in every country in the world so

    where should they hod the EUROS / World Cups

    You saying there are no racists in Germany? South Africa? ...

    Get a fricken grip ...

    The racist groups are using football matches as a platform and nothing is being done about it. There will be a huge influx of foreign supporters at these football matches which will surely end with problems.

    I did not mention racism in other Countries because it is not relevant to this thread.

    I suggest that you get a grip on reality.

  10. I have finally located the disturbing Panorama documentary on the Polish/Ukraine football fanatics. What the hell are UEFA thinking of by allowing these out and out racist Countries to host the Championships. It will sadly end in tears.



    For those who have not seen it.

    • Like 1
  11. Venue is OK, but car parking is a nightmare. Used to be able to put yor car in Nirun, but Nirun is one big car park now

    And the roads full of stalls does not help. Small car park at the Shagwell itself too. But isn't it like that in most of Pattaya?

    3 cars outside my place last night but not a problem as I use the m/c taxis to go pubbing.

    Next time it would be better to bring a m/c or take a m/c taxi especially as this is expected to be a Bi-monthly event.

    Will you please publish the date of the next one I was out of the Country and missed it this time. Thanks.

  12. Gand I am in China at the moment on business and I took the high speed train 2 days ago. A normal 5 hour ride took 2 on the HST this gives me more time to visit customers and is a big plus for business. The cost was 75 Yuan around 7.50 GBP, so very cheap. The standards of the trains in my opinion is very high, akin to travelling in a plane. The carriages are comfortable and clean, no rubbish and graffiti like we see in the west. I really do not see a down side to this.

    Bring it on Thailand.

  13. Seems like this is really taking off.


    Proposed high-speed links to Europe and South-East Asia

    China is in negotiations to build a continent-spanning high-speed rail network with destinations as far away as London and Germany, within the next ten years. Chinese railway consultant from China's Academy of Engineering; Wang Mengshu, said the 8,157 km (5,069 mi) journey (from Beijing to London) would take just two days to complete, traveling at speeds of up to 345 km/h (215 mph). Mr Wang said that China was already in negotiations with 17 countries over the rail lines, which will draw together and open up the whole of Central, East and South East Asia. Mr Wang said the network would also allow China to transport valuable cargoes of raw materials more efficiently.

    Mr Wang said; "We have also already carried out the prospecting and survey work for the European network, and Central and Eastern European countries are keen for us to start," Mr Wang said. "The Northern network will be the third one to start, although China and Russia have already agreed on a high-speed line across Siberia, where one million Chinese already live." A second project would see trains heading north through Russia to Germany and into the European railway system, and a third line will extend south to connect Vietnam, Thailand, Burma and Malaysia.[18][19][20][21]

    Maybe 6 years could be possible!

    Shades of the autobahns.......

    But I guess they've got to spend some of their vast currency reserves on something.

    Never the less Beijing to London in 2 days would be awesome.

  14. Seems like this is really taking off.


    Proposed high-speed links to Europe and South-East Asia

    China is in negotiations to build a continent-spanning high-speed rail network with destinations as far away as London and Germany, within the next ten years. Chinese railway consultant from China's Academy of Engineering; Wang Mengshu, said the 8,157 km (5,069 mi) journey (from Beijing to London) would take just two days to complete, traveling at speeds of up to 345 km/h (215 mph). Mr Wang said that China was already in negotiations with 17 countries over the rail lines, which will draw together and open up the whole of Central, East and South East Asia. Mr Wang said the network would also allow China to transport valuable cargoes of raw materials more efficiently.

    Mr Wang said; "We have also already carried out the prospecting and survey work for the European network, and Central and Eastern European countries are keen for us to start," Mr Wang said. "The Northern network will be the third one to start, although China and Russia have already agreed on a high-speed line across Siberia, where one million Chinese already live." A second project would see trains heading north through Russia to Germany and into the European railway system, and a third line will extend south to connect Vietnam, Thailand, Burma and Malaysia.[18][19][20][21]

    Maybe 6 years could be possible!

  15. I am surprised his lawyers have not tried to get the US to charge him and get him extradited there ... but not sure even with the victim being a serviceman that the US could hold any jurisdiction.

    I thought the fact he allegedly murdered a US citizen gives them jurisdiction worldwide

    The US doesn't want garbage like him, they have enough of their own waiting inline

    That's right; its up to the US to decide. But if we want someone, you better believe we will get them no matter what "sovereign" country the are in. Just ask Mr. Bout for example.

    How do you like them apples?thumbsup.gif

    I think that you need to do some research before making outlandish statements. This article proves you wrong and it's also an interesting read.


  16. I am surprised his lawyers have not tried to get the US to charge him and get him extradited there ... but not sure even with the victim being a serviceman that the US could hold any jurisdiction.

    I thought the fact he allegedly murdered a US citizen gives them jurisdiction worldwide

    The US doesn't want garbage like him, they have enough of their own waiting inline

    That's right; its up to the US to decide. But if we want someone, you better believe we will get them no matter what "sovereign" country the are in. Just ask Mr. Bout for example.

    How do you like them apples?thumbsup.gif

    Some draconian states in the US still have the death penalty, so maybe not in this case.

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