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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. did the article say the army is in Parliament? escorting the PM about?

    has it started?

    They escorted her because she don´t know the way to parliament, and she don´t know how to use the GPS in her iphone.rolleyes.gif

    I got ahead of my self, the article said Soldiers so i assumed Army. I also wondered why the army and not the police were escorting her. As it turns out the unit is an counter-terrorism unit - and a police unit.

    it's easy to joke about the reasons, or state it was just a photo-op whatever. i'm now curious to why it had to be this particular police unit doing the security.

    Hell do they think she is a terrorist now!

  2. Concerning the idiot involved this comes as no surprise.

    UEFA president

    Michel Platini has confirmed referees have been instructed to call a halt to matches at this summer's tournament if a player is racially taunted.

    Yet the Frenchman also warned any player who left the field unilaterally in protest over abuse from the stands would be yellow carded.

    So a player that is racially abused and leaves the field will be yellow carded. Unbelievable!!!

  3. It seems the Dutch squad have already been the victims of monkey chanting in there training session yesterday and are going to speak with UEFA,

    I can see a major problem happening in one or two games here that will tar this tournament,unfortunately UEFA have made there bed by giving the two countries the Championships without thoughts on the racist undertones at the beginning.

    Quite a sobering environment for the players to be in especially visiting places such as Auschwitz and the Schindler museum.

    I can see a lot of countries players having deep rooted thoughts about what happened in the holocaust and any racial abuse could be the last straw for this tournament i am afraid.

    I hope i am proved wrong about this because i just want to see some great games and great performances by the best in Europe!

    I just read the same and it's shameful. This is a very bad start to a tournament that has not even begun. Lets hope that they can sort this out, so we get to see some good football matches.

  4. .......

    If there is potentially an issue with him and Terry being in the squad together and it may disrupt things or change other players' behaviour towards Terry then leave Rio out. Terry is more likely to be involved with the World Cup campaign and I doubt Rio will go beyond this tournament and if he wants to who knows when the next injury will come. Terry makes more sense and is also not guilty yet. If he's guilty then deal with that then and we have Cahill, Lescott and Jagielka going forward.


    At last, someone in the footie threads here who is not in the moral outrage majority when it comes to John Terry and who recognises the innocent until proven guilty concept!

    I hold no candles for the bloke, but I'm obviously missing something about his proven heinous crimes (of which I do not agree that shagging a colleague's ex- wife is one). When I've asked what I'm missing (I'm not plugged into tabloids) all I get is an outpouring of apparently unconsidered hate-mail from mostly Spurs fans.

    Three good reasons why Terry should not be picked. Footballing reasons.

    Perhaps he was still drunk on FA Cup success, or Chelsea’s brave John Terry simply had one of those night’s but his performance at Anfield was woeful.Besides the slip for Jordan Henderson’s goal it was the relentless nutmegging of JT by Liverpool strikers Luis Suarez and Andy Carroll that really stood out.Luis Suarez was first to pull out a nuts on the Chelsea defender before flashing a shot wide with seven minutes on the clock.

    The Uruguayan was next up to slip the ball through Terry’s legs before Michael Essien turned the ball into his own net.Terry’s ultimate humiliation though came just seconds later as Andy Carroll passed the ball through his legs on the halfway line.


  5. I give a dam_n less about soccer, True Vision screwed us American Fans about two years ago when they took real Football and other sports off the air once again over money. True Vision really has no vision for the future.

    Define real football. The real game was invented in England in the late 1800's. I think that you would have been riding around shooting Injuns at that time.

    I agree with your comment on True visions though.

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  6. I agree Mr Red, Terry should not be there and Ferdinand should. Can you imagine the atmosphere in the dressing room if they were both there. Given the fact that Terry is on trial for racist slurs and given the fact that they are playing in the racist Ukraine, he should not have been considered in my opinion.

  7. I watched this last week on the BBC and it followed with an interview with representatives from the Ukranian and Polish Embassy's (I think they were Ambassador's). They were extremely angry over the one sided view of the documentary and pointed out that this was not the norm. They both even "guaranteed"the safety of the fans. Time will tell but let's hope they are right.

    Yet they still feel the need to organise 'England fans only' areas. The question you have to ask yourselves is whether there would need to be a "Polish fans only" area for example, if the tournament was held in England. that would cause outrage.

    There is no doubt that documentary is one sided but it still contains quite enough evidence to be very condeming.

    Could be dangerous to have specific areas for the visiting fans. This way the possible trouble makers know exactly where everyone is.

  8. I have to agree that England have to play to their strengths, which on this occasion is their defence. Maybe the likes of Young and Welbeck can grab the odd goal on the break. Boring as this maybe I don't see that we have any other option with the squad that we have.

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