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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. Again, you're tripping. There is NO way that is going to happen. Period. Bet the house.

    This is sounding more like a way to diss Obama. No president would get involved in a situation like this. It's diplomatic insanity.

    Yep not even the Kennedy's.

  2. Human trafficking not modelling. An acquaintance of mine went to Singapore on what was supposed to be the deal of a lifetime and it turned out to be just that, for the pimp. She worked for a month and came back with nothing, as the trip organisers relieved her of every penny prior to departure for Thailand.

    Not trying to be funny, but it appears she went voluntarly and was "stiffed" on the business deal (forgive the pun) is this really human trafficking ? I mean she wasnt doing this against her will and one assumes she knew what she was getting into

    Maybe human trafficking is a bit strong, but she was relieved of her passport on arrival. She did not know what she was getting into as she was tricked into going with the lure of big money, she thought that she would be working freelance. She was introduced to many other Thai girls upon arrival, who fell for the same scam.These trips are nothing more than organised crime.

    Check her passport and see how many Singapore stamps are on it. Get what I am saying? There are probably 10,000 Thai women working in Singapore. Easy to check before a woman goes. Every Thai lady I know, knows someone working in Singapore.

    Agreed Kerry. I warned her against going, but got the usual 'farang tink too muts'

  3. Human trafficking not modelling. An acquaintance of mine went to Singapore on what was supposed to be the deal of a lifetime and it turned out to be just that, for the pimp. She worked for a month and came back with nothing, as the trip organisers relieved her of every penny prior to departure for Thailand.

    Not trying to be funny, but it appears she went voluntarly and was "stiffed" on the business deal (forgive the pun) is this really human trafficking ? I mean she wasnt doing this against her will and one assumes she knew what she was getting into

    Maybe human trafficking is a bit strong, but she was relieved of her passport on arrival. She did not know what she was getting into as she was tricked into going with the lure of big money, she thought that she would be working freelance. She was introduced to many other Thai girls upon arrival, who fell for the same scam.These trips are nothing more than organised crime.

  4. Saint George is also the patron Saint of these countries and was not even English. He was a Roman.

    He is patron saint not only of England but also of Aragon, Catalonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, Germany and Greece; and of Moscow, Istanbul, Genoa and Venice (second to Saint Mark). He's also patron saint of soldiers, archers, cavalry and chivalry, farmers and field workers, riders and saddlers, and he helps those suffering from leprosy, plague and syphilis. In recent years he has been adopted as patron saint of Scouts.

    Looks like we can all celebrate St Georges day!

  5. It's ironic that you Americans are complaining about the very thing that brought about your the Independence from Britain. That was all about paying British taxes for work done in the USA. Maybe you should form a new state and fight for independence from the USA?

    It would be ironic if it were TRUE. Sad to hear the British education system is so poor. Tsk tsk. bah.gif


    I think not oh learned one.

    'Events like the Boston 'Massacre' of 1770, when British troops fired on a mob that had attacked a British sentry outside Boston's State House, and the Boston 'tea-party' of 1773, when British-taxed tea was thrown into the harbour'.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't think that Robb was having a go at the Brits specifically, but just stating what he see's. I am British and proud of it, culture and all and yes that does include the pub culture. The thing is that when I was young British men mostly drank beer and the beer in Britain at that time was much weaker than that on the Continent. I think that the binge drinking culture is relatively new and certainly now a part of my generations upbringing. We Brits drink as a matter of course for social and business reasons. I don't think that I ever missed an early evening drink following a hard day at work. The other thing was that if you needed any work doing there was always someone in the Pub that could do it, so a great meeting point.

    The Asians will be the next number 1 in the world ranking with drinks like Lao Khaow and the Chinese Pijo not to mention the Japanese Saki. All very strong and mind bending drinks.

  7. I don't think that this relates to people having drink problems or drink controlling their lives, it is much more to do with socialising. We live in the Land of bars and drink is available just about everywhere you go and at any time of the day, not so in the UK. When foreigners meet up in Bangkok or where ever it usually involves a bar of some description, Beer bar Girly bar, Gogo bar, Sports bar or whatever. It's fairly normal to congregate around watering holes and restaurants in any society.

    The difference here is that there are a lot of retired and single men who probably get bored and feel lonely, so feel the need for company, so they go to the bars and why not? Tourists are tourists and will drink on their vacations, as they do in any Country. Spain springs to mind. This leads to another contributing factor and that is the constant hot weather.There is nothing like a cold beer on a scorching hot day and this is something that we rarely get in the UK.

    In my village in the UK we had one pub, the girls in the pub wore green outdoor jackets and Wellington's, it was pissing it down most days. Hardly an attraction! To answer your question, I drink much more regularly in Thailand than I did in the UK, due to the above points.

    I have to say though that the people that I drink with here in Thailand are of many nationalities, including the Dutch, so it's not just a Brit thing.

    • Like 2
  8. If it is an April fools joke, it is totally irresponsible to post it. A lot of people will read and believe this. No I have not had a sense of humour breakdown.

    I have buried several friends who were killed in motorcycle accidents, two of them at 17 years of age. I regret the passing of them all and their lives still reverberate till this day, we still talk about them and we still laugh at our memories of them.

    I can say that without contradiction every single one of my friends would be in on this joke from the start, because when they were alive that's exactly what they were, alive.

    Not brain dead like you.............

    So give us all peace with your judgemental attitude and toddle off to the Misery Clinic, bye bye.

    Far from brain dead as you put it. I just find the joke not funny because some will and have been misled by it. Look at some of the replies, they have fallen hook line and sinker. Safety issues for the roads in Thailand are not to be joked about for obvious reasons. I did think that the Viagra wind up was funny though. I guess that the 'misery clinic' that you refer is in Glasgow'.

    You will see how judgemental I am being when you see the road death statistics following the Songkran festival. Many of them as a result of not wearing a helmet.

  9. If it is an April fools joke, it is totally irresponsible to post it. A lot of people will read and believe this. No I have not had a sense of humour breakdown.

    how can your sense of humour break down if it did not exist in the first place.

    Not every one is as thick as you, relax. It will be fine.

    I understand that April Fools may be difficult for you but its pretty much over now.

    I treat this post with the contempt it deserves. I guess that you were born on April the first because the hat fits nicely.


    Happy Birthday nocturn

  10. If it is an April fools joke, it is totally irresponsible to post it. A lot of people will read and believe this. No I have not had a sense of humour breakdown.

    how can your sense of humour break down if it did not exist in the first place.

    Not every one is as thick as you, relax. It will be fine.

    I understand that April Fools may be difficult for you but its pretty much over now.

    I treat this post with the contempt it deserves. I guess that you were born on April the first because the hat fits nicely.

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