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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. I'm not against it either Gerrard is a 100% player and unlike a few others I think that he is proud to play for his Country. The other shocker for me is Caroll over Crouch based on the last 2 games of the season. Crouchy has been a lot more consistent this season. Anyway I really hope that Roy has got it right and we get some pride back in English football.

  2. Again we get the Gerrard and Lampard combination which has proven to be unworkable in the past. We don't have a hope in hell in this competition.

    Gerrard has just been confirmed as captain. Safe to say he'll be starting then.

    ..and Terry will undermine him again..

    I concur.

  3. How can­ Downing with his 36 games no goals and no assists get­ into an England team im sure even Rio has better stats­ than that. Adam Johnson would have been a better­ choice despite his lack of starts, would have been a­ good player to bring on, if a quick goal was needed.

  4. Again we get the Gerrard and Lampard combination which has proven to be unworkable in the past. We don't have a hope in hell in this competition.

    Gerrard has just been confirmed as captain. Safe to say he'll be starting then.

    Well Lucid he is the best option I think. At least he can organise the team.

  5. My Thai sister in law opened a Thai whiskey bar outside her house. just a bar selling the strong multi coloured Thai whiskey and she was doing very well by local standards. Within a week...............

    a free market would dictate that in this situation the one that did it best would triumph.

    A friend of mine opened up a coffee and sandwich shop beside another enterprise that was offering a similar, but inferior service.

    her prices were higher, the quality of her coffee and food were better, and, most importantly, her service was far superior in that she could serve 2-3 people in the time the competition took to serve 1.

    she was able to do this because she was organised and actually took the time to observe the competition and determine where they were going wrong.

    happy, well trained staff, an understanding of the product, customer relations, well-defined processes and quality control drove the competition out in a matter of months.

    others have tried in the area and since failed.

    I completely agree Nocturn and just for your info the others also faded away quickly.

  6. Left Swampy for Shanghai on the evening of the 12th May 22.00 and was in and out of immigration in around 2 minutes. It took around 15 Minutes to get through security even though there was a large queue. Things appear to be a lot more organised and there are more staff directing people. This is a huge improvement, so long may it continue. Credit where credits due.

  7. My Thai sister in law opened a Thai whiskey bar outside her house. just a bar selling the strong multi coloured Thai whiskey and she was doing very well by local standards. Within a week...............

  8. how about MBK ,400 mobile shops crammed next door to each other on the same floor ......

    does it make it easier to harder to choose a phone ? smile.png

    I just never know which one to choose, so go for the nearest first.

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