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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. Yes, the Nokia Symbian smartphones do represent a tremendous value for the consumer. The N8 can still be found new at less than 50% of the original price, and the C7 is available now for just under 7,000 baht. Nokia's desperation to keep top-line revenue from cratering, OK it's already cratered, means they are just about giving product away at near/below cost. Sure the quality has dipped quite a bit but still, for a 2nd phone, or even a throw-away, they are certainly passable. Now if they had all the features of a decent mid-range Android phone I'd certainly recommend one.

    What features are you referring to Lomatopo?

  2. Nokia Belle device (C7). Very happy with it.

    Half price than iPhones, Samsung Flagships.

    Advantages: High built quality, fantastic sound system, 5-Band 3G for world travel, better RF reception, best GPS, free worldwide offline navigation with regular map updates, better battery than most smartphones, slick and small for my front pocket.

    Disadvantage: Not many games, a phone for adults only. smile.png

    Today I would buy a 701 or wait for the 808 Pureview.

    I have the same phone and I just can not fault it. It also has a very good camera on board.

  3. Ok, so I had a 30 day package with True Move H for 3g to use with my aircard as previously mentioned. I used up my allowed fair usage (3g)... so now I am trying to purchase a new plan so that I can get off of the bare minimum reduced internet speed it allows for. But this does not appear possible.

    When I enter in the code of the package I want to order, the SMS reply in Thai says that I already have unlimited internet. But I just want to start over so that my internet speed goes back up again. Does anyone have any experience with this?

    Do I seriously have to wait until the end of the 30 days and cannot buy a new package right now?

    In my experience you will have to wait for the 30 day period to complete. I am being choked for 75% of the month every month, not so good from the users point of view.

  4. To the OP.......sorry I cant quote you. Thaivisa why is there still no quote icon on initial post ??

    Anyway can I ask how much your True Dongle was in Pattaya and what price you pay for that 3gb limit ??

    Is coverage good all over Pattaya in particular east of Sukumvit or the darkside as some like to call it ??

    Hi Chivas

    I am paying 999 Baht a month for my package and it works well in my location which is actually on the darkside, so no worries. I think I paid around a 1000 Baht for the upgraded dongle to replace mu original Hutch dongle.

  5. Russian signs ruining "Thai culture" - in **Pattaya**!

    Pattaya has had very little sign of any decent aspects of Thai culture since it evolved from a small fishing village into the Sodom and Gomorrah of today.

    The whole place is built on tourism, it's whole purpose, like that of Las Vegas, is cashflow, getting as quick a return on investment as possible.

    You don't like the Russians or seeing Thais accommodate their needs? Fine, move to a place the Russians don't like. You want to find a place that accommodates English-speaking tourists but not Russians? That's asking a bit much.

    What about the Indians, Arabs, Iranians? Brazilians don't need to come here, they have everything Pattaya offers right at home. Persians, Koreans, Turks? All these countries are on the ascendancy economically, their citizens will have far more to spend when they travel than the average english-speaking tourist, we'll continue to become less and less "favored" in popular destinations, no matter your opinion of their manners.

    Get used to it.

    I cant remember saying that I did not like Russian's, but I did say that I do not like the 'Russification' of Pattaya and other areas of Thailand. The Countries that you mention, Indians, Arabs, Iranians are in fact English speaking and the tourists do speak English. It appears to be only the Russians that don't. I take your point about the tourist base changing and believe that there will be many more from the emerging Countries, such as China and India.

    I really don't understand why people are putting so much importance on the Russian language because it is only spoken in Russia and the ex USSR Countries. To learn this language would be a complete waste of time, unless you lived in one of these Countries or are indeed a Thai tour guide, unlike English which is spoken world wide.

  6. It's only an extra 100 baht for 5gb rather than 3gb... If your usage habits nuked a 3gb package in 2 days, being "a little more careful" isn't going to help much. smile.png

    I find I can get about a week out of a 5gb package then potter along at 384kbps for the rest of the month...

    Thanks Bobl I will look into that.

  7. Maybe some, but I am not a pensioner I don't pay bar fines and I don't drink in 7/11's. Interesting point though. Lets imagine that the Russians target Paris for their next tourist destination. Will the French rewrite the signs, menu's etc in Russian. I very much doubt it, so why do the Thais.

    Have you ever been to Italy? Some of the restaurants do have Russian menues.

    Just as you dislike Russian signs and menues, I dislike the people who go on yapping about disliking other nationalities and so I'm stating my opinion which is Go back to your English only speaking country. That if you're actually English.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Been to Italy numerous times and never seen a Russian menu. I will be in Bulgaria on Saturday and I will see Bulgarian signs, menus, Gypsies, Churches and Bulgarian culture, just as I would expect to. English is not as strong as Bulgarian or Russian in Bulgaria, but I will get by using my phrase book, just as I did when I came to Thailand. I don't expect the signs or menus to be in English just as I don't expect the signs to be in Russian when I am in Thailand. To me this just kills the culture of the Country.

    I really don't know how I will get through life knowing that you don't like me. whistling.gif

    English is the pure evil then as it's already killed the cultures of many countries.

    I couldn't care less how you go through your life.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    One could argue that a common language brings the world closer together.

    Your last comment. Ditto.

  8. I don't expect the signs to be in Russian when I am in Thailand. To me this just kills the culture of the Country.

    Considering English is not a official language in Thailand, one could argue the same thing about English usage in Thailand.

    One could well argue that, but English for whatever reasons seems to be the way of the world.

  9. Hi Lomatopo my speed has been restricted to 384 Kbps and I think that I am on the 3 GB limits so that ties in with what you say. I will have to be a little more careful next month. Thanks for the explanation.

  10. I used to be with Hutch for my mobile internet connection and moved over to True H when they took over Hutch. Went to the shop in Pattaya and came away with my new True move H dongle. Easy set up and I was soon surfing at 7.2 MBPS. Oh happy day. Two days go by and then I am told by sm's that they will be limiting my Internet speed due to me breaking the 'fair usage policy'

    I use the Internet for general surfing, email and to watch a few Youtube videos and live streaming from time to time. The reason I paid a higher subscription is so that I could do the aforementioned without the videos breaking up, otherwise I could have stayed with the slower speed. Is anyone else being 'choked' by True?

    What is fair usage>

  11. Maybe some, but I am not a pensioner I don't pay bar fines and I don't drink in 7/11's. Interesting point though. Lets imagine that the Russians target Paris for their next tourist destination. Will the French rewrite the signs, menu's etc in Russian. I very much doubt it, so why do the Thais.

    Have you ever been to Italy? Some of the restaurants do have Russian menues.

    Just as you dislike Russian signs and menues, I dislike the people who go on yapping about disliking other nationalities and so I'm stating my opinion which is Go back to your English only speaking country. That if you're actually English.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Been to Italy numerous times and never seen a Russian menu. I will be in Bulgaria on Saturday and I will see Bulgarian signs, menus, Gypsies, Churches and Bulgarian culture, just as I would expect to. English is not as strong as Bulgarian or Russian in Bulgaria, but I will get by using my phrase book, just as I did when I came to Thailand. I don't expect the signs or menus to be in English just as I don't expect the signs to be in Russian when I am in Thailand. To me this just kills the culture of the Country.

    I really don't know how I will get through life knowing that you don't like me. whistling.gif

  12. The Thais that I have spoken to also dislike these rude, loud and offensive Russians that generally spend no money other than in 7/11s. They take their own food and drink into bars and restaurants and think that that is OK. Your arguments are nonsensical and you are obviously trolling.

    And the Thai's I know have made the same comments about the cheap charlie, football shirt wearing, balded headed, tattooed, louts that come on holiday from the UK....so whats your point...

    I suspect the average western farang in Thailand is frightened of the Russian invasion simply because they expect the cost of the bar fines is going to go up, as is the price of beer at the 7/11 and their pensions will not stretch that far...

    I have a number of Russian guys who I work with and you wouldnt meet nicer guys anywhere....Although I am not Russian, this thread is just offense ...what right does the average pot bellied, smelly, cheap charlie, OAP, western farang with his 23 year old splay toed Isaan teerak have to criticise what the Russian tourists are doing ?

    There is an old blues song with title..."before you accuse me, take a look at yourself".....think this applies in this case

    Well my suggestion good sir is that if the post offends you in the way that it does..... don't read it and find something else to read......I believe there is a good thread running on Manchester United. Hopefully you wont find that too offensive.

    As for me.....well you couldn't be more wrong......but hey I don't have to defend myself to you....now do I.

    The great thing about TV forum is there is great people out here who really have interesting things to say. Of course the opposite also applies here too. But hey you take the good with the bad right??

    WOW 24 hours on TV...and the OP is playing wannbe mod...whistling.gif ....congrats

    I was actually responding to "bangkokrick" post...Am I permitted to comment all powerful Arjan..?

    I suspect the average western farang in Thailand is frightened of the Russian invasion simply because they expect the cost of the bar fines is going to go up, as is the price of beer at the 7/11 and their pensions will not stretch that far...

    Maybe some, but I am not a pensioner I don't pay bar fines and I don't drink in 7/11's. Interesting point though. Lets imagine that the Russians target Paris for their next tourist destination. Will the French rewrite the signs, menu's etc in Russian. I very much doubt it, so why do the Thais.

  13. Because I came to Thailand to live with Thais not Russians. All the signs, menu's and even TV channels showing are now in Russian. If I had have wanted this I would have moved to Moscow. Russian is not the world language.

    Do you have some personal issues with Russians or something? Did you ever think about why menues are in English in pretty much every country you go to? Maybe it's because so many visitors of that country speak English? Maybe Pattaya and Phuket have their menues in Russian because there are so many Russian tourists that it's worth making a Russian verion of their menue to benefit their businesses from all the Russian tourists? You don't read anyone bitching about having English menues and signs in Thailand, can you read Thai? I bet you can't so how does English is right and Russian is wrong? A simple answer for you - go back where you came from to your English ONLY country and stop bitchin'.

    I have the right to my opinion and just because it is not the same as yours does not make it wrong. What has it got to do with you whether I read Thai or not and also what right do you have to decide where I stay. I have been in Thailand for many years and have no intention of leaving. I just find it distasteful that the Russian language signage is spoiling the Eastern seaboard. Can't wait for the influx of Chinese then at least we can have Asian language signs.

  14. Back to the topic, if it wasn't for so-called Russian tour guides, there wouldn't be so many Russians coming to Thailand, I've noticed most of them don't speak any English. They buy an all-inclusive package (hotel room and all the sight seengs) and go with a group. Does anyone really thinks that a Thai who can say "Privet, kak dela?" can lead that group around the country? OP, think about it this way: you think you know your way around Thailand cuz you've been here many times and you agreed to give your buddies a tour around to show them all the fine places, someone comes to you and say that you have to <deleted> off and let a Thai do it, what would you think? Yes they're getting paid for being guides but that's because nobody can rea;;ly speak the Russain except for Russain nationals.

    You are not allowed to work in Thailand without a work permit. They are taking Thai jobs and breaking the law.

  15. You may have missed the fact that English is the world language. The Thais that I have spoken to also dislike these rude, loud and offensive Russians that generally spend no money other than in 7/11s. They take their own food and drink into bars and restaurants and think that that is OK. Your arguments are nonsensical and you are obviously trolling.

    Another nonsense post of yours! I know plenty of non-Russians who shop at 7-11 for the most part, and English being the world language doesn't change the fact that you're in Thailand and Russians are a big part of Thailand visitors, big enough to make it worth it make some menues and signs in Russian!. As I said earlier, go back to your English only country or stop bithcin'.

    Hope you have a great time with your impoverished Russian friends dining outside the 7/11. You might want to learn the language too and then you can really be somebody.

  16. It also annoys me when I am walking on Jomtien beach road and I am approached by a Russian tout offering me a tour. I bet that it annoys the legitimate Thais more than me or the OP.

    Why does it annoy you more if the tout is Russian? Russian tout, Thai tout, Nigerian tout...makes no difference to me...

    Because I came to Thailand to live with Thais not Russians. All the signs, menu's and even TV channels showing are now in Russian. If I had have wanted this I would have moved to Moscow. Russian is not the world language.

    LOL, surely you can see the absolute hypocrisy in your statement? So it's OK for you, a non-Thai, to be in Thailand and have everything written in English for you, but you want to keep everyone else out, especially foreign languages...except English of course...

    Maybe the Russians don't want you around? Maybe they moved here to be with Thais...maybe they don't want to see menus in English, if they'd wanted that they would have moved to London...

    You may have missed the fact that English is the world language. The Thais that I have spoken to also dislike these rude, loud and offensive Russians that generally spend no money other than in 7/11s. They take their own food and drink into bars and restaurants and think that that is OK. Your arguments are nonsensical and you are obviously trolling.

  17. It just annoys me that people get away with this.....when so many of us have to bend over backwards to live a legitimate life and keep our papers in order.

    No need to be so flippant. The guy has a point the Russians are running ragged the immigration and business laws. I see it daily in Pattaya, but nothing will happen because as we all know. Money talks!

    It just annoys you that you "have to" and they don't, pure jealousy.

    I to wonder where did all those Russians suddenly come from? 3 or 4 years ago I dont remember them!

    No, even ten years ago there were plenty around Pattaya. Been spreading ever since, no sudden increase, you just started tuning into them then.

    Jealous of what you tosser.

  18. It also annoys me when I am walking on Jomtien beach road and I am approached by a Russian tout offering me a tour. I bet that it annoys the legitimate Thais more than me or the OP.

    Why does it annoy you more if the tout is Russian? Russian tout, Thai tout, Nigerian tout...makes no difference to me...

    Because I came to Thailand to live with Thais not Russians. All the signs, menu's and even TV channels showing are now in Russian. If I had have wanted this I would have moved to Moscow. Russian is not the world language.

  19. No need to be so flippant. The guy has a point the Russians are running ragged the immigration and business laws. I see it daily in Pattaya, but nothing will happen because as we all know. Money talks!

    He's not just "pointing it out", he's stating that it "annoys him"...and I'm saying that how someone else conducts their own personal matters, which have absolutely no affect on the OP, are none of his business and certainly nothing for him to be "annoyed" about.

    It also annoys me when I am walking on Jomtien beach road and I am approached by a Russian tout offering me a tour. I bet that it annoys the legitimate Thais more than me or the OP.

  20. It just annoys me that people get away with this.....when so many of us have to bend over backwards to live a legitimate life and keep our papers in order.

    This attitude has no place in Thailand IMHO. Do you constantly walk around pissed off, thinking "Why is that guy not wearing a crash helmet?", "Why is that store selling alcohol during prohibited hours?", "Why is this shop willing waive VAT"...

    If you wanted Big Brother nanny state constantly crawling up everyone's ass...might be best to board a plane.

    You have chosen the security of doing things the right way; others haven't... you made your choice, they made theirs.

    No need to be so flippant. The guy has a point the Russians are running ragged the immigration and business laws. I see it daily in Pattaya, but nothing will happen because as we all know. Money talks!

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