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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. live in CM but have a Boss < 3 years old, <8,000 Km in Chaing Mai. Bags, top box, etc PM me if you interested

    8,000 not 80,000!

    Ok,tell us the secret why you sell it at that price while you can get at least 4 times the money by just walking into any second hand dealer.

    I think that he is talking about mileage not the price.

  2. live in CM but have a Boss < 3 years old, <8,000 Km in Chaing Mai. Bags, top box, etc PM me if you interested

    8,000 not 80,000!

    Ok,tell us the secret why you sell it at that price while you can get at least 4 times the money by just walking into any second hand dealer.

    I think that he is talking about mileage not the price.

  3. I think it would help if you list the req what you think they are ?

    I will post this because it might help someone else.

    Your passport, with a current Non-O visa

    - Wife's ID card

    - Tambien baan, or rental/lease contract

    - Photos of the house, you and the wife in the house, clothes in the closet, etc

    - Two passport-size photos of you...white background, no hat, etc.

    - Documents showing 40000 THB/month income...yours, your wife's, or combined

    - In the case of your wife, documents showing payment of taxes

    - If your income is from Thailand, documents showing payment of taxes

    - If your income is from abroad, you need a document from your embassy showing "certification of income". You fill out the paper, sign it, the embassy notarizes your signature. There is no other check involved.

    - You might want to have copies of your paystubs for the last year if your income is from overseas...but do not offer them unless asked

    - Marriage certificate

    - "Hand-drawn" map to the residence. I used Visio to create a map.

    - Completed TM7 (application for extension of stay). Yes, they have them at Immigration, but if you get the soft copy, you can fill it out on your computer and print it...much better. Plus you are ready when you go in, not filling out a document when they call your number.

    - Photocopies of all of the above. I had the originals, plus two copies of each document...except for the photos

  4. Another Ferang with stupid idea.......

    Not only here but else where as well. Why do these people think they, as Farang, have the right to try to change the culture of a country they only have very limited visitors rights in!

    Got me knackered why the OP and others don't return to the perfect world from where they came.

    Where did anyone say that they came from a perfect world. This is a typical 'Iv'e been in Thailand longer than you' post and therefore you know nothing bout Thai culture. The majority of my Thai friends were also very upset to see dogs treated in this manner, but it appears that you know better than them.

    Thailand has and is changing due to Western/Eastern influences and that is called progress.

  5. This type of thread is good in the sense that one can see who the bigots are amongst us in the forum.

    You seem to be suggesting that people should not be treated as people, despite their actions.

    Are people that set fire to buildings knowing that there are people inside, really people?

    Of course they are people, and they should be treated as such:

    Made to pay for their crimes, have their benefits removed and expected to work just like all other people.

    My point is that the lefty loonies don't treat them like people before these things happen. They treat them like fragile crystal glasses that should be wrapped in cotton wool and bubble wrap.

    Thanks for explaining that, I took it the other way.

  6. If you kick the crap out of an Anarchist and rob him will he call the police?

    But of course!

    everybody owes them and their kind ,even the Police who they are prepared to fight,

    they will use them one day, and fight them the next, their Goal is to bring society down,and take power,anyway possible.

    Their goal is purely monetary, looting shops of expensive goods to sell n the black market, nothing to do with taking power.

  7. Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

    Poetic justice

    Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

    I think that the Government will already have thought of that one. Otherwise I agree that it would be a pointless exercise. I am just glad to see that they are taking a very firm stand against looters. They have been under fire for not taking a strong stance in the past few days.

  8. The ignorance and stupidity here is abound isn't it?!

    It's a different culture - who are you to come into THEIR country and criticize??

    What about kids playing soccer - impossible for a kid to get kicked in the head in that sport aswell???

    Kids should be born in padded rooms and left there until they're old and withered just so they don't get injured...

    Yes I guess it is from your end. It is indeed their Country and they can do what they want, but that does not mean that everyone has to agree with it. I will ask the question again as nobody has yet replied. Do you condone 3 year old kids being made to fight for money in packed arena's?

    Personally I don't think this happens much. I know you think it does but I have seen older children. So I really don't believe your statement about 3 year olds. If you said 10 or 12 I might find it believable even 7 for training. But be that as it may I would certainly not interfere. There are at least three threads running now in this forum about instilling Western values or morals or laws in Thailand. I would suggest to all that the West has enough nanny state problems with the economy, lack of morals and lazy thieving behavior demonstrated recently in England and other countries to keep it's darn ideas to itself. Thailand is a nice little country and has been for a long time. It is no threat to anyone. If you really want to help out, go to China. They are a threat both economically and if they get the chance they will kill the rest of the world. Your thinking style would go a long way to blunting their killer instinct. The British empire and the American empire are things of the past the nannies won; the Chinese deserve there chance to deal with people like you. Give em heck with my blessings.

    I have worked in China for the past 13 years and have never heard or seen anything like like this. I suggest that you visit China and refresh your ideas. The Chinese adore their children and that is maybe because that they can only have one..Gone are the days of the grey suit and the red book. Thailand has traded with china for many year and they have more akin with them than the western countries. That is why there will be changes in this country and why more Asian countries will soon be tied to the Yuan and not the dollar.

  9. The ignorance and stupidity here is abound isn't it?!

    It's a different culture - who are you to come into THEIR country and criticize??

    What about kids playing soccer - impossible for a kid to get kicked in the head in that sport aswell???

    Kids should be born in padded rooms and left there until they're old and withered just so they don't get injured...

    Yes I guess it is from your end. It is indeed their Country and they can do what they want, but that does not mean that everyone has to agree with it. I will ask the question again as nobody has yet replied. Do you condone 3 year old kids being made to fight for money in packed arena's?

  10. Are YOU for real? How do you "force" a three year-old to do ANYTHING he doesn't want to do? You are assuming force because it fits in better with your world view. My three year-old nephew would jump into the ring with nO prompting whatsoever. And how much damaged you really think one three year-old can inflict on another?

    Let's go to the polls, shall we? And no use of emotional, exaggerated verbiage such as "infant", "abuse", or "force", please.

    Richard it appears that the only thing that we have in common is our first name. If you want o go to the polls go ahead and do it. I ask again did you see the documentary? All three words are relevant to this thread because that is what it is.

    What were you doing at 3 years old by the way?

    I was fighting for the heavyweight championship of the world. smile.gif

    I rest my case as you are obviously brain damaged!

  11. Are YOU for real? How do you "force" a three year-old to do ANYTHING he doesn't want to do? You are assuming force because it fits in better with your world view. My three year-old nephew would jump into the ring with nO prompting whatsoever. And how much damaged you really think one three year-old can inflict on another?

    Let's go to the polls, shall we? And no use of emotional, exaggerated verbiage such as "infant", "abuse", or "force", please.

    Richard it appears that the only thing that we have in common is our first name. If you want o go to the polls go ahead and do it. I ask again did you see the documentary? All three words are relevant to this thread because that is what it is.

    What were you doing at 3 years old by the way?

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