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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. It's a bit strange because reading US ambassador Kristie Kenney's twitter, it's clear that the US military is already helping out: http://twitter.com/#...!/KristieKenney

    'Proud of US sailors fm USS Mustain (GW carrier group). Donations, working w kids, flying helo missions over Thai flood areas.'

    'For those asking, US Marine humanitarian team working on Thai flood relief. USS Mustain (GW carrier group) in port.'

    So the govt obviously hasn't point blank refused US help.

    At last someone can see this. I posted this tweet ages ago and it did not impress. It's pretty obvious that the US is helping albeit it a limited way.

  2. ACSlogo_normal.jpgACSBKK ACS Bangkok RT @kristiekenney: Proud of US sailors fm USS Mustain. Donations, working w kids, flying helo missions over Thai flood areas.

    That's terrific of the crew of the USS Mustin to provide assistance.

    It's a shame that the several hundred-fold increase in assistance possible from the USS George Washington Carrier Task Force 70 was declined.

    You are arguing with yourself. I already said many times that the Thais should have accepted US assistance. Yes it is a shame, but not unexpected by the novice PM.

    I'm not "arguing," clarifying the scope and potential is my aim.

    The real shame is that clone PM declined assistance that could have helped her country tremendously.


    I totally agree.

  3. ACSlogo_normal.jpgACSBKK ACS Bangkok RT @kristiekenney: Proud of US sailors fm USS Mustain. Donations, working w kids, flying helo missions over Thai flood areas.

    That's terrific of the crew of the USS Mustin to provide assistance.

    It's a shame that the several hundred-fold increase in assistance possible from the USS George Washington Carrier Task Force 70 was declined.


    You are arguing with yourself. I already said many times that the Thais should have accepted US assistance. Yes it is a shame, but not unexpected by the novice PM.

  4. Bucholz,

    The point is that they have not rejected help from the US if a US ship is providing help. It's futile arguing over a detail when the country is facing disaster

    are you basing you case on one tweet? The only aid from the US so far, in the press, is a few million baht and some marines delivering empty sandbags. When you have more than a tweet, please share your source. Thanks

    So what are you basing your case on? The original tweet came from the US Embassy Bangkok

  5. Bucholz,

    The point is that they have not rejected help from the US if a US ship is providing help. It's futile arguing over a detail when the country is facing disaster

    10 marines lifting sandbags from a destroyer is not really called accepting aid. A carrier could provide the logistics of a small city.

    If you read my posts you will see that I am totally in favour of the US fleet helping Thailand and oddly enough I am a Brit. Aid is aid period.

  6. Recent tweet:

    RT @KristieKenney: For those asking, US Marine humanitarian team working on Thai flood relief. USS Mustain (GW carrier group) in port.

    seems we have been misinformed.

    There is no USS Mustain in the U.S. Navy inventory.

    There is a USS Mustin.

    Apparently it has stayed in Thailand while the USS George Washington and its other escort ships have left Thailand and are bound for Japan.

    So now you expect me to be an expert on the US Navy fleet? I am just passing on updated news when it is relevant.

    I humbly thank you for the correction an I hope you feel better now.

    No expectation for you to be an expert, but hopefully, there is an expectation of accuracy in other comments beyond the Tweet, which was the point of my reply.


    The inference of the post was that US help has been rejected, but it seems that it has not in this case. It does not really matter which ship is involved does it?

  7. To refuse help from the US is bordering on insanity. What is better, to lose 'face' or to lose lives?

    The way things are going the Government will end up begging for International help. The flood is the tip of the iceberg,as the coming diseases are going to be the biggest problem.

    Why do you think like this?

    The USA is trying to make MONEY out of other peoples suffering - all countries that accept "The offer" will be handed a HUGE OVER INFLATED BILL later on, of course this can be negotiated later on BUT SELLING your PEOPLES SOLES to the DEVIL is not the right way to go.

    Face up to the real world Rick, as the Thai politicians obviously do, they are not stupid as you are inferring. :ermm:

    I think like this because there are many people in Thailand that need urgent help. There are food and water shortages and I am sure that the US could help with this problem. Their helicopters would also come in very handy.With reference to payback I think that you are being paranoid.

  8. Recent tweet:

    RT @KristieKenney: For those asking, US Marine humanitarian team working on Thai flood relief. USS Mustain (GW carrier group) in port.

    seems we have been misinformed.

    There is no USS Mustain in the U.S. Navy inventory.

    There is a USS Mustin.

    Apparently it has stayed in Thailand while the USS George Washington and its other escort ships have left Thailand and are bound for Japan.

    So now you expect me to be an expert on the US Navy fleet? I am just passing on updated news when it is relevant.

    I humbly thank you for the correction an I hope you feel better now.

  9. Just need one of Thaksins family in the military now and its game over.

    Nice one Rick,... remind me to never get into a game of chess with you,.. your strategies would be unbeatable :rolleyes:

    Urrrum, you must not be much of a chess player then. Moves that obvious are only found in checkers actually. It's not nearly that simple though. You can put people in charge of stuff but until you have the country by the balls you can't get their hearts and minds to follow. You can't just put some token loyalist in charge of the military and expect everyone to follow them. And then there is the Monarchy. Not to mention it was not just the army and their leadership but everyday people that made the last uprising successful.

    Dont play chess or checkers, but this strategy is obviously being used to to pave the way for Thaksins return. If he controls the Government, Police and the Military, who is going to arrest him on the tarmac?

  10. I was in a similar situation as I work offshore so got a letter from my company explaining the situation and was able to obtain a second UK passport.

    Might I ask to whom you applied to be considered for a 2nd passport.

    I doubt Hong Kong would have the authority, and besides they now only process applications, which are then forwarded to the UK for passport printing, before being couriered back to Thailand.

    I actually got my original second passport from Bangkok, working in the offshore industry it is a very common practice and no one at the BKK Consulate section batted an eyelid when I applied. I still have to submit a letter stating my reasons for second passport every time I renew and to date have had no problems.

    I just got my 2nd passport back without a covering letter, so maybe no longer necessary. I originally applied for my 2nd passport at the UK Embassy Bangkok, showing a letter from my company as support.

  11. ours is the same rick doesnt bark much only when there's danger [snake or takarb] he has a new freind he sits and watches a white squirrel who comes in the garden to eat the pappaya i dont think he has a mean streak in his body,maybe its down to me and mrs meat when he came to us he was in a bad way 10-15kilo's under weight,high temp.caught a dose off some bitch when he got loose,the vet done a great job apart from the injections he put him on a drip and came to see him every day, you couldnt have a better freind he knows we saved his life and repays us the only way he can.[loyalty] he even greets the vet when he comes to give him his heartworm injection.and oh god he loves women.

    Sounds like a great dog, Meat, pun intended. We had a similar situation with our dog when we fist got him, he was very small and in my opinion too young to be sold bt TIT i guess. He would not eat or drink, so the wife fed him with a dropper. It too a while for him to get right, but after that he follows the wife everywhere. They are very devoted animals.

    A lot of the wife's mates won't visit any more because he is continually trying to rut them. lol

    Seems like the dogs have a lot in common.

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